Apollo Scraper : Extract Leads, Emails & Phone Numbers avatar

Apollo Scraper : Extract Leads, Emails & Phone Numbers

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Apollo Scraper : Extract Leads, Emails & Phone Numbers

Apollo Scraper : Extract Leads, Emails & Phone Numbers

Try for free

1 day trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Break through Apollo.io's export limitations while leveraging your full 10,000 monthly email credits. Extract comprehensive lead data regardless of your subscription plan, converting search results into actionable sales opportunities.

Apollo Scraper: Extract Leads, Emails & Phone Numbers

Break through Apollo.io's export limitations while leveraging your full 10,000 monthly email credits. Extract comprehensive lead data regardless of your subscription plan, converting search results into actionable sales opportunities.

📊 Key Features

  • Extract complete contact details (emails, phones, titles)
  • Bypass standard export restrictions
  • Save leads to custom lists
  • Support for bulk data extraction
  • Multiple export formats (JSON, CSV, Excel)

🚀 How to Use

1. Authentication

Cookie Method (Recommended)

  • Use Cookie-Editor extension to export Apollo.io cookies
  • Paste cookies into cookies field


Login Method

  • Enter Apollo.io email and password

2. Search Setup

  • Run search on Apollo.io
  • Copy URL → paste in url field
  • Optional: Enable getEmails for email extraction
  • Optional: Set saveToList to save contacts
  • Set parameters :
    • startPage: Starting point (default: 1)
    • count: Number of contacts to extract
    • maxDelay: Time between requests (10-600s)
    • proxy: ⚠️ Important: Use residential proxy from same country as your Apollo.io login. Keep consistent between runs

That's it! Run the actor and get your leads. :)

🏆 Best Practices

  • Use delay > 10 s
  • Limit to 1,000 records daily
  • Use residential proxies
  • Maintain consistent proxy location
  • Avoid parallel scraping from same account

📊 Sample Output

The JSON output below has been generated for demonstration purposes

2  "id": "78ab234561def402c3d6d896",
3  "first_name": "Samantha",
4  "last_name": "Chen",
5  "name": "Samantha Chen",
6  "linkedin_url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/samantha-chen-123456789",
7  "title": "Senior Engineering Manager",
8  "email_status": "verified",
9  "photo_url": "https://fake-profile-photos.com/samantha-chen.jpg",
10  "twitter_url": "https://twitter.com/samanthachen_tech",
11  "github_url": "https://github.com/samanthachen",
12  "facebook_url": "https://www.facebook.com/samantha.chen.tech",
13  "extrapolated_email_confidence": 0.95,
14  "headline": "Engineering Leader at Amazon | Ex-Microsoft | Cloud Computing & AI / Machine Learning",
15  "email": "schen@amazon.com",
16  "organization_id": "67b2109785797050f8b3c511",
17  "employment_history": [
18    {
19      "_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b3f",
20      "created_at": "2024-09-15T10:30:00Z",
21      "current": true,
22      "degree": null,
23      "description": "Leading cloud infrastructure and AI initiatives",
24      "emails": ["schen@amazon.com"],
25      "end_date": null,
26      "grade_level": null,
27      "kind": "employment",
28      "major": null,
29      "organization_id": "67b2109785797050f8b3c511",
30      "organization_name": "Amazon",
31      "raw_address": "410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109",
32      "start_date": "2024-06-01",
33      "title": "Senior Engineering Manager",
34      "updated_at": "2024-10-05T08:45:00Z",
35      "id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b3f",
36      "key": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b3f"
37    },
38    {
39      "_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b40",
40      "created_at": "2024-06-02T09:00:00Z",
41      "current": false,
42      "degree": null,
43      "description": "Led machine learning infrastructure teams",
44      "emails": ["samantha.chen@microsoft.com"],
45      "end_date": "2024-05-31",
46      "grade_level": null,
47      "kind": "employment",
48      "major": null,
49      "organization_id": "67b2109785797050f8b3c512",
50      "organization_name": "Microsoft",
51      "raw_address": "One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052",
52      "start_date": "2018-03-15",
53      "title": "Engineering Manager",
54      "updated_at": "2024-06-02T09:00:00Z",
55      "id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b40",
56      "key": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b40"
57    }
58  ],
59  "state": "Washington",
60  "city": "Seattle",
61  "country": "United States",
62  "restricted": false,
63  "organization": {
64    "id": "67b2109785797050f8b3c511",
65    "name": "Amazon",
66    "website_url": "https://www.amazon.com",
67    "blog_url": "https://www.aboutamazon.com/news",
68    "angellist_url": "https://angel.co/company/amazon",
69    "linkedin_url": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/amazon",
70    "twitter_url": "https://twitter.com/amazon",
71    "facebook_url": "https://www.facebook.com/Amazon",
72    "primary_phone": {
73      "number": "+1 206-266-1000",
74      "source": "Official",
75      "sanitized_number": "+12062661000"
76    },
77    "languages": [
78      "English",
79      "Spanish",
80      "German",
81      "French",
82      "Japanese",
83      "Chinese"
84    ],
85    "alexa_ranking": 3,
86    "phone": "+1 206-266-1000",
87    "linkedin_uid": "1586",
88    "founded_year": 1994,
89    "publicly_traded_symbol": "AMZN",
90    "publicly_traded_exchange": "nasdaq",
91    "logo_url": "https://logo.clearbit.com/amazon.com",
92    "crunchbase_url": "https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/amazon",
93    "primary_domain": "amazon.com",
94    "sanitized_phone": "+12062661000",
95    "market_cap": "1.68T",
96    "industry": "e-commerce",
97    "keywords": [
98      "e-commerce",
99      "cloud computing",
100      "artificial intelligence",
101      "consumer electronics",
102      "digital streaming",
103      "retail"
104    ],
105    "estimated_num_employees": 1500000,
106    "industries": [
107      "e-commerce",
108      "cloud computing",
109      "artificial intelligence"
110    ],
111    "secondary_industries": [
112      "digital streaming",
113      "retail"
114    ],
115    "snippets_loaded": true,
116    "industry_tag_id": "5567cdd37369643b80520001",
117    "industry_tag_hash": {
118      "e-commerce": "5567cdd37369643b80520001",
119      "cloud computing": "5567cdd37369643b80520002",
120      "artificial intelligence": "5567cdd37369643b80520003"
121    },
122    "retail_location_count": 589,
123    "raw_address": "410 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109",
124    "street_address": "410 Terry Ave N",
125    "city": "Seattle",
126    "state": "Washington",
127    "country": "United States",
128    "postal_code": "98109"
129  },
130  "is_likely_to_engage": true,
131  "account_id": "78ab234561def402c3d6d897",
132  "departments": [
133    "master_engineering_technical",
134    "master_information_technology",
135    "master_artificial_intelligence"
136  ],
137  "subdepartments": [
138    "engineering_technical",
139    "software_development",
140    "cloud_computing",
141    "machine_learning"
142  ],
143  "seniority": "senior_manager",
144  "functions": [
145    "engineering",
146    "information_technology",
147    "research_and_development"
148  ],
149  "phone_numbers": [
150    {
151      "raw_number": "+1 206-266-1000",
152      "sanitized_number": "+12062661000",
153      "type": "work_hq",
154      "position": 0,
155      "status": "verified",
156      "dnc_status": null,
157      "dnc_other_info": null,
158      "dialer_flags": {
159        "country_name": "United States",
160        "country_enabled": true,
161        "high_risk_calling_enabled": false,
162        "potential_high_risk_number": false
163      }
164    },
165    {
166      "raw_number": "+1 425-555-0123",
167      "sanitized_number": "+14255550123",
168      "type": "mobile",
169      "position": 1,
170      "status": "verified",
171      "dnc_status": null,
172      "dnc_other_info": null,
173      "dialer_flags": {
174        "country_name": "United States",
175        "country_enabled": true,
176        "high_risk_calling_enabled": false,
177        "potential_high_risk_number": false
178      }
179    }
180  ],
181  "intent_strength": 0.8,
182  "show_intent": true,
183  "revealed_for_current_team": true,
184  "contact_roles": ["technical_decision_maker", "executive"],
185  "contact_stage_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b41",
186  "owner_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b42",
187  "creator_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b42",
188  "person_id": "67c8g1b284707521f6g72012",
189  "email_needs_tickling": false,
190  "organization_name": "Amazon",
191  "source": "linkedin",
192  "original_source": "linkedin",
193  "present_raw_address": "Seattle, Washington, United States",
194  "linkedin_uid": "69624261",
195  "salesforce_id": "00Q4x000012XYZ123",
196  "salesforce_lead_id": null,
197  "salesforce_contact_id": "0034x00001ABC456",
198  "salesforce_account_id": "0014x00001DEF789",
199  "crm_owner_id": "0054x00000GHI012",
200  "created_at": "2024-09-15T10:30:00Z",
201  "emailer_campaign_ids": ["78ef24fcc15d991112de2b43", "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b44"],
202  "direct_dial_status": "verified",
203  "direct_dial_enrichment_failed_at": null,
204  "email_source": "linkedin",
205  "last_activity_date": "2024-10-04T14:25:00Z",
206  "hubspot_vid": "12345678",
207  "hubspot_company_id": "9876543",
208  "crm_id": "CRM-123456",
209  "sanitized_phone": "+12062661000",
210  "merged_crm_ids": ["OLD-CRM-111111", "OLD-CRM-222222"],
211  "updated_at": "2024-10-05T08:45:00Z",
212  "queued_for_crm_push": true,
213  "suggested_from_rule_engine_config_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b45",
214  "email_unsubscribed": false,
215  "person_deleted": false,
216  "label_ids": ["78ef24fcc15d991112de2b46", "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b47"],
217  "has_pending_email_arcgate_request": false,
218  "has_email_arcgate_request": true,
219  "existence_level": "full",
220  "email_from_customer": true,
221  "typed_custom_fields": {
222    "last_meeting_date": "2024-09-30",
223    "preferred_contact_method": "email",
224    "product_interest": "AWS"
225  },
226  "custom_field_errors": null,
227  "crm_record_url": "https://salesforce.com/contact/0034x00001ABC456",
228  "email_status_unavailable_reason": null,
229  "email_true_status": "Verified",
230  "updated_email_true_status": true,
231  "contact_rule_config_statuses": [
232    {
233      "rule_config_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b48",
234      "status": "active"
235    }
236  ],
237  "source_display_name": "LinkedIn",
238  "contact_campaign_statuses": [
239    {
240      "campaign_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b49",
241      "status": "in_progress"
242    }
243  ],
244  "contact_emails": [
245    {
246      "email_id": "78ef24fcc15d991112de2b50",
247      "status": "delivered",
248      "sent_at": "2024-10-01T09:00:00Z"
249    }
250  ],
251  "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
252  "account_phone_note": "Best time to call: 9 AM - 11 AM PST",
253  "free_domain": false,
254  "email_domain_catchall": false,
255  "contact_id": "78ab234561def402c3d6d896"

🔗 Integration Ready

  • CRM systems
  • Sales automation tools
  • Email marketing platforms
  • Custom databases

⚠️ Important Notes

  • Monitor email credits
  • Use proxy from same country
  • Follow Apollo.io's terms of service
  • Ensure data privacy compliance

📈 Benefits

  • Scale lead generation efficiently
  • Access verified contact information
  • Automate data collection
  • Maintain consistent lead flow
Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 20 monthly users
  • 3 stars
  • 48.1% runs succeeded
  • Created in Oct 2024
  • Modified 1 day ago