Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews
Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals
Feature Request
Would be helpful if you could scrape the metadata for Total Reviews and Aver Rating,
Hello, Thank you for the request, i will check with the developer if this is possible
Thank you appreciate that..
Also the data mentioned in below screenshot (Excellent - 906 , Terrible - ... etc..)

Hello, this Actor is focused on extracting individual reviews, not summary information about the hotels, so we don't plan to support this now. For your use-case, I can recommend for example the Expedia Hotels Actor by jupri
, which provides the information that you want. You just need to enable Reviews in the Additional Information input section (see screenshot).
Here is a test run which returned the data for an example hotel: https://console.apify.com/view/runs/JLHMtxUK496UCKSY2 - in Output -> All fields -> JSON, you can see this:
1"reviews": { 2 "score": 7.6, 3 "label": "Gut", 4 "total": 225, 5 "counts": [ 6 { 7 "count": 70, 8 "label": "10 – Hervorragend", 9 "percent": 31, 10 "rating": 10 11 }, 12 { 13 "count": 72, 14 "label": "8 – Gut", 15 "percent": 32, 16 "rating": 8 17 }, 18 { 19 "count": 51, 20 "label": "6 – Okay", 21 "percent": 23, 22 "rating": 6 23 }, 24 { 25 "count": 21, 26 "label": "4 – Schlecht", 27 "percent": 9, 28 "rating": 4 29 }, 30 { 31 "count": 11, 32 "label": "2 – Ungenügend", 33 "percent": 5, 34 "rating": 2 35 } 36 ],
(I used the German variant of Expedia, so it's in German, but any other language will likely also work fine.)
I hope this helps. If you have questions about that... [trimmed]