Advanced Twitter Scraper avatar

Advanced Twitter Scraper

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Advanced Twitter Scraper

Advanced Twitter Scraper


Twitter Scraper: Efficient Tweet Collector Collect tweets effortlessly with our Twitter Scraper actor. this tool quickly gathers tweets based on your search queries. Key Features: - Flexible search queries (Twitter advanced search) - Customizable tweet limit - Real-time progress tracking

Twitter Advanced Search Scraper

This Apify actor allows you to scrape tweets using Twitter's advanced search queries. It's designed to be user-friendly and efficient, requiring no API keys from the user.


  • Utilizes Twitter advanced search queries
  • Customizable maximum output
  • No API key required from users
  • Real-time progress tracking
  • Results stored in Apify datasets


This actor accepts the following inputs:

  1. query (required): A Twitter advanced search query string. Example: "Apple since:2023-01-01 until:2023-06-30 min_replies:100"

  2. max_output (optional): The maximum number of tweets to scrape. Default: 100


  1. Navigate to the actor's page on the Apify platform.
  2. Click on "Run" or "Try for free".
  3. In the input field, enter your Twitter advanced search query.
  4. Optionally, set the max_output to limit the number of tweets scraped.
  5. Click "Run" to start the actor.


The actor will store the scraped tweets in the default dataset associated with the actor run. You can access this data in various formats including JSON, CSV, and more.



2  "query": "climate change since:2024-01-01 until:2024-07-01 min_retweets:50",
3  "max_output": 500
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