Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews
Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals
Hi, we've had an instance of this actor run that is showing successful, but throu API we received following error. Any idea why and how could we prevent this going forward? {"name":"ApifyApiError","clientMethod":"ActorClient.start","statusCode":402,"type":"actor-memory-limit-exceeded","attempt":1,"httpMethod":"post","path":"/v2/acts/4zyibEJ79jE7VXIpA/runs","originalStack":"\n at makeRequest (/function/node_modules/apify-client/dist/http_client.js:184:30)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async ActorClient.start (/function/node_modules/apify-client/dist/resource_clients/actor.js:86:26)\n at async ActorClient.call (/function/node_modules/apify-client/dist/resource_clients/actor.js:107:24)\n at async syncReviewsExpedia (/function/expediaScrapper.js:54:21)\n at async /function/func.js:105:42\n at async Promise.all (index 1)\n at async reviewsScrapping (/function/func.js:126:13)"}

Hi there, do you know which run it was? Did it happen more times or just once? The maximum allowed memory for this actor is 32768 MB, but it works well with just 512 MB, we're testing it daily with this memory setting
Seems we can't find that specific run here. We've had multiple runs triggered via API simultaneously (over 20). Is it possible that once these deplete the memory any additional run we're trying to trigger via API gets this error?

Yes, you probably exceeded the memory limit given by your subscription plan. You can check available memory in the left bottom corner in your console
ok, that explains it then, thanks! :)