Linkedin comment scraper avatar
Linkedin comment scraper


$25.00/month + usage

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Linkedin comment scraper

Linkedin comment scraper


Developed by

Curious Coder

Maintained by Community

Scrape comments from any linkedin post with following details: Comment text, Comment author details, Total Likes, Total replies, etc

0.0 (0)


$25.00/month + usage


Monthly users


Runs succeeded


Last modified

4 months ago

How it works

Scrape comments from any linkedin post by providing link to any linkedin post. It gives you complete comment details: comment text with mentions and other entities info, and author details, etc

Check out other similar scrapers:

Sample data

Here is the sample output of this actor:

2	"time": 1673540713770,
3	"formattedTime": "2023-01-12T16:25:13.770Z",
4	"link": "",
5	"text": "European Commission FOREST PRODUCTS are missing. ​Johan Falkman​",
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15				"companyName": {
16					"name": "European Commission",
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58					"firstName": "Johan",
59					"lastName": "Falkman",
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71		{
72			"time": 1673543758539,
73			"formattedTime": "2023-01-12T17:15:58.539Z",
74			"link": "",
75			"text": "Yes, a miss by the Commission not to mention forest products.",
76			"entities": [],
77			"fromPostAuthor": false,
78			"urn": "urn:li:comment:(activity:7019294467031543808,7019351280607207424)",
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80			"edited": false,
81			"numComments": 0,
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84			"reactionTypeCounts": {
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87			"author": {
88				"distance": "3rd+",
89				"name": "Johan Falkman",
90				"firstName": "Johan",
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107		"LIKE": 2
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109	"author": {
110		"distance": "3rd+",
111		"name": "Jan-Erik Gasslander",
112		"firstName": "Jan-Erik",
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114		"id": "281118555",
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116		"profileId": "ACoAABDBh1sBFusnDeby5SWQnyZ3z2lu1_Y7ji4",
117		"publicId": "jan-erik-gasslander-4231907a"
118	},
119	"postId": "urn:li:activity:7019294467031543808"


Pricing model


To use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.

Free trial

3 days

