Hotel Review Aggregator
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Hotel Review Aggregator
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Pay $1.50 for 1,000 Reviews
Add Google Maps place IDs or URLs and get hotel reviews from Tripadvisor, Yelp, Google Maps, Expedia, Hotels.com, Booking.com, Airbnb in one dataset. Export reviews in JSON, CSV, HTML, use API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate reviews data with other tools.
Rating max count field would be very helpful
youssefsiam38 opened this issue
4 months ago
Some review providers use 10 star rating count (e.g booking) and some other use 5 star rating count (e.g tripadvisor)
It would be very helpful if we added a new field for the "rating_max" to be 10 for booking and 5 for tripadvisor

4 months ago
Hi there, thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it