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🔥 Linkedin Companies & Profiles Bulk Scraper

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🔥 Linkedin Companies & Profiles Bulk Scraper

🔥 Linkedin Companies & Profiles Bulk Scraper

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Companies & Profiles Linkedin scraper. Get comprehensive profiles of individuals and companies based on your keywords and filters. Unleash the power of data! 🌐🔍


The actor is running without get results

realgg opened this issue
a month ago

Yesterday the actor was working perfectly, without any error. Now I observe that the acotr runs but without scrap the list that I send in the input. What could be the cause of the error?

bebity avatar

Bebity (bebity)

a month ago

Hello @realgg,

Thank you for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.

We’ve implemented a new fix, and the system should recover within the next hour. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by LinkedIn’s recent update.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. Please feel free to reach out if you experience any further problems.

Best regards, The Support Team

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 618 monthly users

  • 109 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • 26 days response time

  • Created in Jul 2023

  • Modified 2 months ago
