n8n Template Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results

n8n Template Scraper
Pay $5.00 for 1,000 results
Unlock the power of N8N automation with this comprehensive template scraper. Get detailed insights into workflow patterns, usage statistics, and automation configurations. Perfect for developers, automation specialists, and businesses looking to optimize their workflow processes.
Actor Metrics
30 Monthly users
1.0 / 5 (1)
1 bookmark
99% runs succeeded
Created in Feb 2025
Modified 23 days ago
This Apify actor scrapes all workflow templates from N8N's template library. It fetches comprehensive information about each template including its configuration, metadata, and usage statistics.
🎯 Use Cases
- Template Discovery: Find and analyze all available N8N workflow templates
- Workflow Analysis: Study different automation patterns and node combinations
- Template Statistics: Track template popularity and usage metrics
- Category Analysis: Analyze template distribution across different categories
✨ Features
- Complete Coverage: Scrapes all templates from the N8N template library
- Detailed Data: Captures comprehensive template information including configurations and metadata
- Efficient Pagination: Automatically handles pagination to fetch all available templates
- Structured Output: Provides well-organized data in a clean JSON format
📤 Output
The actor stores all template data in a dataset with the following fields:
: Unique identifier of the templatename
: Name of the templatedescription
: Detailed description of what the template doescategories
: List of categories the template belongs tonodes
: Array of nodes used in the workflowtotalViews
: Number of times the template has been viewedcreatedAt
: Template creation timestampupdatedAt
: Last update timestamptype
: Type of the template
Example Output:
1{ 2 "id": 428, 3 "name": "Add a task to Google Tasks", 4 "totalViews": 1139, 5 "purchaseUrl": null, 6 "user": { 7 "id": 5298, 8 "name": "sshaligr", 9 "username": "shraddha", 10 "bio": null, 11 "verified": true, 12 "links": "[]", 13 "avatar": "https://gravatar.com/avatar/7ecff5dc00cb5fa3e3365819f6b208663d8564580fa03b9aec987be3b16c81a0?r=pg&d=retro&size=200" 14 }, 15 "description": "", 16 "createdAt": "2020-06-26T21:20:03.191Z", 17 "nodes": [ 18 { 19 "id": 332, 20 "icon": "file:googleTasks.svg", 21 "name": "n8n-nodes-base.googleTasks", 22 "codex": { 23 "data": { 24 "resources": { 25 "primaryDocumentation": [ 26 { 27 "url": "https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/app-nodes/n8n-nodes-base.googletasks/" 28 } 29 ], 30 "credentialDocumentation": [ 31 { 32 "url": "https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/credentials/google/oauth-single-service/" 33 } 34 ] 35 }, 36 "categories": [ 37 "Productivity" 38 ], 39 "nodeVersion": "1.0", 40 "codexVersion": "1.0" 41 } 42 }, 43 "group": "[\"input\"]", 44 "defaults": { 45 "name": "Google Tasks" 46 }, 47 "iconData": { 48 "type": "file", 49 "fileBuffer": "" 50 }, 51 "displayName": "Google Tasks", 52 "typeVersion": 1, 53 "nodeCategories": [ 54 { 55 "id": 4, 56 "name": "Productivity" 57 } 58 ] 59 } 60 ] 61}
📥 Input
This actor doesn't require any input parameters. It will automatically scrape all available templates from the N8N template library.
🚀 Usage
- Start the Actor: Click the "Start" button to begin the scraping process
- Wait for Results: The actor will automatically fetch all templates
- Download Data: Once complete, download the results in JSON or CSV format
🔌 Integrations
Make.com Integration: Apify Actors can be easily integrated with other platforms and services using tools like Make. This allows you to automate workflows and connect your scraped data to various applications. For example, you can automatically send data to a Google Sheet, trigger email notifications, or update a CRM system whenever the Actor finishes running and produces new results.
Gmail Integration: You can also integrate Apify Actors with Gmail through Google Workspace to automate email workflows. For instance, you can set up automated email notifications with scraped data or send personalized emails based on the extracted information.
🌟 Start for Free
Ready to dive in? Click the "Try for free" button to start using the Actor. Apify provides a seamless platform to run and manage your web scraping and automation tasks. Apify is a cloud-based platform that allows you to easily run and manage your web scraping and automation tasks. Here are a few reasons why Apify is a great choice:
- Scalability: Apify allows you to scale your web scraping and automation tasks easily.
- Reliability: Apify is a reliable platform that ensures your web scraping and automation tasks run smoothly.
- Integration: Apify integrates with other tools and platforms, such as Make and Gmail, to automate your workflows.
- Ease of Use: Apify is easy to use, even for those with no prior experience in web scraping and automation.
🔍 More Scraping Solutions
Looking for more specialized data extraction? Check out my other scrapers on my Apify profile. My scrapers are designed for:
- Efficiency: Optimized for speed and minimal resource usage.
- Reliability: Built to handle website changes and prevent errors.
- Customization: Easily adaptable to your specific data needs.
🛠️ Custom Scraper Development
Need a custom scraper tailored to your unique requirements? I'm available for hire to develop bespoke web scraping solutions. Contact me to discuss your project.