LinkedIn Posts Scraper avatar
LinkedIn Posts Scraper


$5.00/month + usage

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LinkedIn Posts Scraper

LinkedIn Posts Scraper


Developed by

Pratik Dani

Maintained by Community

Scrape LinkedIn posts data from LinkedIn Post URLs.

5.0 (1)


$5.00/month + usage


Monthly users


Runs succeeded


Response time

17 days

Last modified

15 days ago

LinkedIn Posts Scraper Actor

The LinkedIn Posts Scraper Actor is a robust tool designed to extract detailed information from LinkedIn posts, providing a structured JSON output. This scraper is ideal for researchers, marketers, and analysts who want to gather insights from LinkedIn content efficiently. Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: LinkedIn Posts Scraper.


  • Extracts comprehensive details from LinkedIn posts, including text, media, hashtags, and comments.
  • Retrieves user-specific metrics such as followers, posts count, and articles count.
  • Supports embedded links, tagged users, and companies.
  • Captures comments with user information and reaction counts.

Output Fields

The actor produces structured JSON data with the following fields:

Field NameTypeDescription
account_typestringType of account (e.g., "Person").
date_postedstring (ISO 8601)Timestamp of when the post was made.
embedded_linksarrayList of URLs embedded in the post.
hashtagsarray/nullList of hashtags in the post (or null if none).
headlinestringTitle or headline of the post.
idstringUnique identifier for the post.
imagesarray/nullURLs of images in the post (or null if none).
inputobjectContains the input url used for scraping.
more_articles_by_userarray/nullLinks to additional articles by the user (or null if unavailable).
more_relevant_postsarray/nullLinks to similar posts (or null if unavailable).
num_commentsintegerTotal number of comments on the post.
num_likesintegerTotal number of likes on the post.
post_textstringPlain text content of the post.
post_text_htmlstringHTML content of the post.
post_typestringType of post (e.g., "post").
repostobjectDetails about the repost, if applicable.
tagged_companiesarrayList of companies tagged in the post.
tagged_peoplearrayList of people tagged in the post with names and profile links.
timestampstring (ISO 8601)Timestamp of when the post was scraped.
titlestringFull title, including post metadata (e.g., comments and likes count).
top_visible_commentsarrayList of top comments with details like text, user info, and reactions.
urlstringURL of the post.
use_urlstringURL of the post's author profile.
user_articlesintegerTotal articles published by the user.
user_followersintegerTotal followers of the post's author.
user_idstringUnique identifier for the post's author.
user_postsintegerTotal posts made by the user.
user_titlestring/nullTitle or position of the user (or null if unavailable).
videosarray/nullURLs of videos in the post (or null if none).


  1. Input: Provide the URL of a LinkedIn post as the input parameter.
  2. Run the actor: The scraper will extract the data and return it as JSON.
  3. Analyze the data: Use the structured output for insights, reports, or automation.

Example Output

2      "account_type": "Person",
3      "date_posted": "2025-01-11T20:53:01.122Z",
4      "embedded_links": [
5        "",
6        ""
7      ],
8      "hashtags": null,
9      "headline": "Bill Gates’ Post",
10      "id": "7283949043293003776",
11      "images": null,
12      "input": {
13        "url": ""
14      },
15      "more_articles_by_user": null,
16      "more_relevant_posts": null,
17      "num_comments": 201,
18      "num_likes": 1231,
19      "post_text": "Effective public health is about more than just the ‘what’—it’s about the ‘how.’ Research by Nadia Akseer and her Exemplars in Global Health colleagues shows that a shared, data-backed approach can lead to lasting health improvements.",
20      "post_text_html": "Effective public health is about more than just the &#x2018;what&#x2019;&#x2014;it&#x2019;s about the &#x2018;how.&#x2019;&#xA0;Research by <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_self\" data-tracking-control-name=\"public_post-text\" data-tracking-will-navigate>Nadia Akseer</a> and her <a class=\"link\" href=\"\" target=\"_self\" data-tracking-control-name=\"public_post-text\" data-tracking-will-navigate>Exemplars in Global Health</a> colleagues shows that a shared, data-backed approach can lead to lasting health improvements.",
21      "post_type": "post",
22      "repost": {
23        "repost_attachments": null,
24        "repost_date": null,
25        "repost_hangtags": null,
26        "repost_id": null,
27        "repost_text": null,
28        "repost_url": null,
29        "repost_user_id": null,
30        "repost_user_name": null,
31        "repost_user_title": null,
32        "tagged_companies": null,
33        "tagged_users": null
34      },
35      "tagged_companies": [],
36      "tagged_people": [
37        {
38          "link": "",
39          "name": "Nadia Akseer"
40        }
41      ],
42      "timestamp": "2025-01-14T07:01:32.286Z",
43      "title": "Bill Gates on LinkedIn: Africa: Decade-Long Study Reveals Key Drivers of Global Health Success | 201 comments",
44      "top_visible_comments": [
45        {
46          "comment": "Glade you disappeared in India and your clones where executed at GITMO. Push that bioweapon!!?",
47          "comment_date": "2025-01-14T06:58:32.229Z",
48          "num_reactions": 0,
49          "tagged_users": null,
50          "use_url": "",
51          "user_id": "stephen-harvey-6ab66b252",
52          "user_name": "Stephen Harvey",
53          "user_title": null
54        },
55        {
56          "comment": "Well said!",
57          "comment_date": "2023-10-22T07:01:32.231Z",
58          "num_reactions": 0,
59          "tagged_users": null,
60          "use_url": "",
61          "user_id": "alexandra-ara%C3%BAjo-a605b7170",
62          "user_name": "Alexandra Araújo",
63          "user_title": null
64        },
65        {
66          "comment": "Well said! Collaboration drives sustainable health solutions.",
67          "comment_date": "2025-01-14T06:52:32.232Z",
68          "num_reactions": 0,
69          "tagged_users": null,
70          "use_url": "",
71          "user_id": "sneaky-falcons",
72          "user_name": "Sneaky Falcons",
73          "user_title": null
74        },
75        {
76          "comment": "Even Senegal for disease prevention with vaccines, it's a long scientific journey to be effective for public consumption. Senegal looks so vibrant! I met a retired Infectious Diseases Doctor who works now at University of Auckland at Climate extinction picnic function. \"Any prevention is better than cure\" is a University motto in health science department. What some people go through with disease is bewildering. People are primarily biological then chemistry, and adults lives are own lives and responsibility, and choices. The amount of brave soldiers according to book Mad on Meth just so much chemical pills, injections, mind altering substances to stay alive in war, its tragedy. Health is wealth.",
77          "comment_date": "2025-01-12T07:01:32.234Z",
78          "num_reactions": 4,
79          "tagged_users": null,
80          "use_url": "",
81          "user_id": "aria-jones-a42424106",
82          "user_name": "Aria Jones",
83          "user_title": null
84        },
85        {
86          "comment": "Si con las muestras de respeto se demuestra educación, lo más importante puede ser el respeto, pero para ello por encima de todo primero está la salud. Si la vida es un regalo, siendo seres educados, podemos saber que los regalos no se deben devolver. Es por ello que no debemos de jugar, ni con nuestra vida, ni con las vidas ajenas y algún día ciertas personas lo comprenderán, pues si debemos cuidar y proteger a todas las formas de vida que existen, es por el hecho de considerarse sagradas y es por ello que a todos se nos educó, antes de nacer, en valores humanos, para poder formar parte de una de las comunidades universales, de la que forman parte ciertas civilizaciones anteriores a la nuestra y actúan a nivel universal defendiendo siempre y por encima de todo a la que es bien amada por todos y más conocida si cabe, por nosotros, como el Alma de la Humanidad. Gracias a la Humanidad, dejamos de ser salvajes y pudimos vivir todos en sociedad, para que aprendiéramos a amarnos a nosotros mismos, tanto como a nuestro prójimo y todo para poder formar parte algún día de esa comunidad y mientras no terminen las guerras y los abusos de algunas multinacionales, en detrimento de la vida, difícilmente nos ayudarán para poder así avanzar.",
87          "comment_date": "2025-01-12T07:01:32.235Z",
88          "num_reactions": 3,
89          "tagged_users": null,
90          "use_url": "",
91          "user_id": "alberto-de-lucas-garcia-los-valores-son-vivos-228b77273",
92          "user_name": "Alberto de Lucas Garcia Los valores son vivos",
93          "user_title": null
94        },
95        {
96          "comment": "Men's health is also important, let's not forget! 💪 It is essential to take care of ourselves and have regular check-ups. Healthy nutrition and sports should not be neglected, of course. 🏃♂️ We should take care of both our physical and mental health. Let's make time for our hobbies to stay away from stress. 🏞️ Remember, everything is in our hands for a healthy life! #men'shealth #healthylife",
97          "comment_date": "2025-01-12T07:01:32.236Z",
98          "num_reactions": 6,
99          "tagged_users": null,
100          "use_url": "",
101          "user_id": "josef-ozd-b19009327",
102          "user_name": "Josef Ozd",
103          "user_title": null
104        },
105        {
106          "comment": "Millions die or live with unnecessary suffering, not because there are no medical advances, but because those advances are held hostage by impossible prices. Medications whose patents have already expired remain inaccessible to the majority, while pharmaceutical companies justify the unjustifiable — excessive profit margins and business models that prioritize shareholders over human lives. This system not only perpetuates inequality but also turns health into a luxury reserved for those who can afford it. Is this the progress we take pride in? What is the point of advancing research if treatments end up being an exclusive privilege for a few? It’s time to question whether we are truly building a more just world or just masking inequality with empty speeches.",
107          "comment_date": "2025-01-12T07:01:32.237Z",
108          "num_reactions": 17,
109          "tagged_users": null,
110          "use_url": "",
111          "user_id": "en",
112          "user_name": "Rodrigo V.",
113          "user_title": null
114        },
115        {
116          "comment": "Bill Gates Dear Sir, I have deep passion for physics and the mysteries of the universe. I dream of becoming a physicist one day, but my journey is hindered by financial constraints that limit my access to the resources I need to learn and grow. I have a strong desire to explore and understand the profound ideas in physics through the works of renowned scientists and authors. However, I am unable to afford the following books that I believe would greatly enhance my knowledge and perspective: 1. Cosmos 2. The Theory of Everything 3. A Brief History of Time 4. Relativity 5. In Search of Schrödinger's Cat 6. Our Mathematical Universe 7. What Is Mathematics? 8. The God Equation 9. Ripples in Spacetime 10. Gravity 11. The Invisible Universe In addition, I aspire to learn skills like editing and graphic designing, which require a laptop—another resource I currently lack. I deeply admire your work and the impact you have made in advancing science and technology. I humbly request your support in any form, whether by helping me access these resources or guiding me on how I can achieve my dreams despite my limitations. Even a response from you would mean a lot to me and inspire me to work even harder toward my goals. Bill Gates",
117          "comment_date": "2025-01-14T06:52:32.238Z",
118          "num_reactions": 2,
119          "tagged_users": null,
120          "use_url": "",
121          "user_id": "fahad-khan-a61ab2346",
122          "user_name": "Fahad Khan",
123          "user_title": null
124        },
125        {
126          "comment": "Did You know that cold agglutinine Syndrom occur often after Mycoplasma pneumoiae infection ? Did You know that only in old books this Syndrom was described well in a book write in 20 century by KUCHMEISTER and translate in romanan in 1973,, Diagnostic funcțional clinic,,where cold agglutinine Syndrom was well described I see that Syndrom after SARS COV2 infection and maybe coinfections with Mycoplasma pneumoiae",
127          "comment_date": "2025-01-14T06:49:32.239Z",
128          "num_reactions": 0,
129          "tagged_users": null,
130          "use_url": "",
131          "user_id": "traian-liviu-danciu-9785962b9",
132          "user_name": "Traian Liviu Danciu",
133          "user_title": null
134        },
135        {
136          "comment": "Well done Mr. Bill Gates, Chair, Gates Foundation; and [\"I agree with your above Post, together w/t/supporting PLOS Research Paper, showing [\"clearly Data-Backed Approaches, can lead to lasting Health & Wellness Improvements\"]. Specifically, [\"Exemplars in Global Health - EGH\"]; which involved [Nadia Akseer's & this Program]; that studied t/['Positive Outlier Countries; that have made \"Extraordinary Progress in Health Outcomes']; despite limited resources]; developed study's; covering [14 Global Health Topics, across 28 Countries; from 6/20 through 5/2023']. From this study; was [Developed a Conceptual Framework, whereby [8] Key Drivers, were derived]: The 8 are: [1.) Effective Data Collection & Decision Making; 2.) Strong Political Commitment & Health Leadership; 3.) Effective Stakeholder Coordination; 4.) A Local & Connected Workforce; 5.) Int'l Women's Empowerment; 6.) Effective Adoption & it's Implementation of the Positive Outlier's National Policies; 7.) Effective Outreach & Sustainable Program Financing/Funding; & 8.) The Equitable & Efficient Outreach, & Targeting\"]. Funding from these Program, that supports evidence-based findings will better inform Stakeholders, Policy Makers, & Funders. Well done Nadia Akseer. Dean A",
137          "comment_date": "2025-01-12T07:01:32.240Z",
138          "num_reactions": 4,
139          "tagged_users": null,
140          "use_url": "",
141          "user_id": "dean-arlington-bb1ab66",
142          "user_name": "Dean Arlington",
143          "user_title": null
144        }
145      ],
146      "url": "",
147      "use_url": "",
148      "user_articles": 255,
149      "user_followers": 36973530,
150      "user_id": "williamhgates",
151      "user_posts": 1402,
152      "user_title": null,
153      "videos": null
154    }


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

2 hours

