Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews
Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals
Field Request
Can we pull the management response also it would be really helpfull

Hi there, will have a look, do you happen to have an example?
Yes, for example in the picture there is 2 section containing review response information and review response text. Maybe you can add them into fields like reviewResponseText and reviewResponseInfo. Or maybe using regex you can divide the info part into two which are reviewResponseDate and reviewResponder

Thanks for the example, we will look into it

Hi! The responses were added under this attribute: "managementResponses" Have a nice day!