Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews
Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals

Missing Reviews
When running the actor, some requests seem to fail due to error 403, meaning the output will be missing reviews. E.g. searching for all reviews for a hotel which has a total of 58 reviews, I'm missing two batches of 10 reviews. Thank you

Hi, thanks for the report. I added the configuration option to increase maxRequestRetries
, and set the default to a higher number (8, before it was 3). This should improve the reliability (with the tradeoff of potentially higher cost), but, naturally, it can still happen that a request for a specific page will be blocked many times and the page will be missing in the data, that is the nature of web scraping. I hope this solves your issue, if anything new pops up, please do not hesitate to reopen this or create a new issue!

Also, for this Actor I can highly recommend using residential proxies - they very significantly reduce the number of 403 responses