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2    "id": "ckp76o4y6rlrv0a61ixg2lcin",
3    "name": "Google Workspace",
4    "slug": "google-workspace",
5    "tagLine": "Schedule, join and manage your recorded meetings on Google Calendar.",
6    "logo": {
7      "id": "ckp76o55xrls00a61pln0lbbm",
8      "url": "https://res.cloudinary.com/apideck/image/upload/v1602094842/icons/google-workspace.jpg"
9    },
10    "categories": [
11      {
12        "id": "ckp76u6sdrm9k0a61mdtcsoci",
13        "name": "Calendars & Email",
14        "slug": "calendars-and-email",
15        "translations": []
16      }
17    ],
18    "collections": [
19      {
20        "id": "ckr0lc5xqi0mz0a98qhzv8u8a",
21        "name": "Featured",
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29        "name": "Terms",
30        "type": "TERMS",
31        "url": "https://policies.google.com/terms/",
32        "sequence": 2,
33        "translations": []
34      },
35      {
36        "id": "ckp76o5n0rlsg0a611nt9blze",
37        "name": "Privacy Policy",
38        "type": "PRIVACY",
39        "url": "https://policies.google.com/privacy/",
40        "sequence": 1,
41        "translations": []
42      },
43      {
44        "id": "clly8iwl0006oa93sp7lh3r1x",
45        "name": "",
46        "type": "SUPPORT",
47        "url": "https://support.google.com/a/answer/1047213?sjid=6368870898125908700-NA&visit_id=638290267726894258-1928171440&rd=1",
48        "sequence": 3,
49        "translations": [
50          {
51            "locale": "en",
52            "key": "name",
53            "value": "Contact Google Workspace Support",
54            "__typename": "Translation"
55          }
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57      },
58      {
59        "id": "ckp76o5kwrlse0a61tm20rg33",
60        "name": "Website",
61        "type": "WEBSITE",
62        "url": "https://workspace.google.com/",
63        "sequence": 0,
64        "translations": []
65      }
66    ],
67    "zapierId": "",
68    "piesyncId": "",
69    "microsoftFlowId": "",
70    "combideskId": "",
71    "segmentId": null,
72    "integromatId": "",
73    "automateId": "",
74    "trayIoId": "",
75    "nativeIntegration": true,
76    "thirdPartyIntegration": false,
77    "nativeIntegrationLink": "https://app.gong.io/integrations/gsuite",
78    "thirdPartyIntegrationLink": "",
79    "detailPageDisabled": false,
80    "cardBackgroundColor": "#35a855",
81    "cardBackgroundImage": null,
82    "translations": [],
83    "sticky": true,
84    "upcoming": false

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Actor Metrics

  • 1 monthly user

  • 2 stars

  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2023

  • Modified 6 months ago