Similarweb Top Websites Scraper
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Similarweb Top Websites Scraper
1 day trial then $29.00/month - No credit card required now
Scrape top websites from Similarweb. Get the website URL, country, category rank, and rank change. Follow marketing trends, track top sites across countries and industries. Extract the most popular sites on Similarweb and export to JSON, CSV, and Excel.
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3 monthly users
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>99% runs succeeded
Created in Dec 2024
Modified 11 days ago
What is Similarweb?
Similarweb is a platform known for its extensive website traffic data that offers more than 550 million websites and web traffic conditions. It provides insights such as category ranking, overall ranking, traffic estimates, and referral sources for each website.
What is Similarweb Top Websites Scraper?
Similarweb Top Websites Scraper is a dedicated web scraping tool that enables you to extract a broad array of data from the Top Websites section of Similarweb quickly and efficiently.
What data can I extract from Similarweb?
Using this web scraper, you will be able to extract the following data from Top Websitessection of Similarweb:
Field | Type | Description |
position | number | Position of the website in the list |
site | string | Site domain |
favicon | string | Site favicon |
rankChange | number | Rank change |
categoryId | string | Category ID |
visitsAvgDuration | string | Average visit duration |
pagesPerVisit | number | Pages per visit |
bounceRate | number | Bounce rate |
isNewRank | boolean | Whether the site is new rank |
listUrl | string | URL of the list |
Why scrape data from Similarweb?
You might ask: why scrape data from Top Websites section of Similarweb at all? Well, there are many ways how this web data could be put to use, including but not limited to:
- Competitor analysis: Identify direct competitors and emerging disruptors in your industry based on traffic and shares across online channels.
- Marketing trends and benchmarking: Establish reliable benchmarks for your performance against top websites in your category.
- Location prioritization: Make informed decisions about which locations to prioritize in your marketing efforts based on traffic and engagement metrics.
If you want more inspiration on how scraping Similarweb can help your business or organization, check out our industry pages.
How to scrape data from Similarweb
It's quite simple to scrape Top Websites section of Similarweb with Similarweb Top Websites Scraper. Just follow the steps below and you'll get your data in a few minutes.
- Click on the Try for free button.
- Go to Similarweb and find the Top Websites section.
- Set up your filters.
- Copy the URL of the Top Websites section.
- Paste the URL of the Top Websites section into the input field.
- Click on Run.
- When SimilarWeb Top Websites Scraper has finished, preview or download your data from the Dataset tab.
How much will it cost to scrape Similarweb?
When it comes to scraping, it can be challenging to estimate the resources needed to extract data as use cases may vary significantly. That's why the best course of action is to run a test scrape with a small sample of input data and limited output. You’ll get your price per scrape, which you’ll then multiply by the number of scrapes you intend to do.
Watch this video for a few helpful tips. And don't forget that choosing a higher plan will save you money in the long run.
Results preview
Here is an example of the output from scraping Top Websites section of Similarweb:
1{ 2 "position": 1, 3 "site": "travel.state.gov", 4 "favicon": "https://site-images.similarcdn.com/image?url=travel.state.gov&t=2&s=1&h=91faf1fe7ab4f97969d6546a017a63e198f21c3881c78c361929aedcba5c7d55&format=.png", 5 "rankChange": 0, 6 "categoryId": "law_and_government/immigration_and_visas", 7 "visitsAvgDuration": "00:03:46", 8 "pagesPerVisit": 2.97176122881116, 9 "bounceRate": 0.5280100613375639, 10 "isNewRank": false, 11 "listUrl": "https://www.similarweb.com/top-websites/bulgaria/law-and-government/immigration-and-visas/" 12}
How many websites can the Similarweb Top Websites Scraper extract?
The Similarweb Top Websites Scraper will extract:
- Top 5 websites: when you choose to scrape data by country and category.
- Top 50 websites: when you choose to scrape data by country across all categories.
- Top 50 websites: when you choose to scrape data by category worldwide.
Need to scrape Trending Websites instead of Top Websites?
Check out our Similarweb Trending Websites Scraper to scrape data from the Trending Websites section of Similarweb.
👀 p.s.
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Lexis Solutions is a certified Apify Partner. We can help you with custom solutions or data extraction projects.
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Image Credit: Similarweb