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Discover LinkedIn People Posts

Discover LinkedIn People Posts

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It retrieves posts created, liked, or commented on by the user, along with detailed insights like reactions, comments, hashtags, and more, in a structured JSON format.

Discover LinkedIn Posts by Profile URL Actor

This actor extracts all posts from a valid LinkedIn profile URL and provides detailed information about each post. It also retrieves user interactions, including likes, comments, and shares. The extracted data offers comprehensive insights into a user's LinkedIn activity. Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: LinkedIn Posts Scraper.


  • Extract Posts: Retrieves all posts from a given LinkedIn profile.
  • Interactive Content: Includes posts liked, commented on, or shared by the user.
  • Detailed Information: Outputs metadata for each post, such as title, text, likes, comments, and engagement metrics.
  • Top Comments: Fetches the most visible comments on each post.
  • User Metrics: Provides details about the user's followers, total posts, and articles.

Output Fields

The actor generates the following data fields:

Output Fields for Discover LinkedIn Posts by Profile URL Actor

Field NameTypeDescription
urlstringThe URL of the LinkedIn post.
idstringUnique identifier of the post.
user_idstringLinkedIn username of the post's author.
use_urlstringLinkedIn profile URL of the post's author.
titlestringTitle of the post.
headlinestringShort description or headline of the post.
post_textstringThe text content of the post.
date_postedstring(ISO 8601)The date and time when the post was created.
hashtagslist or nullHashtags included in the post, if any.
embedded_linkslist or nullURLs embedded within the post, if any.
imageslist or nullImage attachments included in the post, if any.
videoslist or nullVideo attachments included in the post, if any.
num_likesintegerNumber of likes the post has received.
num_commentsintegerNumber of comments on the post.
more_articles_by_userlist or nullOther articles written by the post's author, if available.
more_relevant_postslist or nullRelevant or similar posts, if available.
top_visible_commentslistof ObjectsDetails of the most visible comments on the post.
user_followersintegerNumber of followers the user has on LinkedIn.
user_postsintegerTotal number of posts created by the user.
user_articlesintegerTotal number of articles written by the user.
post_typestringType of post (e.g., "post", "article", etc.).
account_typestringIndicates whether the account is a person or an organization.
post_text_htmlstringThe HTML-formatted text content of the post.
repostobject or nullDetails about the repost, if the post is a repost.
tagged_companieslist or nullCompanies tagged in the post, if any.
tagged_peoplelist or nullPeople tagged in the post, if any.
user_titlestringTitle or designation of the post author (e.g., "Chair, Gates Foundation and Founder, Breakthrough Energy").
timestampstring(ISO 8601)Timestamp of when the data was extracted.
inputobjectContains the input URL for the LinkedIn post being extracted.
discovery_inputobjectContains the input profile URL for discovering posts by the user.


  1. Provide Input: Submit a valid LinkedIn profile URL.
  2. Run Actor: Execute the actor to extract posts and interactions.
  3. Receive Data: Download the results in JSON format for further analysis.

Example Output

2  {
3    "url": "",
4    "id": "7283555259380068352",
5    "user_id": "williamhgates",
6    "use_url": "",
7    "title": "Bill Gates on LinkedIn: Mike Maples Sr., 1942-2025: Microsoft’s ‘adult in the room’ had a deep… | 140 comments",
8    "headline": "Bill Gates’ Post",
9    "post_text": "Mike Maples was an extraordinary human, business leader, and friend. I’m lucky to have known him, and I’m thinking of his family during this difficult time.",
10    "date_posted": "2025-01-10T18:48:15.716Z",
11    "hashtags": null,
12    "embedded_links": null,
13    "images": null,
14    "videos": null,
15    "num_likes": 1252,
16    "num_comments": 140,
17    "more_articles_by_user": null,
18    "more_relevant_posts": null,
19    "top_visible_comments": [
20      {
21        "use_url": "",
22        "user_id": "diana-heileman-romero-75a8251",
23        "user_name": "Diana Heileman Romero",
24        "comment_date": "2025-01-11T11:47:49.211Z",
25        "comment": "A few years after Mike retired, we met him in Texas so he could talk to a group of managers in the South Region. He had us laughing in stiches with his stories of swimming in Lake Bill and the early days. One story in particular stood out. Mike had a summer job during college in Oklahoma pouring asphalt/rocks to fix the roads. It was hot and dusty and Mike, being a big strong football player, had started the job shoveling fast, but he would tire quickly and would have to take breaks. He noticed that a quiet, skinner older man would be slow and steady shoveling the materials to fix the roads and didn't tire. This man would get twice as much roadwork done than Mike could. So Mike did what that man did, and he said he learned from that early job, that it didn't matter what a person boasted about or how they appeared, what mattered was their experience in doing the job and getting results. As Microsoft celebrates its 50th year, it's people like Mike who helped set the right course early and shared his experience. I am glad he had a long retirement and was able to enjoy his family. May he rest in peace.",
26        "tagged_users": null,
27        "num_reactions": 27,
28        "user_title": null
29      },
30      {
31        "use_url": "",
32        "user_id": "fahad-khan-a61ab2346",
33        "user_name": "Fahad Khan",
34        "comment_date": "2025-01-14T11:33:49.212Z",
35        "comment": "Dear Sir, I have deep passion for physics and the mysteries of the universe. I dream of becoming a physicist one day, but my journey is hindered by financial constraints that limit my access to the resources I need to learn and grow. I have a strong desire to explore and understand the profound ideas in physics through the works of renowned scientists and authors. However, I am unable to afford the following books that I believe would greatly enhance my knowledge and perspective: 1. Cosmos 2. The Theory of Everything 3. A Brief History of Time 4. Relativity 5. In Search of Schrödinger's Cat 6. Our Mathematical Universe 7. What Is Mathematics? 8. The God Equation 9. Ripples in Spacetime 10. Gravity 11. The Invisible Universe In addition, I aspire to learn skills like editing and graphic designing, which require a laptop—another resource I currently lack. I deeply admire your work and the impact you have made in advancing science and technology. I humbly request your support in any form, whether by helping me access these resources or guiding me on how I can achieve my dreams despite my limitations. Even a response from you would mean a lot to me and inspire me to work even harder toward my goals Bill Gates",
36        "tagged_users": null,
37        "num_reactions": 2,
38        "user_title": "Attended Bal Bharti School - India"
39      },
40      {
41        "use_url": "",
42        "user_id": "%EB%8C%80%EC%9B%85-%EB%B0%95-446843341",
43        "user_name": "박대웅",
44        "comment_date": "2025-01-14T11:44:49.213Z",
45        "comment": "Our company has developed a children's puree juice beneficial for respiratory health.\"",
46        "tagged_users": null,
47        "num_reactions": 0,
48        "user_title": "--"
49      },
50      {
51        "use_url": "",
52        "user_id": "hazim-korkmaz-9b4461266",
53        "user_name": "Hazim KORKMAZ",
54        "comment_date": "2025-01-11T11:47:49.214Z",
56        "tagged_users": null,
57        "num_reactions": 4,
59      },
60      {
61        "use_url": "",
62        "user_id": "benoitjurion",
63        "user_name": "Benoit Jurion",
64        "comment_date": "2025-01-11T11:47:49.215Z",
65        "comment": "I started my career at Microsoft a few months after Mike Maples. I remember how imposing yet relaxed and approachable executive Mike was. For me, it was so exciting and inspiring to see Bill Gates hire an IBM veterant. I knew i was in the right company and there for the ride of my life. Thank you Bill Gates and Mike Maples for your leadership and inspiration through all these years. My sincere condolences to Mike’s family.",
66        "tagged_users": null,
67        "num_reactions": 9,
68        "user_title": "Founder"
69      },
70      {
71        "use_url": "",
72        "user_id": "jo%C3%A3o-pereira-dos-santos-176063214",
73        "user_name": "João Pereira dos santos",
74        "comment_date": "2025-01-14T11:37:49.216Z",
75        "comment": "The Signs of the Last Days: A Call to Reflection and Hope We live in times marked by disturbing events that seem to echo Jesus' words in Luke 21:10-11: \"Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another, food shortages and pestilences; and people will see fear-inspiring things and great signs from heaven.\" When we look around us, the signs are evident. Wars devastate nations, causing suffering and division. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and storms, leave a trail of destruction. Pestilences, like recent pandemics, have had a profound impact on humanity. Hunger continues to plague millions, while love between people seems increasingly scarce",
76        "tagged_users": null,
77        "num_reactions": 3,
78        "user_title": "Projetos eletrônicos"
79      },
80      {
81        "use_url": "",
82        "user_id": "ewa-dzi%C4%99gielewska-30a446185",
83        "user_name": "Ewa Dzięgielewska",
84        "comment_date": "2021-04-05T11:47:49.217Z",
85        "comment": "Kondolencje. Wyrazy współczucia po stracie bliskiej osoby dla rodziny oraz współpracowników",
86        "tagged_users": null,
87        "num_reactions": 0,
88        "user_title": "--"
89      },
90      {
91        "use_url": "",
92        "user_id": "dean-arlington-bb1ab66",
93        "user_name": "Dean Arlington",
94        "comment_date": "2025-01-11T11:47:49.218Z",
95        "comment": "Well done Mr. Bill Gates, Chair, the Gates Foundation, & my most sincere of condolences to Mr. Mike Maples Family, youself, the MSFT Folks that, at the time, had worked directly with Mr. Maples, Sr. In t/late 80's, [1988]; was a critical time in Microsoft's corporate evolution. W/in t/Applications Division, along with Mr. Maples Sr.; breaking down the MSFT Applications along w/their Product Units, together with re-combining & consolidation of the New Profit/Application Centers, was the Key. As you phrased out earlier in your Post, [\"Mr. Mike Maples, Sr. was one of the kindest, most level-headed & serious businessman\"; as well as, 'Microsoft's adult in the room\"; and Mike had a \"deep impact\" on the company\"]. Moreover, Mr. Maples was a Special Person to Microsoft, to Mr. Gates, Mr. Balmer, Brad Silverberg, in 1995; and to many of t/other Folks, all across Microsoft; that Mike Maples, Sr. had mentored, & worked with, whilst at Microsoft. Mike Maples Sr.'s son, had recently also said: [\"My Father's Mentorship, along w/his laughter & love; will forever be part of our lives\"]. Mr. Maples was a remarkable person, & had a deep overall, positive impact on MSFT. With condolences to Mr. Maples Family, Friends, & t/Teams at MSFT. Dean A.",
96        "tagged_users": null,
97        "num_reactions": 8,
98        "user_title": "Managing Partner at LaSalle Institutional Realty Advisors, LLC"
99      },
100      {
101        "use_url": "",
102        "user_id": "robert-sorensen-62855a205",
103        "user_name": "Robert Sorensen",
104        "comment_date": "2025-01-14T11:39:49.219Z",
105        "comment": "It's sad to hear of someone like Mike Maples Sr., passing away who's life, words and work has touched so many.",
106        "tagged_users": null,
107        "num_reactions": 0,
108        "user_title": "Custom Design Wood Work"
109      },
110      {
111        "use_url": "",
112        "user_id": "bibhutti1267",
113        "user_name": "Bibhutti S.",
114        "comment_date": "2025-01-11T11:47:49.220Z",
115        "comment": "Bill Gates I am deeply sorry for the loss of Mike Maples. Before becoming a prominent venture capitalist, he worked at Microsoft in the 1990s. During his time there, he was involved in product development and played a role in shaping the company’s software offerings. His impact as a business leader and his kindness as a person will surely be remembered by all who had the privilege to know him. My thoughts are with his family during this difficult time. It’s clear from your words that Mike left an indelible mark on everyone around him. May his legacy continue to inspire.",
116        "tagged_users": null,
117        "num_reactions": 3,
118        "user_title": "Founder & CEO | Strategic Leader in IT Solutions | Custom Software and Digital Innovation"
119      }
120    ],
121    "user_followers": 36975941,
122    "user_posts": 1402,
123    "user_articles": 255,
124    "post_type": "post",
125    "account_type": "Person",
126    "post_text_html": "Mike Maples was an extraordinary human, business leader, and friend. I&#x2019;m lucky to have known him, and I&#x2019;m thinking of his family during this difficult time. <br/>",
127    "repost": {
128      "repost_url": null,
129      "repost_user_id": null,
130      "repost_user_name": null,
131      "repost_text": null,
132      "repost_hangtags": null,
133      "repost_date": null,
134      "repost_attachments": null,
135      "repost_id": null,
136      "tagged_users": null,
137      "tagged_companies": null,
138      "repost_user_title": null
139    },
140    "tagged_companies": [],
141    "tagged_people": [],
142    "user_title": "Chair, Gates Foundation and Founder, Breakthrough Energy",
143    "timestamp": "2025-01-14T11:47:49.260Z",
144    "input": {
145      "url": ""
146    },
147    "discovery_input": { "url": "" }
148  }
Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 23 monthly users

  • 2 stars

  • 71% runs succeeded

  • 13 hours response time

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified 8 days ago