Hotel Review Aggregator
Pay $1.50 for 1,000 Reviews

Hotel Review Aggregator
Pay $1.50 for 1,000 Reviews
Add Google Maps place IDs or URLs and get hotel reviews from Tripadvisor, Yelp, Google Maps, Expedia, Hotels.com, Booking.com, Airbnb in one dataset. Export reviews in JSON, CSV, HTML, use API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate reviews data with other tools.
Missing hotels names
googleMapsPlaceId placeAddress placeName For booking.com reviews - when I make a single place or multiple in bulk, I'm missing these three fields (even it is evident from booking URL). ideally, it should be filled automatically

Hi there, thank you for the message. Can you please provide the link of the run where it happened? We will look into it

Thank you, the developer is working on it

Hi Chris, this is fixed, please test and let us know if you would encounter any issues. Thank you and have a nice day!