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Restaurant Review Aggregator

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Restaurant Review Aggregator

Restaurant Review Aggregator

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Pay $1.50 for 1,000 Reviews

Add restaurant names and get reviews from Yelp, Google Maps, Doordash, UberEats, Tripadvisor, and Facebook. Extract review text, place address, rating, date, reviewer's name. Export reviews in JSON, CSV, HTML, use API, schedule and monitor runs or integrate reviews data with other tools.

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Search keywords


Keywords to search on Google Maps.

Check place names


Filter out places found on Google Maps whose name is too far from all the search keywords or the given names.

Default value of this property is false

The name must contain exactly the keyword


Only include places whose name contains the exact keyword or one of the given names (case insensitive). Does nothing if "check place titles" is not selected.

Default value of this property is false

Alternative names for title matching (separated by comma)


Allows to specify alternative names (to the right, separated by comma) for each place (to the left). Ignored if "checkTitle" is not selected.

Search location


Location for the Google Maps search. Use simple locations, e.g., city and country.

Deeper city scrape


Extract more places inside each city in a region, from Google Maps (more expensive).

Default value of this property is false

Limit the number of places scraped with Google Maps


Only considered if searching places using a keyword. If you want to scrape all available places, set this value to 9999999. If the number is less than 200, deeperCityScrape will be disabled.

Google Maps start URLs


The URLs of the Google Maps pages to start from. If specified, keyword and other search parameters will be ignored

Review providers


Select the providers to scrape for reviews. Even if you deselect Google Maps, it will still be used to scrape the places at the beginning. If omitted, all the providers will be automatically selected.

Max number of reviews per place/provider


The number of reviews to scrape for each place, from each provider. Some providers may not support scraping a very high number of reviews: the number will be clipped.

Default value of this property is 10

Scrape reviews from date (only for Google Maps and Tripadvisor)


Scrape only reviews from a given date. Some providers may not be compatible with this feature.

Scrape review pictures


Add review pictures into the output. Currently supported providers: Facebook, Google Maps, TripAdvisor, Yelp.

Default value of this property is false

Scrape owner's responses to reviews


Add owner's responses to reviews into the output. Currently supported providers: Google Maps, TripAdvisor, Yelp.

Default value of this property is false

Maintained by Apify
Actor metrics
  • 17 monthly users
  • 5 stars
  • 92.0% runs succeeded
  • Created in Apr 2024
  • Modified 5 days ago