Shopee Api Scraper avatar
Shopee Api Scraper
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Shopee Api Scraper

Shopee Api Scraper

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Query Shopee's unofficial API for product searches by keyword, category, or shop. Access detailed information including prices, orders, stock levels, and ratings. Also retrieve related entities like the category tree, shop listings, and keyword suggestions.


How to send a customised payload while requesting shop items API?( request type - "POST")


resolute_vacuum opened this issue
4 months ago

It seems like code is using a default payload with limit as 30 and offset as 0. I want to send a different payload with limit as 30 and offset as 30. API: PAYLOAD SAMPLE: {"bundle":"shop_page_category_tab_main","shop_id":15235546,"limit":30,"offset":30,"upstream":"","sort_type":1,"user_behaviour":{"user_behaviour_list":[]}}

marc_plouhinec avatar


Did you try this kind of URL?

Check the doc: I convert URL parameters into POST request body automatically.

Does it solve your problem?

Best Regards,

Marc Plouhinec



4 months ago

That solved my issue.

Thank you.

marc_plouhinec avatar

Great! By the way, if you have quick questions you can also reach me on Whatsapp (+86 135 8870 8497), Discord (marcplouhinec) or WeChat (marcbusyhome).

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 41 monthly users
  • 7 stars
  • 96.1% runs succeeded
  • 4.9 hours response time
  • Created in Jan 2024
  • Modified about 1 month ago