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Apollo Scraper

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Apollo Scraper

Apollo Scraper

Try for free

2 hours trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrapes contact data from Apollo.io search results using your account cookies. Features include multi-page scraping, configurable delays, and automatic handling of rate limits. Perfect for lead generation and sales prospecting. Requires valid Apollo.io account.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 43 Monthly users

  • 5.0 / 5 (1)

  • 1 bookmark

  • 90% runs succeeded

  • Created in Jan 2025

  • Modified 2 months ago

Apollo.io Scraper

An Apify actor for scraping contact data from Apollo.io search results. This actor helps you extract valuable contact information including names, email addresses, phone numbers, job titles, and company details from Apollo.io.


  • Scrapes contact information from Apollo.io search results
  • Supports multi-page scraping with configurable delays
  • Handles rate limiting and authentication
  • Exports data in structured format
  • Each page contains 25 contacts
  • Requires valid Apollo.io account cookies

Input Parameters

cookiesArrayApollo.io authentication cookies (required)
apolloUrlStringApollo.io search URL to scrape from
totalPagesIntegerNumber of pages to scrape (default: 3)
delaySecondsIntegerDelay between requests in seconds (default: 5)

Data Calculation

Each Apollo.io search page contains 25 contacts. To calculate how many pages you need:

1Number of pages = Desired number of contacts ÷ 25
4- For 100 contacts: 100 ÷ 25 = 4 pages
5- For 1000 contacts: 1000 ÷ 25 = 40 pages
6- For 5000 contacts: 5000 ÷ 25 = 200 pages

Note: The actual number of contacts may be slightly less due to:

  • Rate limiting
  • Credit limits on your Apollo.io account
  • Invalid or incomplete contact data


1. Get Apollo.io Cookies

  1. Install the Cookie-Editor extension
  2. Log in to your Apollo.io account
  3. Click on the Cookie-Editor extension
  4. Click "Export" to copy cookies as JSON

2. Configure the Actor

2    "cookies": [
3        // Paste your exported cookies here
4    ],
5    "apolloUrl": "https://app.apollo.io/#/people?page=1",
6    "totalPages": 40,  // This will fetch ~1000 contacts
7    "delaySeconds": 5 // Delay between requests in seconds (default: 5)

Sample Output Data Structure

2	"id": "55d6bbabf3e5bb6b4000389b",
3	"first_name": "Marwa",
4	"last_name": "Amin",
5	"name": "Marwa Amin",
6	"linkedin_url": "http://www.linkedin.com/in/marwa-amin-21a49a91",
7	"title": "Sales Manager",
8	"email_status": "verified",
9	"photo_url": "https://static.licdn.com/aero-v1/sc/h/244xhbkr7g40x6bsu4gi6q4ry",
10	"twitter_url": null,
11	"github_url": null,
12	"facebook_url": null,
13	"extrapolated_email_confidence": null,
14	"headline": "Sales Manager",
15	"email": "****@arcoegypt.com", // <-- Manually masked to protect privacy
16	"organization_id": "5e55fa16942f650001febcab",
17	"employment_history": [
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28			"major": null,
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31			"raw_address": null,
32			"start_date": "2019-11-01",
33			"title": "Sales Manager",
34			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:35.174Z",
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36			"key": "64848ee7e5424f0001d29aa9"
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52			"start_date": "2016-11-01",
53			"title": "Sales Team Leader",
54			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
55			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29ab9",
56			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29ab9"
57		},
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72			"start_date": "2015-09-01",
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74			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
75			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29aba",
76			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29aba"
77		},
78		{
79			"_id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abb",
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86			"grade_level": null,
87			"kind": null,
88			"major": null,
89			"organization_id": "5f3edcbf33e9b70001a24202",
90			"organization_name": "Mg Developments",
91			"raw_address": null,
92			"start_date": "2014-11-01",
93			"title": "Sales Executive",
94			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
95			"id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abb",
96			"key": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abb"
97		},
98		{
99			"_id": "64848ee8e5424f0001d29abc",
100			"created_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
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112			"start_date": "2013-10-01",
113			"title": "Senior Sales Consultant",
114			"updated_at": "2023-06-10T14:55:36.175Z",
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188		"linkedin_url": "http://www.linkedin.com/company/arco-hr",
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197		"phone": "+20 1001975975",
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202		"logo_url": "https://zenprospect-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/pictures/63cc43998ade6100012c8131/picture",
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220	"show_intent": false,
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222	"departments": [
223		"master_sales"
224	],
225	"subdepartments": [
226		"sales"
227	],
228	"functions": [
229		"sales"
230	],
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234	"creator_id": "64a1a6c006f7ff00a32f890c",
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247	"created_at": "2023-07-03T07:25:11.770Z",
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256	"crm_id": null,
257	"sanitized_phone": "+201001975975",
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259	"updated_at": "2023-07-03T07:25:22.454Z",
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263	"label_ids": [
264		"64a259350526fa00c34d7ada"
265	],
266	"has_pending_email_arcgate_request": false,
267	"has_email_arcgate_request": false,
268	"existence_level": "full",
269	"email_from_customer": null,
270	"typed_custom_fields": {},
271	"email_true_status": "Verified",
272	"updated_email_true_status": true,
273	"contact_rule_config_statuses": [],
274	"contact_campaign_statuses": [],
275	"contact_emails": [
276		{
277			"email": "****@gmail.com", // <-- Manually masked to protect privacy
278			"email_md5": "527491d86d27e612ba2a3180d3d986c6",
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282			"extrapolated_email_confidence": null,
283			"position": 0,
284			"email_from_customer": null,
285			"free_domain": true
286		}
287	],
288	"account_phone_note": null,
289	"free_domain": false,
290	"contact_id": "64a277d790a0b300a3014d8f"


  • Requires valid Apollo.io account with appropriate permissions
  • Respects Apollo.io's rate limits (use appropriate delays)
  • Performance depends on your Apollo.io plan limits
  • Each page contains 25 contacts maximum
  • Consider your Apollo.io credits when setting total pages
