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Total Wine Scraper

Total Wine Scraper


Scrape data from Total Wine. Extract descriptions, images, reviews, stock info, and all other product details. The actor supports category URLs and/or searching across the website by any search term.


Is it possible to get more details from their response?


certified_harbor opened this issue
a year ago

I want to extract more details from their API. In some of the cases PackageDescription is not having proper details. I want to have details of size and other parameters along with that. Is it possible to do that?

In the attached screenshot item size it 7.5Oz, However in the packageDescription it is showing only 7.5, so if we can have that from the size we can have correct values

oyildirim avatar

Hey, I believe you used this URL for this product : It's not a priority right now to improve the unit information in the packageDescription (because it's already accessible in the result at the moment) In my opinion, it would be better if you can cross-check packageDescription and the options using the productId to solve this issue right now.



a year ago

Thanks @Onur for quick reply. However, I am not able to get the details from that. From the packageDescription, I am having this text: "24-7.5cans", while original size of this product is 7.5OZ. Is there any way I can get this 7.5OZ from your scrapped result? I want to map pack and case using that data along with other details found in the scrapping. In the options I only find the shipping related data.

If you can provide help on mapping that will be a great help

oyildirim avatar

You are right, and I was checking the detail page. I believe you are parsing the list page, and that information is not available there at the moment. I need to change the parsing logic to parse every detail page, but for speed & performance, it's not doing a complete parsing of the item pages. I can implement this in the future, but it's not a priority in the short term. As a workaround, I would recommend you to identify these products and rerun the actor with a list of their detail page URL. In there I see that you can access that info in the options array



a year ago

Okay. Thanks for the update. Is your code is compatible to scrape the detail page as well for each individual product? If that's case, I will check and retrieve the detail for the selected products.

Thanks a lot for quick response for last few days

oyildirim avatar

Yes it is, please give it a try

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