Similarweb Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results

Similarweb Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
Get website traffic, keywords, bounce rates and seo data from SimilarWeb. Easy to use and fast. Export data to CSV, Excel or Google Sheets.
⚡️ Similarweb Scraper
Try our other scrapers ► | Wellfound Premium Job Scraper | Glassdoor Scraper | Tesco UK Scraper |
What does Similarweb Scraper do?
Our Similarweb Scraper retrieves valuable web traffic and seo data such as keywords, organic and paid traffic. Extract data at scale, perfect for your seo projects, business intelligence, and developing new applications. This actor allows you to scrape:
• URL, • Domain • Global Rank • Country • Country Rank • Category • Category Rank • Title • Description • Total Visits • Monthly Visits • Month • Visits • Social Traffic • Paid Referrals Traffic • Referral Traffic • Search Traffic • Direct Traffic • Mail Traffic • Country Share • Country • Shares • and many more…
➡️ How does our Scraper compare to others?
Feature | This Scraper | Similarweb Quick Scraper (mscraper) | Similarweb Scraper (Tri⟁angle / maintained by Apify) |
Loadup time | 3s (Fastest Execution) | 10s | 60s |
Execution Time Per Website | 1s | 3s | *est. 10s |
Cost Per Webpage (incl. rental / usage) | $0.005 (Best Price) | $0.01 | $0.008 |
Execution Time Per Website 100 Webpages | 78s (Fastest Execution) | 277s | 816s |
Cost Per 100 Webpages (Rental / Usage) | $0.50 (Best Price) | $1.00 | $0.80 |
Successfull Results for 100 Webpages | 99,9% (Most reliable) | 57%* | 57%* |
Website Data | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Company Data | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Est.Monthly Visits (Last 3 Months) | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Popularity ranking | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Traffic Sources (Search, Direct, Socials..) | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Social Network Traffic | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Top Competitors | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Used technologies | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Demographic Data | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Popular User Sites | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Traffic by Top 5 Countries | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
*est Execution Time per Website: We estimated the time based on the total time for one webpage url substracted by the loadup time. *est Usage: We estimated the usage costs based on the 100 webpage cost we tested. *Successfull Results: Based on retrieved Output Data from 100 Webpage URL Inputs. All 3 Scrapers got the same 100 URLs.
➡️ How many results can you scrape with Similarweb Scraper
Similarweb Scraper can retrieve as much results as you need. We tested it with on average between 50-100 individual webpages per search request. It's realy up to you how much you need to scale it. Performance wise the scraper is able to return results like 5 page results in a matter of seconds.
Please keep in mind that Similarweb is a highly dynamic page with suffisticated bot protection so your results may very depending on your use-case. We do our best so you don't need to worry about this limitations.
For most cases, the SimilarWeb Actor is perfect for individuals, market researchers, analysts, and digital marketing professionals, as well as businesses looking to analyze web traffic and competitor insights.
➡️ How you could use this website traffic and company data
Market Analysis: Efficiently scrape and analyze large volumes of website traffic data to understand market trends, popular categories, and emerging online sectors.
Competitor Benchmarking: Extract and compare website traffic metrics across different domains to determine competitive positioning and performance benchmarks.
Company Insights: Gather detailed company information, including domain authority, global and country ranks, and category ranks to evaluate market presence and performance.
Traffic Source Analysis: Identify and analyze traffic sources, such as direct, referral, social, and search traffic to optimize marketing strategies and improve traffic acquisition.
Regional Market Insights: Collect and analyze country-specific traffic data to understand regional market shares and user demographics for targeted marketing campaigns.
SEO and SEM Optimization: Monitor search traffic and paid referrals to refine SEO strategies and enhance SEM campaigns, ensuring higher visibility and better ROI.
Content Performance Tracking: Analyze the performance of specific content categories and popular topics among users to optimize content marketing strategies and boost engagement.
Audience Segmentation: Segment audiences based on traffic sources and country shares to tailor marketing messages and improve conversion rates.
Technology Usage Analysis: Discover the technologies used by competitors and market leaders to inform technology stack decisions and stay ahead in the digital landscape.
Strategic Planning: Use comprehensive website and traffic data to inform strategic planning, market entry decisions, and business development initiatives.
Ad Campaign Effectiveness: Evaluate the effectiveness of digital ad campaigns by tracking referral and direct traffic metrics, ensuring optimal ad spend and higher conversion rates.
Brand Visibility: Analyze and compare global and local rankings to measure brand visibility and impact in different markets, guiding brand-building efforts.
These use cases demonstrate the versatility and value of the Similarweb Scraper in providing detailed market insights, optimizing digital marketing efforts, and enhancing strategic business planning.
➡️ How easy it is to get started
1. Create an Apify Account
2. Go to the Inputs Tab on this Scraper
3. Enter one or multiple *Webpage Url(s)
4. Press Start
5. Get your results in seconds!
⬇ Input
If you use this actor on the apify platform, the UI Input interface is quite self explaining but here are some guidelines to help you use it:
Allowed URL formats
Formats |
https://google.com |
http://google.com |
google.com |
: (Required) (String Array) Enter your desired webpage urls in bulk or as a single url
JSON Input Example
If you decide to use this actor from your favourite programming language. This would be a sample JSON input if you use the apify api via CURL, Python, JS etc.
1{ 2 "urls": [ 3 "https://www.indeed.com/", 4 "https://www.linkedin.com/", 5 "https://www.glassdoor.com/" 6 ] 7}
Output ⬆
Full JSON Data Sample
1{ 2 "url": "reddit.com", 3 "domain": "www.reddit.com", 4 "rankGlobal": 16, 5 "country": "US", 6 "countryRank": 8, 7 "category": "Computers_Electronics_and_Technology/Social_Networks_and_Online_Communities", 8 "categoryRank": 4, 9 "title": "reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. there's a community for whatever you're interested in on reddit.", 10 "description": "reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. there's a community for whatever you're interested in on reddit.", 11 "totalVisits": 2389456765, 12 "monthlyVisits": [ 13 { 14 "month": "March 2024", 15 "visits": 2189839131 16 }, 17 { 18 "month": "April 2024", 19 "visits": 2219176885 20 }, 21 { 22 "month": "May 2024", 23 "visits": 2389456765 24 } 25 ], 26 "socialTraffic": 0.006667449744798684, 27 "paidReferralsTraffic": null, 28 "referralTraffic": 0.0036927595556386092, 29 "searchTraffic": 0.6239548287381043, 30 "directTraffic": 0.36172326123300835, 31 "mailTraffic": 0.0038588574982430543, 32 "countryShare": [ 33 { 34 "country": "US", 35 "share": 0.4810561456406962 36 }, 37 { 38 "country": "GB", 39 "share": 0.0753728952653418 40 }, 41 { 42 "country": "CA", 43 "share": 0.06956058936597427 44 }, 45 { 46 "country": "AU", 47 "share": 0.04108357231283925 48 }, 49 { 50 "country": "DE", 51 "share": 0.029960610427697505 52 } 53 ], 54 "isDataFromGoogleAds": false, 55 "previewDesktop": "https://site-images.similarcdn.com/image?url=reddit.com&t=1&s=1&h=66f2412047e0362ec60d5583d4b186511a8e859446bb112c60d22968facae906", 56 "previewMobile": "https://site-images.similarcdn.com/image?url=reddit.com&t=4&s=1&h=66f2412047e0362ec60d5583d4b186511a8e859446bb112c60d22968facae906" 57}
Output Overview
➡️ While the scraper is running
During the run, the actor will output log messages letting you know what is going on at any point. Each message always contains specific information about the process including which url / page the actor is working on.
If you provide invalid inputs to the actor, it will immediately stop with a failure state and output log messages explaining what is wrong. If you are unsure what went wrong feel free to open up an issue in the issue tab.
🔗 Personal Data Protection
The Similarweb Scraper is designed to ethically extract only publicly available web and meta data, and it does not scrape private user data such as personal email addresses or personal identifiers.
Our scrapers are ethical and do not extract any private user data, such as email addresses, gender, or location. They only extract what the user has chosen to share publicly. We therefore believe that our scrapers, when used for ethical purposes by Apify users, are safe. However, you should be aware that your results could contain personal data. Personal data is protected by the GDPR in the European Union and by other regulations around the world. You should not scrape personal data unless you have a legitimate reason to do so. If you're unsure whether your reason is legitimate, consult your lawyers. You can also read our blog post on the legality of web scraping
💬 Feedback and Support
Your satisfaction is important to us! Therefore we are constantly striving to enhance the performance of our Actors.
If you have any technical feedback or encounter any bugs with the Similarweb Scraper, please create an issue in the Actor’s Issues tab above.
You can also contact us directly for custom integrations or project use cases at business@radeance.com
Thank you and happy scraping!