YouTube Channel Contact Information Finder (up-to-date)
$10.00/month + usage

YouTube Channel Contact Information Finder (up-to-date)
Updated for the latest YouTube release in June 2024, now faster than ever! This fast and accurate advanced scraper is designed to extract contact information from YouTube channels, including social media links like Email, Website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and more.
0.0 (0)
$10.00/month + usage
Monthly users
Last modified
9 months ago
waiting for selector '#more-icon div' failed
2024-07-27T01:50:21.219Z ACTOR: Pulling Docker image of build q5A3pH1i8hd8nEk89 from repository.
2024-07-27T01:50:28.930Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container.
2024-07-27T01:50:29.163Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container.
2024-07-27T01:50:29.675Z Starting X virtual framebuffer using: Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1920x1080x24+32 -nolisten tcp
2024-07-27T01:50:29.677Z Executing main command
2024-07-27T01:50:30.647Z INFO System info {"apifyVersion":"3.2.0","apifyClientVersion":"2.9.3","crawleeVersion":"3.10.0","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v16.20.2"}
2024-07-27T01:50:31.551Z Puppeteer old Headless deprecation warning:
2024-07-27T01:50:31.553Z In the near feature headless: true
will default to the new Headless mode
2024-07-27T01:50:31.555Z for Chrome instead of the old Headless implementation. For more
2024-07-27T01:50:31.557Z information, please see https://developer.chrome.com/articles/new-headless/.
2024-07-27T01:50:31.559Z Consider opting in early by passing headless: "new"
to puppeteer.launch()
2024-07-27T01:50:31.561Z If you encounter any bugs, please report them to https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/new/choose.
2024-07-27T01:50:31.936Z Starting to process: https://www.youtube.com/@CharlieChang
2024-07-27T01:50:39.457Z error: TimeoutError: Waiting for selector #more-icon div
failed: Waiting failed: 5000ms exceeded
Pricing model
RentalTo use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.
Free trial
1 day