LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Scraper
3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Scraper
3 days trial then $25.00/month - No credit card required now
Crawls sales navigator search results and extracts the available data for you to use for enriching your CRM amongst other things. Scrape Company or People data using this one tool.
Actor Metrics
86 monthly users
3.4 / 5 (2)
>99% runs succeeded
25 days response time
Created in Feb 2024
Modified 7 months ago
Provided by your trusted Digital Marketing Agency in Sydney
What do you get from this actor?
Unlock the power of LinkedIn Sales Navigator with this actor.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides invaluable insights into potential prospects, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition and target the right leads effectively.
But here's the catch: while LinkedIn Sales Navigator offers robust data, exporting this crucial information for further analysis or integration into your sales workflow has been a challenge.
Without the right tools, you're left stranded, unable to leverage the full potential of your premium LinkedIn subscription. Plus, the limited filtering capabilities within Sales Navigator can lead to wasted time sifting through irrelevant leads.
With this actor, you can now break free from these limitations. Export the wealth of data available in the list view, ready for seamless integration into your CRM or sales automation tools.
Don't settle for partial insights and missed opportunities. Empower your sales team with the ability to harness LinkedIn Sales Navigator data efficiently, driving more meaningful connections and closing more deals.
Requirements for it to work?
This actor requires either a cookie from the sales navigator website to work.
- Using cookie: Install the EditThisCookie chrome extension. Click on the extension and export the cookies. Paste the cookies into this actor's Cookie input field.
How it works:
Search for the leads or companies you are interested in on Sales Navigator. Once you have finalised your filtering of the search, copy the link from the address bar in the browser and paste it to the actor's Search URL input.
If you pass a URL from the leads search on Sales Navigator, be sure to specify the "Search Type" input as "People/Lead".
If you pass a URL from the accounts search, be sure to specify the "Search Type" input as "Company/Account".
After specifying the above it will save all the scraped info to the actor's output dataset.
You can let it scrape a range of pages by using Start page and Page Limit parameters.
Sample output data for standard company search
11[{ 2 2 "companyId": "35681634", 3 3 "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/sales/company/35681634", 4 4 "companyName": "Hemp Geek CBD Store", 5 5 "logoURL": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQEpaVRPeXFf5w/company-logo_100_100/0/1630568150600/hemp_geek_llc_logo?e=1715212800&v=beta&t=hBw1JrX5fGmSwXeSr6YLM6BIyWnKyiPs-d0I7AQlTmc", 6 6 "description": "Hemp Geek is a NY Based CBD Retail Store. We offer an unbeatable selection of CBD brands & products from all the top brands & manufacturers at the guaranteed lowest prices. From Niche CBD Products to the most popular tinctures - we carry it all! ", 7 7 "industry": "Retail", 8 8 "employeeCount": "3", 9 9 "minAnnualRevenue": null, 10 10 "maxAnnualRevenue": null 11 11}, 12 12{ 13 13 "companyId": "262267", 14 14 "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/sales/company/262267", 15 15 "companyName": "Hemp Industry Promotions", 16 16 "logoURL": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C560BAQF4dZr21Xor-w/company-logo_100_100/0/1631327334061?e=1715212800&v=beta&t=NziQ5y_8MAIAGd83HU5kp1biqZebXTWd2nkUD96nV7s", 17 17 "description": "New York State has the natural resource that we need to become self-sustaining: fertile soil. By changing the health law to allow hemp production, which is our contitutional right, we will be able to quckly build a green economy and avoid a total collapse of society. With hemp we can make the most powerful multi-purpose natural medicine (THC oil), the most nutritious food, paper, plastic, ethanol, rope, soap, cosmetics, building materials, paint and natural pesticide. It's all non-toxic and high quality. We can become self-sustaining. We just have to be willing to consider going back to work, real work, meaningful employment. Let's think creatively and continuously build a better, more effective and healthy civilization.", 18 18 "industry": "Non-profit Organizations", 19 19 "employeeCount": "5", 20 20 "minAnnualRevenue": null, 21 21 "maxAnnualRevenue": null 22 22}]
Sample output data for standard lead search
11[[{ 2 2 "porfileId": "ACwAAAAKIb8BsYUNoLzx4m2vnZTGV8zyoihBwck", 3 3 "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/sales/lead/ACwAAAAKIb8BsYUNoLzx4m2vnZTGV8zyoihBwck", 4 4 "degree": 2, 5 5 "firstName": "Jeffrey", 6 6 "lastName": "Hoffman", 7 7 "fullName": "Jeffrey Hoffman", 8 8 "location": "New York, New York, United States", 9 9 "badges": "1 mutual connection, 2 recent posts on Linkedin", 10 10 "about": "I'm a cannabis attorney and legalization activist with over 25 years of experience starting, operating, advising, and selling businesses.\n\nMy legal practice focuses entirely on cannabis, including licensees in the adult-use cannabis market, patients and practitioners in the medical cannabis space, and cannabis adjacent product and service providers. Think of me as your Cannabis Consigliere. I have a particular interest in justice involved individuals as well as social and economic equity cannabis license applicants. In this capacity, I aid cannabis prisoners in gaining their freedom and assist those convicted of cannabis offenses in getting such convictions expunged from their record.\n\nPreviously I was a founder of a mobile vending startup, an executive at two sustainability startups which were acquired, a founding partner at a law firm which was acquired, and the founder of a web development studio.\n\nI hold a JD from the University of North Carolina School of Law and a BA in Russian and East European Studies from the University of North Carolina. I am admitted to the bar in New York and North Carolina.", 11 11 "profileImageURL": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E03AQHoEsymL-Zc7w/profile-displayphoto-shrink_400_400/0/1682479323598?e=1712793600&v=beta&t=JqdvOlfDU2fJGifgsV869FNKtGcyuOiwXbI4FwBt_KI", 12 12 "currentPosition": [ 13 13 { 14 14 "title": "Cannabis Attorney", 15 15 "companyName": "Jeffrey Hoffman & Associates PLLC", 16 16 "startedOn": { 17 17 "year": 2019, 18 18 "month": 2 19 19 }, 20 20 "tenureAtPosition": { 21 21 "numYears": 5, 22 22 "numMonths": 1 23 23 }, 24 24 "tenureAtCompany": { 25 25 "numYears": 5, 26 26 "numMonths": 1 27 27 }, 28 28 "companyId": "77038904", 29 29 "compnayDetails": { 30 30 "companyId": "77038904", 31 31 "name": "Jeffrey Hoffman & Associates PLLC", 32 32 "logoURL": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E0BAQFII3iEvhlRyg/company-logo_100_100/0/1677286572663?e=1715212800&v=beta&t=NLTtAa92NsyijQ6-W-S49oqLDd2bsPC7gU8ER5Jf9Wc", 33 33 "industry": "Law Practice", 34 34 "location": "New York, New York, United States" 35 35 } 36 36 } 37 37 ] 38 38}, 39 39{ 40 40 "porfileId": "ACwAADmZZk0B5k4yEuIXOzbndIWM93BKWlpoTzQ", 41 41 "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/sales/lead/ACwAADmZZk0B5k4yEuIXOzbndIWM93BKWlpoTzQ", 42 42 "degree": 3, 43 43 "firstName": "Dwight", 44 44 "lastName": "Diotte", 45 45 "fullName": "Dwight Diotte", 46 46 "location": "Canada", 47 47 "badges": "2 recent posts on Linkedin", 48 48 "about": "I bought my first pound of cannabis not long after I started smoking, at the age of 15. At that moment, a new world opened for me. I stared at it for hours, smoking joints and wondering about everything to do with this pound. Where exactly in Colombia did it come from? How was it grown? Who grew it? How did it get to where I was?\n\nAt 18, I moved to Oregon and met an old grower/activist, where my cannabis education began in earnest. As the industry unfolded, I figured the Netherlands was the place to be. I had been working on various projects with Nevil Schoenmakers since he had opened the Seed Bank in 1985, including the development of the auto flower ruderalis crosses for northern climates.\n\nI was cofounder and managed a company called Seed Farm while living in the Netherlands in 1989 onward, focusing on indoor production of Haze and other tropical sativas.\n\nThrough my breeding projects and work with Nevil over the years, I continue to focus on a breeding traditional landraces, Seed Bank originals and cultivars renowned for their medicinal qualities.", 49 49 "profileImageURL": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQH_kfcWv4yT2g/profile-displayphoto-shrink_400_400/0/1642441369595?e=1712793600&v=beta&t=zirQlAMBWR6_4XJW6Tyip8GZQA3mpFzJ5Us7hznd5TM", 50 50 "currentPosition": [ 51 51 { 52 52 "title": "Cannabis Consultant", 53 53 "companyName": "D9 Canna Consulting", 54 54 "startedOn": { 55 55 "year": 2021, 56 56 "month": 8 57 57 }, 58 58 "tenureAtPosition": { 59 59 "numYears": 2, 60 60 "numMonths": 7 61 61 }, 62 62 "tenureAtCompany": { 63 63 "numYears": 2, 64 64 "numMonths": 7 65 65 } 66 66 } 67 67 ], 68 68 "pastPositions": [ 69 69 { 70 70 "title": "Cannabis Breeder", 71 71 "companyName": "The Seed Bank", 72 72 "startedOn": { 73 73 "year": 1985, 74 74 "month": 4 75 75 }, 76 76 "endedOn": { 77 77 "year": 2019, 78 78 "month": 2 79 79 } 80 80 }, 81 81 { 82 82 "title": "Private Cannabis Consultant", 83 83 "companyName": "Self-employed", 84 84 "startedOn": { 85 85 "year": 1995, 86 86 "month": 1 87 87 }, 88 88 "endedOn": { 89 89 "year": 2002, 90 90 "month": 8 91 91 } 92 92 } 93 93 ] 94 94}]
Sample output data for deep lead search
1{ 2 "objectUrn": "urn:li:member:xxxxxxxxx", 3 "contactInfo": {}, 4 "crmStatus": { 5 "imported": false 6 }, 7 "unlocked": false, 8 "showTotalConnectionsPage": false, 9 "crmManualMatched": false, 10 "defaultPosition": { 11 "new": false, 12 "companyName": "Company XYZ", 13 "description": "Smart, tailored finance packages that meet your needs, offering some of the most competitive interest rates in Australia and flexible loan terms so you can build a package that works for you.\n\nSpecialised loan products for both new and used vehicles and equipment. We can provide secured, unsecured, personal and business loans to help you save time and money on your next venture.", 14 "title": "Director", 15 "companyUrn": "urn:li:fs_salesCompany:xxxxxxxx", 16 "posId": 1234567890, 17 "createdAt": 1625104375848, 18 "current": true, 19 "location": "City, State, Country", 20 "startedOn": { 21 "month": 1, 22 "year": 2008 23 } 24 }, 25 "degree": 2, 26 "positions": [ 27 { 28 "new": false, 29 "companyName": "Company XYZ", 30 "description": "Smart, tailored finance packages that meet your needs, offering some of the most competitive interest rates in Australia and flexible loan terms so you can build a package that works for you.\n\nSpecialised loan products for both new and used vehicles and equipment. We can provide secured, unsecured, personal and business loans to help you save time and money on your next venture.", 31 "title": "Director", 32 "companyUrnResolutionResult": { 33 "name": "Company XYZ", 34 "companyPictureDisplayImage": { 35 "rootUrl": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D0BAQHiecFQq-98Nw/company-logo_", 36 "artifacts": [ 37 { 38 "width": 200, 39 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "200_200/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/company_logo?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxx", 40 "height": 200 41 }, 42 { 43 "width": 100, 44 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "100_100/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/company_logo?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxx", 45 "height": 100 46 }, 47 { 48 "width": 400, 49 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "400_400/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/company_logo?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxx", 50 "height": 400 51 } 52 ] 53 }, 54 "entityUrn": "urn:li:fs_salesCompany:xxxxxxxx" 55 }, 56 "companyUrn": "urn:li:fs_salesCompany:xxxxxxxx", 57 "posId": 1234567890, 58 "current": true, 59 "location": "City, State, Country", 60 "startedOn": { 61 "month": 1, 62 "year": 2008 63 } 64 } 65 ], 66 "savedLead": false, 67 "firstName": "FirstName", 68 "numOfSharedConnections": 3, 69 "memberBadges": { 70 "premium": false, 71 "openLink": false, 72 "jobSeeker": false 73 }, 74 "lastName": "LastName", 75 "memorialized": false, 76 "latestTouchPointActivity": { 77 "activityType": "VIEW_PROFILE", 78 "performedAt": 1717125393432 79 }, 80 "entityUrn": "urn:li:fs_salesProfile:(xxxxxxxxxxxx,NAME_SEARCH,xxxxxx)", 81 "numOfConnections": 1129, 82 "headline": "Director at Company XYZ", 83 "profileUnlockInfo": { 84 "showProfileUnlock": false 85 }, 86 "pendingInvitation": false, 87 "fullName": "FullName", 88 "listCount": 0, 89 "flagshipProfileUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/xxxxxxxxxx", 90 "location": "City, State, Country", 91 "languages": [], 92 "noteCount": 0, 93 "educations": [], 94 "volunteeringExperiences": [], 95 "relatedColleagueCompanyId": 1234567890, 96 "skills": [], 97 "profileBackgroundPicture": { 98 "com.linkedin.common.VectorImage": { 99 "artifacts": [ 100 { 101 "width": 800, 102 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E16AQGxxxxxxxxxx/profile-displaybackgroundimage-shrink_200_800/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxxxxxx", 103 "height": 200 104 }, 105 { 106 "width": 1400, 107 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E16AQGxxxxxxxxxx/profile-displaybackgroundimage-shrink_350_1400/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxxxxxx", 108 "height": 350 109 } 110 ], 111 "rootUrl": "" 112 } 113 }, 114 "profilePictureDisplayImage": { 115 "artifacts": [ 116 { 117 "width": 100, 118 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603AQFxxxxxxxxxx/profile-displayphoto-shrink_100_100/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxxxxxx", 119 "height": 100 120 }, 121 { 122 "width": 200, 123 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603AQFxxxxxxxxxx/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxxxxxx", 124 "height": 200 125 }, 126 { 127 "width": 400, 128 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603AQFxxxxxxxxxx/profile-displayphoto-shrink_400_400/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxxxxxx", 129 "height": 400 130 }, 131 { 132 "width": 750, 133 "fileIdentifyingUrlPathSegment": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5603AQFxxxxxxxxxx/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?e=xxxxxx&v=beta&t=xxxxxxxxxx", 134 "height": 750 135 } 136 ], 137 "rootUrl": "" 138 }, 139 "blockThirdPartyDataSharing": false, 140 "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/sales/lead/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,NAME_SEARCH,xxxxxx" 141}