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Trustpilot Company Categories

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Trustpilot Company Categories

Trustpilot Company Categories

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1 day trial then $4.00/month - No credit card required now

Extracts business data from Trustpilot categories. It allows filtering by country, location, verification, and trustscore. Get details like ratings, reviews, contact info, and more, making it perfect for market research, reputation tracking, or business insights.

Trustpilot category


The Trustpilot category you want to scrape. ex bank,gaming in



The page number you want to scrape

Trustpilot country


US, IT, GB etc etc

Value options:

"AF": string"AX": string"AL": string"DZ": string"AS": string"AD": string"AO": string"AI": string"AQ": string"AG": string"AR": string"AM": string"AW": string"AU": string"AT": string"AZ": string"BS": string"BH": string"BD": string"BB": string"BY": string"BE": string"BZ": string"BJ": string"BM": string"BT": string"BO": string"BA": string"BW": string"BV": string"BR": string"IO": string"VG": string"BN": string"BG": string"BF": string"BI": string"KH": string"CM": string"CA": string"CV": string"BQ": string"KY": string"CF": string"TD": string"CL": string"CN": string"CX": string"CC": string"CO": string"KM": string"CG": string"CK": string"CR": string"CI": string"HR": string"CU": string"CW": string"CY": string"CZ": string"DK": string"DJ": string"DM": string"DO": string"EC": string"EG": string"SV": string"GQ": string"ER": string"EE": string"ET": string"FK": string"FO": string"FJ": string"FI": string"FR": string"GF": string"PF": string"TF": string"GA": string"GM": string"GE": string"DE": string"GH": string"GI": string"GR": string"GL": string"GD": string"GP": string"GU": string"GT": string"GG": string"GN": string"GW": string"GY": string"HT": string"HM": string"HN": string"HK": string"HU": string"IS": string"IN": string"ID": string"IR": string"IQ": string"IE": string"IM": string"IL": string"IT": string"JM": string"JP": string"JE": string"JO": string"KZ": string"KE": string"KI": string"XK": string"KW": string"KG": string"LA": string"LV": string"LB": string"LS": string"LR": string"LY": string"LI": string"LT": string"LU": string"MO": string"MG": string"MW": string"MY": string"MV": string"ML": string"MT": string"MH": string"MQ": string"MR": string"MU": string"YT": string"MX": string"FM": string"MD": string"MN": string"ME": string"MS": string"MA": string"MZ": string"MM": string"NA": string"NR": string"NP": string"NL": string"NC": string"NZ": string"NI": string"NE": string"NG": string"NU": string"NF": string"KP": string"MK": string"MP": string"NO": string"OM": string"PK": string"PW": string"PS": string"PA": string"PG": string"PY": string"PE": string"PH": string"PN": string"PL": string"PT": string"MC": string"PR": string"QA": string"CD": string"RE": string"RO": string"RU": string"RW": string"WS": string"SM": string"ST": string"SA": string"SN": string"RS": string"SC": string"SL": string"SG": string"SX": string"SK": string"SI": string"SB": string"SO": string"ZA": string"GS": string"KR": string"SS": string"ES": string"LK": string"BL": string"SH": string"KN": string"LC": string"MF": string"PM": string"VC": string"SD": string"SR": string"SJ": string"SZ": string"SE": string"CH": string"SY": string"TW": string"TJ": string"TZ": string"TH": string"TL": string"TG": string"TK": string"TO": string"TT": string"TN": string"TR": string"TM": string"TC": string"TV": string"AE": string"UM": string"VI": string"UG": string"UA": string"GB": string"US": string"UY": string"UZ": string"VU": string"VA": string"VE": string"VN": string"WF": string"EH": string"YE": string"ZM": string"ZW": string

Trustpilot location


City or Zip Code



Only companies that are claimed



Only companies that are verified



Only companies with a trustscore greater than or equal to the specified value

Value options:

"3.0": string"4.0": string"5.0": string
Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 1 monthly user
  • 1 star
  • 100.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in Oct 2024
  • Modified 2 days ago