Instagram IDs to username avatar

Instagram IDs to username

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Instagram IDs to username

Instagram IDs to username


Convert Instagram ID numbers back to usernames

Instagram IDs to usernames

This actor allows you to convert a list of Instagram user IDs to their appropriate usernames.

When scraping posts or comments, Instagram often doesn't give you final user username but only their numerical representation. This actor allows you easily convert them and adds also general user data.


Input is a list of user IDs, e.g.

2    "ids": ["898537494"]

You don't need to use JSON format, the actor allows you to use visual interface


You can point other Instagram scrapers that don't have the username directly to this actor, and it will generate a dataset enriched with the user data for you![YOUR TOKEN HERE]

When you call this actor from the webhook, it will write the dataset ID back to your run, under DATASET_ID key in the Key value store, and RUN_ID with the run of this actor, so you can link them together.


Output is a list of user data containing usernames and user URLs, e.g.

2    {
3        "username": "chizawagames",
4        "pk": 898537494,
5        "profile_pic_url": "",
6        "url": ""
7    }

The output is also available as CSV, Excel, Xml and other formats.

If you call it using a actor, like, it will append the user info on the datasets from it.

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