Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews

Expedia & Hotels.com reviews scraper
Pay $1.00 for 1,000 Reviews
Scraper to get reviews from URLs of hotels, apartments and other accommodations listed on Expedia.com and Hotels.com portals
Not bringing any reviews
This run should have got me at least 1 review, but it brought none.
Thank you

I see from the log there is some errors , I will have the developer look into the issue Thank you
2024-04-05T04:05:24.143Z WARN CheerioCrawler: Reclaiming failed request back to the list or queue. Request blocked - received 429 status code. 2024-04-05T04:05:24.146Z {"id":"Hl7ItrHxPBPaYhx","url":"https://www.expedia.com/graphql","retryCount":1}

Hello, this happened because you started the scrape without any proxy. As a result, all the requests were sent from a single IP address, and the Expedia website easily blocked all of them.
This was a result of a misconfiguration on our side, the proxy chooser should not have been visible on the input page. We have fixed this with version 0.0.16, where the scraper automatically uses the best proxy available. Your scraping should therefore work without any issues.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Team ⟁