Linkedin post reactions scraper
$13.00/month + usage

Linkedin post reactions scraper
Scrape reactions or likes from linkedin post
0.0 (0)
$13.00/month + usage
Monthly users
Runs succeeded
Response time
0.79 hours
Last modified
6 months ago
How it works
Scrape reactions or likes of a linkedin post by providing link to any linkedin post. It gives you name, profile url, reaction type, etc of people who reacted to the post
Getting Started
Install Cookie-Editor chrome extension
Login to your linkedin account
Click on the extension and export the linkedin cookies
Paste the cookies into this actor's Linkedin cookie
input field
Here is the sample output of this actor:
1{ 2 "profileId": "ACoAAC4oT_QBnojdo2tLwZGxFBDOoaFi4GvRwTQ", 3 "reactionType": "LIKE", 4 "name": "Pascal Metivier", 5 "headline": "Technicien Leader Section fraisage CN chez Ravaj", 6 "profileUrl": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAC4oT_QBnojdo2tLwZGxFBDOoaFi4GvRwTQ", 7 "connectionType": "3rd+", 8 "photoUrl": "https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E03AQEzAnMiq2IzRQ/profile-displayphoto-shrink_100_100/0/1596317924637?e=1696464000&v=beta&t=61DbKTxAXdK232c0qjLTceW9b4n-aDvE9VQ5knLWhdw" 9 }
Pricing model
RentalTo use this Actor, you have to pay a monthly rental fee to the developer. The rent is subtracted from your prepaid usage every month after the free trial period. You also pay for the Apify platform usage.
Free trial
3 days