Google Maps Scraper Orchestrator avatar

Google Maps Scraper Orchestrator

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Google Maps Scraper Orchestrator

Google Maps Scraper Orchestrator

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Run multiple locations and search terms together with parallel runs for maximum speed.


Not running concurrently when tasks has multiple search terms?

fresh_theremin opened this issue
5 months ago

Hi there,

Is it possible to put all the places I want to search for in the same task, and run this orchestrator? Because that doesn't seem to work.

Am i suppose to create a new task for every place I want to scrape? I am scraping specific places, and not a generic term.

And if I need to split into separate tasks for each place, would the orchestrator automatically help me maintain below the max concurrent run limit of my account?

ondrejklinovsky avatar


I don't think this actor is needed for your use case. It's purpose is to search multiple locations with search terms (eg. search for "restaurant" in "new york", "los angeles"). Since you already have places' IDs, you don't need to perform the search. All you need is to put the all your place IDs to search terms in place_id:<PLACE_ID> format.



5 months ago

Yeah my intent was to use this to spin up as many tasks as possible to run in parallel to speed it up. I ended up rolling my own logic and memory allocation to spin up tasks.

lukaskrivka avatar

You can spin up as many runs as needed with this Actor. You just need to lower the Limit search terms per run option. It will use up to maximum memory of your account.

Maintained by Apify

Actor Metrics

  • 25 monthly users


  • 74% runs succeeded

  • Created in Sep 2023

  • Modified 4 months ago
