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Get a list of all Integrations and App Templates available on Zapier. It's fast and costs little.


  • Get Apps

    Returns the list of integrations available on Zapier.

    You can set the "Start from" Input to restart a failed job from a specific page.

  • Get App Templates

    Returns the list of templates available for the app. You must enter the exact App slug.

    You can set the "Start from" Input to restart a failed job from a specific page.

Get Apps Output

2    {
3        "id": "3a3e2011-1d79-4dcb-bf02-13f7fae07fc7",
4        "legacyId": 370,
5        "name": "Microsoft SharePoint",
6        "logo": {
7            "mainUrl": ""
8        },
9        "description": "Microsoft SharePoint is a service that helps organizations share content to quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate.",
10        "isPremium": true,
11        "isUpcoming": false,
12        "isBeta": false,
13        "slug": "sharepoint",
14        "profileUrl": "",
15        "categories": [
16            {
17                "id": "55",
18                "title": "Microsoft",
19                "slug": "microsoft"
20            },
21            {
22                "id": "51",
23                "title": "Team Collaboration",
24                "slug": "team-collaboration"
25            }
26        ]
27    },
28    {
29        "id": "14543303-7866-4eea-ade8-3ebe9750e6b0",
30        "legacyId": 250,
31        "name": "GoTo Webinar",
32        "logo": {
33            "mainUrl": ""
34        },
35        "description": "GoTo Webinar by LogMeIn makes it easy to set up and deliver an online video and audio conference. Conduct do-it-yourself webinars with up to 1000 people – all for one flat rate. Extend your reach, expand your audience, increase your influence. Webinars work.",
36        "isPremium": true,
37        "isUpcoming": false,
38        "isBeta": false,
39        "slug": "gotowebinar",
40        "profileUrl": "",
41        "categories": [
42            {
43                "id": "60",
44                "title": "Webinars",
45                "slug": "webinars"
46            }
47        ]
48    },
49    ...

Get App Templates Output

2  {
3    "visibleToSearchEngines": true,
4    "apps": [
5      {
6        "logo": {
7          "mainUrl": ""
8        },
9        "name": "AudioPen",
10        "isPremium": false,
11        "slug": "audiopen"
12      },
13      {
14        "logo": {
15          "mainUrl": ""
16        },
17        "name": "Google Docs",
18        "isPremium": false,
19        "slug": "google-docs"
20      }
21    ],
22    "editorUrl": "/webintent/create-zap?template=1234879",
23    "id": "59410b71-ba8f-4f1a-8f26-c467f1729492",
24    "title": "Create Google Docs documents from new AudioPen notes",
25    "url": "/apps/audiopen/integrations/google-docs/1234879/create-google-docs-documents-from-new-audiopen-notes",
26    "legacyId": "1234879",
27    "descriptionHtmlAst": {
28      "tagName": null,
29      "rawAttrs": "",
30      "childNodes": [
31        {
32          "tagName": "p",
33          "rawAttrs": "",
34          "childNodes": [
35            {
36              "rawText": "Effortlessly transform your audio notes into written documents with this convenient workflow between AudioPen and Google Docs. Whenever you create a new note in AudioPen, it will trigger the creation of a document in Google Docs using the text from your note. Stay organized and easily access your important information in a searchable, editable format."
37            }
38          ],
39          "classNames": []
40        }
41      ],
42      "classNames": []
43  },
44  ...

How it works.

  1. Set the crawler options.

  2. Run it! 🎉


Always use a proxy!

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Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 1 monthly user


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2023

  • Modified a year ago