Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper ( Everything ) avatar

Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper ( Everything )

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Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper ( Everything )

Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper ( Everything )

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2 hours trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

This scraper can scrape anything from linkedin sales navigator. All it need is your linkedin sales navigator account cookies.

Linkedin Sales Navigator Scraper ( rqeuire cookies )

This scraper can scrape anything from Linkedin sales navigaotr. It has two input variables.

  1. endpoint : Select the endpoint you are interested in. e.g person-scraper
  2. body : send the input data in json format. For each endpoint, it is compulsory to sned cookies as an array. How to copy the cookies tutorial :

List of endpoints

Here is the list of all the endpoints along with the json body they accept (with examples).

1.Search Leads ( People ) using url

1This endpoint scrapes leads ( people ) data ( 25 results per search ).
2body : {
3    "page" : Number ( an integer between 1-100 ),
4    "url" : String ( url you get in your browser top after applying all the filters ),
5    "cookies" : Array ( your linkedin sales navigator account cookies )
9body : {
10    "page" : 1,
11    "url" : "",
12    "cookies" : [] //replace with your sales navigator account cookies
13  }

2.Search Accounts ( Companies ) Via url:

1This endpoint scrapes accounts ( companies ) data ( 25 results per search ).
2body : {
3    "page" : Number ( an integer between 1-100 ),
4    "url" : String ( url you get in your browser top after applying all the filters ),
5    "cookies" : Array ( your linkedin sales navigator account cookies )
9body : {
10   "page" : 1,
11    "url" : "",
12    "cookies" : [] //replace with your sales navigator account cookies

3.Search Leads ( People )

1This endpoint also scrapes leads ( people ) data ( 25 results per search ). You can pass filters instead of url in it. It takes 4 parameters:
2body : {
3    "page" : Number ( an integer between 1-100 ),
4    "keywords" (optional) : String (Search keywords you place in search bar of sales navigator ).
5    "filters" : Array ( array of objects. Each object presents a filter.For each filter you can get Id and Text using Filter endpoint associated with that specific filter type. Each object can contain three possible attributes:
6        type : String, type of filter. e.g CURRENT_COMPANY, PAST_COMPANY.
7        values : Array, an array of possible values. This array can contain three attribuests. id, text, String, selectionType.
8        selectedSubFilter : Integer, a number, it works only for some filters with extra value.  )
9  }
11Here is the list of supported filters : 
13CURRENT_COMPANY : You can get a list of suggested companies, their id and text value using Filter Company Suggestions endpoint. 
14COMPANY_HEADCOUNT : You can get a list of company headcount, their id and text value using Filter Company Headcount endpoint. 
15PAST_COMPANY : You can get a list of suggested companies, their id and text value using Filter Company Suggestions endpoint. 
16COMPANY_TYPE : You can get a list of company types, their id and text value using Filter Company endpoint. 
17FUNCTION : You can get a list of suggested functions, their id and text value using Filter Function Suggestions endpoint. 
18CURRENT_TITLE : You can get a list of suggested job titles, their id and text value using Filter Job Title Suggestions endpoint. 
19SENIORITY_LEVEL : You can get a list seniority levels, their id and text value using Filter Seniority Level endpoint. 
20PAST_TITLE : You can get a list of suggested Job Titles, their id and text value using Filter Job Title Suggestions endpoint. 
21REGION : You can get a list of suggested regions, their id and text value using Filter Geography Location Region Suggestions endpoint. 
22POSTAL_CODE : You can get a list of suggested regions, their id and text value using Filter Geography Location Postal Code Suggestions endpoint.You can pass selectedSubFilter as one of the following for miles distance from provide location. 1,5,10,25,35,50,75,100 
23INDUSTRY : You can get a list of suggested industries, their id and text value using Filter Industry Suggestions endpoint. 
24PROFILE_LANGUAGE : You can get a list of languages, their id and text value using Filter Language endpoint. 
25SCHOOL : You can get a list of schools, their id and text value using Filter School Suggestions  endpoint. 
26YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE : You can get a list of years, their id and text value using Filter Years In endpoint. 
27FIRST_NAME : for type FIRST_NAME filter should be like this : { "text" : "${firstname}", "selectionType" : "INCLUDED" } 
28LAST_NAME : for type FIRST_NAME filter should be like this : { "text" : "${lastname}", "selectionType" : "INCLUDED" } 
29COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS : You can get a list of suggested locations, their id and text value using Filter Location Suggestions endpoint. 
30RECENTLY_CHANGED_JOBS: {id:RPC,text:Changed jobs } 
31POSTED_ON_LINKEDIN : {id:RPOL,text:Posted on LinkedIn} 
35body : {
36    "page": 1,
37    "filters": [
38            {
39            "type": "POSTAL_CODE",
40            "values": [
41                        {
42                        "id": "101041448",
43                        "text": "781104, Guwahati, Assam, India",
44                        "selectionType": "INCLUDED"
45                        }
46                    ],
47            "selectedSubFilter": 50
48            }
49        ],
50    "cookies": []

4.Search Accounts ( Companies )

1This endpoint scrapes accounts ( companies ) data ( 25 results per search ).You can pass filters
2instead of url in it. It takes 4 parameters:
3body : {
4    "page" : Number ( an integer between 1-100 ),
5    "keywords" (optional) : String (Search keywords you place in search bar of sales navigator ).
6    "filters" : Array ( array of objects. Each object presents a filter.For each filter you can get Id and Text using Filter endpoint associated with that specific filter type. Each object can contain three possible attributes:
7        type : String, type of filter. e.g CURRENT_COMPANY, PAST_COMPANY.
8        values : Array, an array of possible values. This array can contain three attribuests. id, text, String, selectionType.
9        selectedSubFilter : Integer, a number, it works only for some filters with extra value.  )
10  }
12Here is the list of supported filters :
13ANNUAL_REVENUE : Here is how you can pass annual revenue filter, {"type" : "ANNUAL_REVENUE", "rangeValue" : {"min" : X, "max" : X}, "selectedSubFilter": //currency}, You can get a list of currencies and values using Filter Annual Revenue Suggestions endpoint. 
14COMPANY_HEADCOUNT : You can get a list of company headcount, their id and text value using Filter Company Headcount endpoint. 
15COMPANY_HEADCOUNT_GROWTH : You can pass this filter as follows : {type:"COMPANY_HEADCOUNT_GROWTH","rangeValue":{min:X,max:X}}. X represents precentage. 
16INDUSTRY : You can get a list of suggested industries, their id and text value using Filter Industry Suggestions endpoint. 
17REGION : You can get a list of suggested regions, their id and text value using Filter Geography Location Region Suggestions endpoint. 
18POSTAL_CODE : You can get a list of suggested regions, their id and text value using Filter Geography Location Postal Code Suggestions endpoint.You can pass selectedSubFilter as one of the following for miles distance from provide location. 1,5,10,25,35,50,75,100
19NUMBER_OF_FOLLOWERS : You can get a list of languages, their id and text value using Filter Followers Count endpoint. 
20SCHOOL : You can get a list of schools, their id and text value using Filter School Suggestions  endpoint. 
21JOB_OPPORTUNITIES : You can get a list of years, their id and text value using Filter Job Oppertunities endpoint. 
22ACCOUNT_ACTIVITIES : You can get a list of years, their id and text value using Filter Recent Activities endpoint.
24Example : 
25body : {

"page": 1, "filters": [ { "type": "ANNUAL_REVENUE", "range": { "min": 500, "max": 1000 } }, { "type": "COMPANY_HEADCOUNT", "values": [ { "id": "E", "text": "201-500", "selectionType": "INCLUDED" } ] } ], "cookies": [] }

5. Suggestion Followers Count:

1Filter suggestions for Follower count.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

6. Suggestion Department Headcount:

1Filter suggestions for Department Headcount.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

7. Suggestion Recent Activities:

1Filter suggestions for Recent activities.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

8. Suggestion Company:

1Filter suggestions for company ( CURRENT_COMPANY, PAST_COMPANY ).
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String

9. Suggestion Job Title:

1Filter suggestions for Job Title.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String 

10. Suggestion Years In:

1Filter suggestions for Years In.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

11. Suggestion Geography Location Region:

1Filter suggestions for Geography Location Region.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String 

12. Suggestion Annual Revenue:

1Filter suggestions for Annual Revenue.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query: : String
5 }

13. Suggestion Industry:

1Filter suggestions for Industry.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String

14. Suggestion Technology:

1Filter suggestions for Technology.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String

15. Suggestion School:

1Filter suggestions for School.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String 

16. Suggestions Fortune:

1Filter suggestion for Fortune.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

17. Suggestion Company Headcount:

1Filter suggestions for Company Headcount.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

18. Suggestion Languages:

1Filter suggestions for Languages.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []
1Filter suggestions Search.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String

20. Suggestion Senority Level:

1Filter suggestions for Senority Level.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : []

21. Suggestion Function:

1Filter suggestions for Function.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String

22. Suggestion Geography Location Postal Code:

1Filter suggestions for Geography Location Postal Code.
2body : {
3    "cookies" : [],
4    "query" : String

Thats it, run the actor and do your stuff with outcome.

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  • 4 monthly users


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified a month ago