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Actor Probe

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Actor Probe

Actor Probe

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Reports performance stats of any actor calculated from its runs on a daily and weekly basis. Notification will be skipped if no new runs are found since the last report.

Actor Probe

Reports performance stats of any actor calculated from its runs on a daily and weekly basis. Notification will be skipped if no new runs are found since the last report.

Access 3rd party actors

Define secret environment variable to access other users' actors: THIRD_PARTY_APIFY_TOKEN


SLACK_TOKENStringnoEnvironment variable holding Slack token


Actor IDStringnoReport performance stats for this actor
Consolidate byArraynoConsolidate statistics based on some input value of the target runs
Track outputsArrayyesReport occurence ratio of output match across runs for specific run outputs
Slack channelsArraynoSlack channels to send the report
Slack mentionsArrayyesSlack users to notify in the report
Calendar daysBooleanyesUse calendar days for daily checks instead of fixed 24-hour periods
Simulate onlyBooleanyesDo not really dispatch the notification and mark its last timestamp (dry run)
Error datasetBooleanyesExport failed runs and link to probe's default dataset from the notification


Dispatches notification to specified Slack channels and optionally notifies users specified on input.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 1 monthly user

  • 0 No bookmarks yet

  • Created in Apr 2020

  • Modified 2 years ago