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Shopee Api Scraper

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Shopee Api Scraper

Shopee Api Scraper

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Query Shopee's unofficial API for product searches by keyword, category, or shop. Access detailed information including prices, orders, stock levels, and ratings. Also retrieve related entities like the category tree, shop listings, and keyword suggestions.

API requests


One or more URLs of the Shopee APIs to invoke. Look at the README document for detailed explanations and examples.

Proxy configuration


Select proxies to be used to scrape data. Use RESIDENTIAL proxies in the same country as your target.

Enrich URLs


Automatically generate missing URL parameters. For example add result limits and session IDs.

Default value of this property is true

Generate referrers


Automatically generate the referrer HTTP header before sending API requests, to make them look more "authentic".

Default value of this property is true

Verbose logs


Enable this option to activate detailed logging within the scraper's operation. This feature is particularly useful for troubleshooting errors.

Default value of this property is true

Minimum concurrency


Minimum concurrency (parallelism) for the crawl.

Default value of this property is 1

Maximum concurrency


Maximum concurrency (parallelism) for the crawl.

Default value of this property is 1

Maximum requests per crawl


Maximum number of requests that the crawler will execute. The crawl will stop when this limit is reached.

Default value of this property is 999999999

Abort after too many consecutive blockages


Stop scraping when too many requests get blocked consecutively. This can happen with poor quality proxies or if this scraper is not compatible anymore with an upgraded anti-bot technology.

Default value of this property is 200

Security SDK Load Timeout


Sets the maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait for the Security SDK report from Shopee's anti-bot measures during website load.

Default value of this property is 20000

Max Page Reloads Per Proxy


Defines the limit for reloading a page using the same proxy when faced with blockages. Exceeding this limit triggers the use of a new proxy for the next attempt.

Default value of this property is 2

Website load failure screenshot


Enables capturing and saving a screenshot in the key-value store if the website fails to load, aiding in troubleshooting issues.

Default value of this property is false

Page size (product search)


Maximum number of results per request to crawl when searching products.

Default value of this property is 60

Crawl next pages (product search)


Automatically crawl next pages when scraping search results.

Default value of this property is false

Maximum number of pages (product search)


Maximum number of pages to crawl when searching products.

Default value of this property is 50

Maximum number of results (product search)


Maximum number of results to crawl when searching products.

Default value of this property is 3000

Minimum sales threshold for page crawling (product search)


Minimum sales threshold to halt automatic page navigation in shop product listings. Crawling stops when a product with sales equal to or less than this value appears, assuming products are sorted by sales in descending order. Useful for scraping all selling products of a shop or a category and avoiding scraping products with no sales.

Crawl product details (product search)


Automatically crawl product details from the search results.

Default value of this property is false

Crawl product ratings (product detail)


Automatically crawl product ratings after querying a product detail. Also indicate what filter to apply. If multiple filters are provided, requests for each filter are executed.

Page size (product ratings)


Maximum number of results per request when crawling product ratings.

Default value of this property is 6

Crawl next pages (product ratings)


Automatically crawl next pages when scraping product ratings.

Default value of this property is false

Maximum number of pages (product ratings)


Maximum number of pages to crawl when visiting product ratings.

Default value of this property is 500

Maximum number of results (product ratings)


Maximum number of results to crawl when visiting product ratings.

Default value of this property is 3000

Automatically fix the error 10002 (product ratings)


Sometimes the product ratings API returns the error 10002. Enabling this option allows this scraper to fix this issue by splitting problematic requests into multiple smaller ones.

Default value of this property is true

Page size (shop search)


Maximum number of results per request to crawl when searching shops.

Default value of this property is 6

Crawl next pages (shop search)


Automatically crawl next pages when scraping search results.

Default value of this property is false

Maximum number of pages (shop search)


Maximum number of pages to crawl when searching shops.

Default value of this property is 500

Maximum number of results (shop search)


Maximum number of results to crawl when searching shops.

Default value of this property is 3000

Crawl shop details (shop search)


Automatically crawl shop details from the search results.

Default value of this property is false

Crawl shop products (shop detail)


Automatically crawl products after querying a shop detail.

Default value of this property is false

Page size (shop products)


Maximum number of results per request when crawling shop products.

Default value of this property is 30

Crawl next pages (shop products)


Automatically crawl next pages when scraping shop products.

Default value of this property is false

Maximum number of pages (shop products)


Maximum number of pages to crawl when visiting shop products.

Default value of this property is 100

Maximum number of results (shop products)


Maximum number of results to crawl when visiting shop products.

Default value of this property is 3000

Minimum sales threshold for page crawling (shop products)


Minimum sales threshold to halt automatic page navigation in shop product listings. Crawling stops when a product with sales equal to or less than this value appears, assuming products are sorted by sales in descending order. Useful for scraping all selling products of a shop and avoiding scraping products with no sales.

Crawl product details (shop products)


Automatically crawl product details from the shop products listing.

Default value of this property is false

Page size (keyword suggestions)


Maximum number of results per request when crawling keyword suggestions.

Default value of this property is 8

Crawl next pages (keyword suggestions)


Automatically crawl next pages when scraping keyword suggestions.

Default value of this property is false

Maximum number of pages (keyword suggestions)


Maximum number of pages to crawl when visiting keyword suggestions.

Default value of this property is 55

Maximum number of results (keyword suggestions)


Maximum number of results to crawl when visiting keyword suggestions.

Default value of this property is 440

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 32 monthly users


  • 90% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2024

  • Modified 8 months ago
