Zillow Search Scraper avatar

Zillow Search Scraper

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Zillow Search Scraper

Zillow Search Scraper

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Pay $2.00 for 1,000 results

Extract data about properties for sale and rent on Zillow using the Zillow API, but with no daily call limits. Scrape millions of listings and download your data as HTML, JSON, CSV, Excel, XML. Export scraped data, run the scraper via API, schedule and monitor runs, or integrate with other tools.

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Zillow Search URLs


URLs of your search queries. The url must contain ?searchQueryState=..., if you only have URL like www.zillow.com/homes/32754_rb/, move the map the bit and the details will appear in the URL.

Items extraction method


Select your preferred method of extraction of items from the search results. See Actor's README for more details.

Value options:


Default value of this property is "PAGINATION_WITH_ZOOM_IN"

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 124 monthly users
  • 25 stars
  • 98.3% runs succeeded
  • 11 days response time
  • Created in Dec 2023
  • Modified 5 months ago