Opentable (Extended)

Opentable (Extended)
Get Search results, Restaurants and Reservation availability from OpenTable. It's fast and costs little.
Actor Metrics
3 monthly users
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>99% runs succeeded
Created in Apr 2024
Modified 10 days ago
🛑 OpenTable may exist in a country with very limited data (e.g., only for the Capital). Please run a search on OpenTable website directly, and make sure you do get results, before opening an issue!
Get Search Results
Runs a search against OpenTable. The results can be of type "Location" or "Restaurant".
This is useful to identify which term is being used by the other processes.
Raw data is returned.
Get Restaurants
First, the process runs "Get Search Results" and uses the first Location result as Input.
This returns a list of restaurants based on the query, along with all relevant details.
Raw data is returned.
Get Availability
First, the process runs "Get Search Results" and uses the first Location result as Input.
Then, the process "Get Restaurants" is executed to get the list of target places to get availability for.
This returns a list of time slots that can be booked ("slots" key). A direct booking link is also generated.
Setting the Maximum Input too high may cause the process to fail. Try reducing it.
Customized data is returned.
How it works.
Enter the Location name to search for.
Select a process to run (e.g., Get Restaurants).
Set filters and the crawler options.
Run it! 🎉
Always use high-quality proxies, and make sure to wait between requests!
Open a new issue or contact support.
Please provide us with your run URL, and a screenshot of the original website output.