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Google News Scraper

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Google News Scraper

Google News Scraper

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7 days trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Gets featured articles from Google News with title, link, source, publication date and image.


No output on search

chuckling_shirt opened this issue
11 days ago

When searching I just get a run that doesn't show anything and stays at a wheel of doom with 'Results are usually seen within 1 minute'

lhotanova avatar

Hi, the runs can sometimes get stuck at the beginning, it happened to me as well with various Apify Actors, not just this one. It seems that your run was later 'unfreezed' and scraped almost 1k results.

However, the input format you used is incorrect, as I explained in your other issue.

Please change your input

2  "csvFriendlyOutput": false,
3  "includeUnfilteredResults": false,
4  "maxPagesPerQuery": 1,
5  "mobileResults": false,
6  "queries": [
7    "best crypto to buy now"
8  ],
9  "resultsPerPage": 10,
10  "saveHtml": false,
11  "query": "",
12  "language": "US:en",
13  "extractImages": true,
14  "proxyConfiguration": {
15    "useApifyProxy": true
16  }

into this format:

2  "fetchArticleDetails": true,
3  "language": "US:en",
4  "maxItems": 100,
5  "proxyConfiguration": {
6    "useApifyProxy": true
7  },
8  "query": "best crypto to buy now"

Test run:

Feel free to adjust the maxItems value to suit your needs. You can also omit it entirely if you don’t want to limit the number of results scraped. Also pay attention to the fetchArticleDetails input field. You can use it to enable / disable fetching of decoded article links and images. If you disable this option, the run will be faster but you will only get article links in the format of RSS feed:, with no images scraped.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 179 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 2.5 days response time

  • Created in Oct 2022

  • Modified an hour ago
