Billboard Hot 100 Scraper avatar

Billboard Hot 100 Scraper

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Billboard Hot 100 Scraper

Billboard Hot 100 Scraper


Apify actor for scraping the Billboard Hot 100 weekly charts for a specific year (or list of years).

Billboard Hot 100 Scraper

Billboard Hot 100 Scraper is an Apify actor for scraping the Billboard Hot 100 weekly charts for a specific year (or list of years). It is build on top of Apify SDK. You can run it on both Apify's platform and locally.


If running the actor locally, then the input can be specified in the file:


The input allows the following fields to be set:

yearsarrayA list of years for the Actor to scrape.
proxyConfigurationobject(optional) Proxy settings of the run. If you have access to Apify proxy, leave the default settings. If not, you can set { "useApifyProxy": false" } to disable proxy usage

** Note on the proxy configuration **

If you do not have proxies enabled, then the Actor will only send one request at a time with a random delay of between 1 and 8 seconds between requests. This is to help prevent the scraper from being blocked.

INPUT Example:

2    "years": [ 1980, 1984 ],
3    "proxyConfiguration": {
4        "useApifyProxy": false
5    }


Output is stored in a dataset. If you run the actor locally, then the results will be a set of JSON files under the directory apify_storage/datasets/default/, one file for each week of the year being scraped. Each file contains the top 100 hits for a particular week of the year that was scraped:

Example for the week of 3/2/1980-3/8/1980:

2  "week": "1980-03-08",
3  "songs": [
4    {
5      "rank": "1",
6      "artist": "Queen",
7      "song": "Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
8    },
9    {
10      "rank": "2",
11      "artist": "Teri DeSario With K.C.",
12      "song": "Yes, I'm Ready"
13    },
14    ...
15   {
16      "rank": "99",
17      "artist": "Styx",
18      "song": "Why Me"
19    },
20    {
21      "rank": "100",
22      "artist": "Tavares",
23      "song": "Bad Times"
24    }
25  ]


After setting the years to scrape and the proxy configuration in INPUT.json, you can run the actor locally using the Apify CLI by running the following command:

$ apify run -p
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