Linkedin Ads Library Scraper avatar

Linkedin Ads Library Scraper

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Linkedin Ads Library Scraper

Linkedin Ads Library Scraper

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3 days trial then $18.00/month - No credit card required now

The linkedin ads library scraper tool allows you to extract data from using multiple type of input. Get data like document transcript, total impressions, date ranges, CTA, advertiser and paying entity ...

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 26 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 18 hours response time

  • Created in Jul 2024

  • Modified 15 days ago


Proxy configuration


The best option is usually Automatic proxy. But you can also use your own proxies or no proxy

Max number of ADS


0 = no limit


Select your country

Value options:

"search_url": string"search_word": string"company": string

Default value of this property is "search_url"

Linkedin search URL


URL to start with

Search by company or advertiser name


same search box as linkedin


same search box as linkedin

Date range


If custom selected, you need to provide a start and end date

Value options:

"last-30-days": string"current-month": string"current-year": string"last-year": string"custom-date-range": string

Default value of this property is "last-30-days"

Select Custom start date


mandatory when selecting date range as 'Custom date range'

Select Custom end date


mandatory when selecting date range as 'Custom date range'



Select a country to limit your search results

Value options:

"US": string"ALL": string"AF": string"AX": string"AL": string"DZ": string"AS": string"AD": string"AO": string"AI": string"AQ": string"AG": string"AR": string"AM": string"AW": string"AU": string"AT": string"AZ": string"BS": string"BH": string"BD": string"BB": string"BY": string"BE": string"BZ": string"BJ": string"BM": string"BT": string"BO": string"BA": string"BW": string"BV": string"BR": string"IO": string"BN": string"BG": string"BF": string"BI": string"KH": string"CM": string"CA": string"CV": string"CB": string"KY": string"CF": string"TD": string"CL": string"CN": string"CX": string"CC": string"CO": string"KM": string"CG": string"CK": string"CR": string"CI": string"HR": string"CU": string"CY": string"CZ": string"CD": string"DK": string"DJ": string"DM": string"DO": string"TP": string"EC": string"EG": string"SV": string"GQ": string"ER": string"EE": string"ET": string"FK": string"FO": string"FM": string"FJ": string"FI": string"FR": string"GF": string"PF": string"TF": string"GA": string"GM": string"GE": string"DE": string"GH": string"GI": string"GR": string"GL": string"GD": string"GP": string"GU": string"GT": string"GG": string"GN": string"GW": string"GY": string"HT": string"HM": string"HN": string"HK": string"HU": string"IS": string"IN": string"ID": string"IR": string"IQ": string"IE": string"IM": string"IL": string"IT": string"JM": string"JP": string"JE": string"JO": string"KZ": string"KE": string"KI": string"KR": string"KP": string"KO": string"KW": string"KG": string"LA": string"LV": string"LB": string"LS": string"LR": string"LY": string"LI": string"LT": string"LU": string"MO": string"MK": string"MG": string"MW": string"MY": string"MV": string"ML": string"MT": string"MH": string"MQ": string"MR": string"MU": string"YT": string"MX": string"MD": string"MC": string"MN": string"ME": string"MS": string"MA": string"MZ": string"MM": string"NA": string"NR": string"NP": string"NL": string"AN": string"NC": string"NZ": string"NI": string"NE": string"NG": string"NU": string"NF": string"MP": string"NO": string"PK": string"PW": string"PS": string"PA": string"PG": string"PY": string"PE": string"PH": string"PN": string"PL": string"PT": string"PR": string"QA": string"RE": string"RO": string"RU": string"RW": string"GS": string"SH": string"KN": string"LC": string"PM": string"VC": string"WS": string"SM": string"ST": string"SA": string"SN": string"RS": string"CS": string"SC": string"SL": string"SG": string"SK": string"SI": string"SB": string"SO": string"ZA": string"SS": string"ES": string"LK": string"SD": string"OM": string"SR": string"SJ": string"SZ": string"SE": string"CH": string"SY": string"TW": string"TJ": string"TZ": string"TH": string"TL": string"TG": string"TK": string"TO": string"TT": string"TN": string"TR": string"TM": string"TC": string"TV": string"UG": string"UA": string"AE": string"GB": string"UY": string"UZ": string"VU": string"VA": string"VE": string"VN": string"VG": string"VI": string"WF": string"EH": string"YE": string"YU": string"ZM": string"ZW": string

Default value of this property is "ALL"

Combine multiple companies in 1 search


Select if you want 1 search for X companies or X searchs for X companies. Default value is False, 1 search per company in the list

Default value of this property is false

List of linkedin company


Provide companies to be searched on linkedin ads library


Keyword search

Date range


If custom selected, you need to provide a start and end date

Value options:

"last-30-days": string"current-month": string"current-year": string"last-year": string"custom-date-range": string

Default value of this property is "last-30-days"

Select Custom start date


mandatory when selecting date range as 'Custom date range'

Select Custom end date


mandatory when selecting date range as 'Custom date range'



Select a country to limit your search results

Value options:

"US": string"ALL": string"AF": string"AX": string"AL": string"DZ": string"AS": string"AD": string"AO": string"AI": string"AQ": string"AG": string"AR": string"AM": string"AW": string"AU": string"AT": string"AZ": string"BS": string"BH": string"BD": string"BB": string"BY": string"BE": string"BZ": string"BJ": string"BM": string"BT": string"BO": string"BA": string"BW": string"BV": string"BR": string"IO": string"BN": string"BG": string"BF": string"BI": string"KH": string"CM": string"CA": string"CV": string"CB": string"KY": string"CF": string"TD": string"CL": string"CN": string"CX": string"CC": string"CO": string"KM": string"CG": string"CK": string"CR": string"CI": string"HR": string"CU": string"CY": string"CZ": string"CD": string"DK": string"DJ": string"DM": string"DO": string"TP": string"EC": string"EG": string"SV": string"GQ": string"ER": string"EE": string"ET": string"FK": string"FO": string"FM": string"FJ": string"FI": string"FR": string"GF": string"PF": string"TF": string"GA": string"GM": string"GE": string"DE": string"GH": string"GI": string"GR": string"GL": string"GD": string"GP": string"GU": string"GT": string"GG": string"GN": string"GW": string"GY": string"HT": string"HM": string"HN": string"HK": string"HU": string"IS": string"IN": string"ID": string"IR": string"IQ": string"IE": string"IM": string"IL": string"IT": string"JM": string"JP": string"JE": string"JO": string"KZ": string"KE": string"KI": string"KR": string"KP": string"KO": string"KW": string"KG": string"LA": string"LV": string"LB": string"LS": string"LR": string"LY": string"LI": string"LT": string"LU": string"MO": string"MK": string"MG": string"MW": string"MY": string"MV": string"ML": string"MT": string"MH": string"MQ": string"MR": string"MU": string"YT": string"MX": string"MD": string"MC": string"MN": string"ME": string"MS": string"MA": string"MZ": string"MM": string"NA": string"NR": string"NP": string"NL": string"AN": string"NC": string"NZ": string"NI": string"NE": string"NG": string"NU": string"NF": string"MP": string"NO": string"PK": string"PW": string"PS": string"PA": string"PG": string"PY": string"PE": string"PH": string"PN": string"PL": string"PT": string"PR": string"QA": string"RE": string"RO": string"RU": string"RW": string"GS": string"SH": string"KN": string"LC": string"PM": string"VC": string"WS": string"SM": string"ST": string"SA": string"SN": string"RS": string"CS": string"SC": string"SL": string"SG": string"SK": string"SI": string"SB": string"SO": string"ZA": string"SS": string"ES": string"LK": string"SD": string"OM": string"SR": string"SJ": string"SZ": string"SE": string"CH": string"SY": string"TW": string"TJ": string"TZ": string"TH": string"TL": string"TG": string"TK": string"TO": string"TT": string"TN": string"TR": string"TM": string"TC": string"TV": string"UG": string"UA": string"AE": string"GB": string"UY": string"UZ": string"VU": string"VA": string"VE": string"VN": string"VG": string"VI": string"WF": string"EH": string"YE": string"YU": string"ZM": string"ZW": string

Default value of this property is "ALL"