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Zillow Property Managers Cheerio

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Zillow Property Managers Cheerio

Zillow Property Managers Cheerio

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Effortlessly gather detailed insights on Zillow property managers – streamline your data collection and make informed decisions.

Zillow Property Managers Scraper

How it works

This actor allows you to scrape property manager profiles from Zillow.com and extract important details such as manager name, reviews, contact information, and other relevant data. The scraper is designed to help you gather comprehensive data on property managers, which can be useful for property research, contacting managers, or analyzing their performance.


Multiple Search Queries: Supports scraping based on multiple start URLs (just copy and paste the link/url from Zillow.com site), formatted as:

  • https://www.zillow.com/professionals/property-manager-reviews/90045

How to Use

  1. Set Up: Ensure you have an Apify account and access to the Apify platform.
  2. Configure Proxy Settings: (Optional) For enhanced reliability, configure proxy settings, as Zillow employs anti-scraping measures.
  3. Provide Start URLs: Copy the link of the property manager listings from Zillow.com and paste it into the scraper. Make sure the URLs point to property manager listing pages.
  4. Run the Scraper: Execute the scraper and obtain the extracted data in your preferred format, such as JSON, CSV, Excel, or others as supported by Apify.

Input Data

Here's an example of how to set up a search for property managers:

2    "startUrls": [
3        {
4            "url": "https://www.zillow.com/professionals/property-manager-reviews/90045"
5        }
6    ],
7    "maxItems": 250,
8    "proxyConfiguration": {
9        "useApifyProxy": true,
10        "apifyProxyGroups": [
11            "RESIDENTIAL"
12        ]
13    }

Input Options

  • Start URLs (startUrls): URLs of property manager listings to start scraping from. This is an array of strings, where each string is a Zillow URL.
  • Max Items (maxItems): Maximum number of listings/items that will be scraped. Default is 250.
  • Max Concurrency (maxConcurrency): Maximum number of pages that can be processed at the same time. Default is 50.
  • Min Concurrency (minConcurrency): Minimum number of pages that will be processed at the same time. Default is 1.
  • Max Request Retries (maxRequestRetries): Number of times the scraper will retry a failed request before giving up. Default is 100.
  • Proxy Configuration (proxy): Specifies proxy servers that will be used by the scraper to hide its origin, ensuring greater reliability and anonymity. For more details, see the Proxy configuration.

Output Structure

The output data typically includes:

2  "url": "https://www.zillow.com/profile/DebbieSherm",
3  "encodedZuid": "X1-ZU10c3rhh7c6kg9_55f21",
4  "screenName": "DebbieSherm",
5  "inCanada": false,
6  "name": "Debbie Sherman",
7  "flag": 39802734,
8  "profileTypeIds": [
9    1,
10    20
11  ],
12  "profileTypes": [
13    "consumer",
14    "propertyManager"
15  ],
16  "sidebarVideoUrl": null,
17  "businessAddress": {
18    "address1": "3634 E. 4th Street",
19    "address2": null,
20    "city": "Long Beach",
21    "state": "CA",
22    "postalCode": "90813"
23  },
24  "businessName": "Long Beach Investments",
25  "isTopAgent": false,
26  "ratings": {
27    "count": 3,
28    "average": 4.2
29  },
30  "phoneNumbers": {
31    "cell": null,
32    "brokerage": null,
33    "business": "(562) 987-2004"
34  },
35  "email": "debsherman05@gmail.com",
36  "professional": {
37    "businessName": "Long Beach Investments",
38    "encodedZuid": "X1-ZU10c3rhh7c6kg9_55f21",
39    "fullName": "Debbie Sherman",
40    "location": "Long Beach, CA",
41    "phoneNumber": "(562) 987-2004",
42    "profileLink": "/profile/DebbieSherm",
43    "profilePhotoSrc": "https://www.zillowstatic.com/static/images/nophoto_h_g.png",
44    "reviewLink": "/profile/DebbieSherm#reviews",
45    "numTotalReviews": 3,
46    "reviewStarsRating": 4.2,
47    "isTeamLead": false,
48    "isTopAgent": false
49  },
50  "getToKnowMe": {
51    "specialties": [
52      "Property Management",
53      "Landlord"
54    ],
55    "languages": []
56  },
57  "forRentListings": {
58    "listings": [],
59    "listing_count": 0
60  },
61  "professionalInformation": [
62    {
63      "term": "Address",
64      "lines": [
65        "Long Beach Investments",
66        "3634 E. 4th Street",
67        "Long Beach, CA 90813"
68      ]
69    },
70    {
71      "term": "Office",
72      "description": "(562) 987-2004"
73    },
74    {
75      "term": "Screenname",
76      "description": "DebbieSherm"
77    },
78    {
79      "term": "Member since",
80      "description": "03/02/2015"
81    }
82  ],
83  "reviewsData": {
84    "reviews": [
85      {
86        "reviewComment": "My roommate and I have lived here for a few years and we can't seem to move. Both our salaries have gone up and we can afford to upgrade, but every time we think we are going to move we change our minds, well, simply because we love our home! Besides having a darling apartment, the staff (both office and maintenance) are a pleasure to deal with. The people at the office are super friendly and they know us by name. And they give us homemade cookies and chocolate when we bring our rent into the office!! The maintenance guys are warm and welcoming and are quick to respond when we have something that needs to be fixed. The gardener keeps the grounds looking immaculate! . Long Beach Investments is a great place to rent from and I would highly recommend it!",
87        "reviewId": 5302027,
88        "subRatings": [
89          {
90            "description": "Responsiveness",
91            "score": 5
92          },
93          {
94            "description": "Price",
95            "score": 5
96          },
97          {
98            "description": "Work quality",
99            "score": 5
100          },
101          {
102            "description": "Punctuality",
103            "score": 4
104          }
105        ],
106        "reviewee": {
107          "screenName": "DebbieSherm",
108          "firstName": "Debbie",
109          "lastName": "Sherman",
110          "encodedZuid": "X1-ZU10c3rhh7c6kg9_55f21"
111        },
112        "reviewer": {
113          "screenName": "Katherine90802",
114          "firstName": "Karen",
115          "lastName": "Ann Stachowitz",
116          "encodedZuid": "X1-ZU119rhwc1qinex_29gz3"
117        },
118        "rating": 5,
119        "createDate": "2019-09-20T12:15:00",
120        "workDescription": "Helped me rent a Apartment home in Hellman, Long beach, CA."
121      }
122    ]
123  },
124  "teamDisplayInformation": {}

Output Fields Explanation

  • url: URL to the property manager's Zillow profile.
  • encodedZuid: Encoded identifier for the property manager.
  • screenName: Display name of the property manager on Zillow.
  • inCanada: Boolean indicating if the property manager is based in Canada.
  • name: Full name of the property manager.
  • flag: Internal flag identifier for the property manager.
  • profileTypeIds: Array of IDs representing the types of profiles (e.g., consumer, property_manager).
  • profileTypes: Array of profile types (e.g., "consumer", "propertyManager").
  • sidebarVideoUrl: URL of the sidebar video, if available.
  • businessAddress: Object containing the business address details, including address1, city, state, and postalCode.
  • businessName: Name of the property management business.
  • isTopAgent: Boolean indicating if the property manager is a top agent.
  • ratings: Object containing the total count of ratings and the average rating score.
  • phoneNumbers: Object containing contact numbers for the property manager, including cell, brokerage, and business.
  • email: Email address of the property manager.
  • professional: Object containing detailed professional information, including businessName, encodedZuid, fullName, location, phoneNumber, profileLink, profilePhotoSrc, reviewLink, numTotalReviews, and reviewStarsRating.
  • getToKnowMe: Object containing specialties and languages of the property manager.
  • forRentListings: Object containing listings currently for rent by the property manager, including details such as zpid, home_type, address, bedrooms, bathrooms, price, latitude, and longitude.
  • professionalInformation: Array containing detailed professional information about the property manager, such as office address, phone number, and membership information.
  • reviewsData: Object containing reviews information, including individual reviews (reviewComment, reviewId, rating, createDate, and workDescription), and sub-ratings (description and score).
  • teamDisplayInformation: Object containing information about the property manager's team, if applicable.

Explore More Scrapers

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Actor Metrics

  • 5 monthly users

  • 1 star

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Nov 2024

  • Modified 12 days ago