Redfin Scraper avatar

Redfin Scraper

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Redfin Scraper

Redfin Scraper

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3 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

Discover key insights using Redfin's comprehensive property listings. Explore detailed descriptions, images, features, property specifics, pricing information, neighborhood data, nearby educational institutions, and more across numerous properties.

Actor - Redfin Scraper

Redfin scraper

Since Redfin doesn't provide an API, this actor should help you to retrieve data from it.

The Redfin data scraper supports the following features:

  • Scrape property details - You can scrape attributes like property images, price, features, neighborhood, nearby schools, walkscore, and many more. You can find details below.

  • Scrape sold properties - You can scrape sold properties through a search list.

  • Scrape for sale properties - If you are looking for a property that is for sale, you can directly target them.

  • Scrape rental properties - Rental properties can be directly targeted.

  • Scrape by keyword - You can use location-wise keywords to search specific search lists. Also, you can directly point out rental, for sale, or sold properties on this feature.

  • Scrape properties by filter - Auto detection of URLs helps you to directly copy/paste the URLs into the scraper to apply any filtering you like.

Redfin specific

Don't worry when you get a little bit different properties than you saw on the browser page. Redfin is ordering properties differently for each user.

Bugs, fixes, updates, and changelog

This scraper is under active development. If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here.

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on Redfin that should be visited. Possible fields are:

  • search: (Optional) (String) Keyword that can be searched in the Redfin search engine. When it is present, searchMode must be used as well.

  • searchMode: (Optional) (String) Mode of the actor. It gets the keyword from search parameter and initiates the search according to the mode. Can be SALE, RENT or SOLD. When present, search must be provided as well.

  • startUrls: (Optional) (Array) List of Redfin URLs. You should only provide property detail or search URLs.

  • endPage: (Optional) (Number) Final number of page that you want to scrape. The default is Infinite. This applies to all search requests and startUrls individually.

  • maxItems: (Optional) (Number) You can limit scraped items. This should be useful when you search through the big lists or search results.

  • includeAboveTheFold: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to retrieve Above The Fold information per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • includeBelowTheFold: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to retrieve Below The Fold information per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • includeParcelBounds: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to retrieve Parcel Bounds information per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • includeBannerData: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to retrieve Banner Data information per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • includeAmenities: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to retrieve Banner Data information per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • includeWalkScore: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to retrieve extra Walk Score per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • includeSellsideThreshold: (Optional) (Boolean) This option enables the actor to Sellside Threshold extra information per each property. Please note that this will increase the runtime of the actor.

  • proxy: (Required) (Proxy Object) Proxy configuration.

  • customMapFunction: (Optional) (String) Function that takes each of the objects as argument and returns data that will be mapped by the function itself.

This solution requires the use of Proxy servers, either your own proxy servers or you can use Apify Proxy.


When you want to have filtering over a search URL; go to Redfin, create filters over the search list, and copy and paste the link as one of the startUrl.

If you would like to scrape only the first page of a search list or search list, then put the link for the page and have the endPage as 1.

With the last approach that is explained above you can also fetch any interval of pages. If you provide the 5th page of a search list and define the endPage parameter as 6 then you'll have the 5th and 6th pages only.

Compute Unit Consumption

The actor is optimized to run blazing fast and scrape many properties as possible. Therefore, it forefronts all property detail requests. If the actor doesn't block very often it'll scrape 100 properties in 2.5 minutes with ~0.06-0.09 compute units.

Redfin Scraper Input example

2  "search": "Los Angeles",
3  "searchMode": "SALE",
4  "startUrls": [
5    "",
6    "",
7    "",
8    "",
9    "",
10    "",
11    "",
12    ",min-price=900k,max-price=8M,min-beds=2,min-baths=1",
13    ",min-price=500,max-price=4k,min-beds=0,min-baths=4"
14  ],
15  "includeExtras": false,
16  "maxItems": 20,
17  "endPage": 1,
18  "customMapFunction": "(object) => { return {...object} }",
19  "proxy": {
20    "useApifyProxy": true
21  }

During the Run

During the run, the actor will output messages letting you know what is going on. Each message always contains a short label specifying which page from the provided list is currently specified. When items are loaded from the page, you should see a message about this event with a loaded item count and total item count for each page.

If you provide incorrect input to the actor, it will immediately stop with a failure state and output an explanation of what is wrong.

Redfin Export

During the run, the actor stores results into a dataset. Each item is a separate item in the dataset.

You can manage the results in any language (Python, PHP, Node JS/NPM). See the FAQ or our API reference to learn more about getting results from this Redfin actor.

Scraped Redfin Properties

The structure of each item in Redfin products looks like this:


2  "type": "property",
3  "propertyId": "7115515",
4  "listingId": "187064014",
5  "listingDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
6  "mlsId": "24-385237",
7  "url": "",
8  "dataSourceId": "40",
9  "marketId": "3",
10  "businessMarketId": "5",
11  "mlsStatusId": "54",
12  "servicePolicyId": "31",
13  "listingMetadata": {
14    "searchStatus": "ACTIVE",
15    "listingType": "MLS"
16  },
17  "propertyType": "VACANT_LAND",
18  "priceInfo": {
19    "amount": "3595000",
20    "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
21    "priceType": "LISTING_PRICE",
22    "homePrice": {
23      "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
24      "int64Value": "3595000"
25    }
26  },
27  "sqftInfo": {
28    "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
29  },
30  "photosInfo": {
31    "photoRanges": [
32      {
33        "startPos": 0,
34        "endPos": 6,
35        "version": "0"
36      }
37    ],
38    "primaryPhotoDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
39    "secondaryPhotoDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
40  },
41  "daysOnMarket": {
42    "daysOnMarket": "1",
43    "timeOnRedfin": "94222.238s",
44    "listingAddedDate": "2024-05-01T16:49:05.830Z",
45    "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
46  },
47  "timezone": "US/Pacific",
48  "yearBuilt": {
49    "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
50  },
51  "lotSize": {
52    "amount": "13487",
53    "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
54  },
55  "hoaDues": {
56    "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
57  },
58  "sashes": [
59    {
60      "sashTypeId": 7,
61      "sashTypeName": "New",
62      "sashTypeColor": "#2E7E36",
63      "timeOnRedfin": "94222238"
64    }
65  ],
66  "brokers": {},
67  "lastSaleData": {
68    "lastSoldDate": "2021-08-17T07:00:00Z"
69  },
70  "personalization": {},
71  "insights": {},
72  "showMlsId": false,
73  "directAccessInfo": {
74    "supportPhoneNumber": "N/A",
75    "timeZone": {
76      "id": 7,
77      "timeZoneIdString": "US/Pacific",
78      "olsonTimeZoneIdString": "America/Los_Angeles",
79      "description": "Pacific Time in the United States"
80    }
81  },
82  "bathInfo": {},
83  "addressInfo": {
84    "centroid": {
85      "centroid": {
86        "latitude": 34.0995491,
87        "longitude": -118.3542357
88      },
89      "displayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
90    },
91    "formattedStreetLine": "1547 N Sierra Bonita Ave",
92    "city": "Los Angeles",
93    "state": "CA",
94    "zip": "90046",
95    "location": "Hollywood",
96    "streetlineDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
97    "unitNumberDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
98    "locationDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE",
99    "countryCode": "UNITED_STATES",
100    "postalCodeDisplayLevel": "ACCESSIBLE"
101  },
102  "walkScore": {
103    "walkScoreData": {
104      "walkScore": {
105        "value": 89,
106        "link": "",
107        "shortDescription": "Very Walkable",
108        "description": "Most errands can be accomplished on foot",
109        "color": "#008000"
110      },
111      "bikeScore": {
112        "value": 43,
113        "link": ""
114      },
115      "transitScore": {
116        "value": 56,
117        "link": ""
118      }
119    }
120  },
121  "parcelBounds": {
122    "bounds": [
123      [
124        "34.099501091596,-118.354041593315",
125        "34.0995044615439,-118.354487111113",
126        "34.0996418553602,-118.354487627678",
127        "34.0996384853203,-118.354042142184",
128        "34.099501091596,-118.354041593315"
129      ]
130    ],
131    "fipsCode": "06037",
132    "apn": "5550009004",
133    "parcelLid": "02072AXHVCY0TXG1NX3ZRM",
134    "polygon": "POLYGON ((-118.354041593315 34.099501091596,-118.354487111113 34.0995044615439,-118.354487627678 34.0996418553602,-118.354042142184 34.0996384853203,-118.354041593315 34.099501091596))"
135  },
136  "aboveTheFold": {
137    "mainHouseInfo": {
138      "listingId": 187064014,
139      "openHousesDisplayLevel": 1,
140      "videoOpenHouses": [],
141      "hotnessInfo": {
142        "isHot": false,
143        "hotnessMessageInfoWithTourLink": {
144          "hotnessMessageAction": "go tour it now"
145        }
146      },
147      "listingAgents": [
148        {
149          "agentInfo": {
150            "agentName": "Daniel Jacobson",
151            "isAgentNameBlank": false,
152            "isRedfinAgent": false,
153            "isPartnerAgent": false,
154            "isExternalAgent": false
155          },
156          "brokerName": "Compass",
157          "license": "01963669",
158          "licenseLabel": "DRE #",
159          "breNumber": "01963669",
160          "agentPhoneNumber": {
161            "phoneNumber": "323-346-9111",
162            "displayLevel": 1
163          },
164          "agentEmailAddress": "",
165          "isOpendoor": false
166        }
167      ],
168      "buyingAgents": [],
169      "remarksDisplayLevel": 1,
170      "marketingRemarks": [
171        {
172          "marketingRemark": "This is a rare opportunity to acquire side-by-side lots in the sought-after Historical Sunset Square (HPOZ) area, with a combined area of 13,487 sqft and zoned LAR1. This sale encompasses the land at 1547 - 1551 N. Sierra Bonita, two addresses  &  two APN's. With the option to construct a single residence with ample outdoor space or develop two separate homes on each lot. Drive by and make an offer. AP'N : 5550009006  &  5550009004 ",
173          "displayLevel": 1
174        }
175      ],
176      "selectedAmenities": [
177        {
178          "header": "Community",
179          "content": "Hollywood",
180          "displayLevel": 1
181        }
182      ],
183      "searchStatus": 1,
184      "mlsStatusDisplay": {
185        "displayValue": "Active",
186        "definition": "This home is for sale and the sellers are accepting offers.",
187        "longerDefinitionToken": "active"
188      },
189      "showPriceHomeLink": false,
190      "showClaimHomeLink": false,
191      "alwaysShowAgentAttribution": false,
192      "showOffMarketWarning": false,
193      "propertyAddress": {
194        "streetNumber": "1547",
195        "directionalPrefix": "N",
196        "streetName": "Sierra Bonita",
197        "streetType": "Ave",
198        "directionalSuffix": "",
199        "unitType": "",
200        "unitValue": "",
201        "city": "Los Angeles",
202        "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA",
203        "postalCode": "90046",
204        "countryCode": "US"
205      },
206      "propertyIsActivish": true,
207      "isComingSoonListing": false,
208      "hasOfferDeadlineInEffect": false,
209      "isOpendoorEligible": false,
210      "isBDXEligible": false,
211      "isAiChatEligible": true,
212      "isDirectNewConstruction": false,
213      "isFMLS": false,
214      "propertyIsPremier": true,
215      "doNotElevatePremierAgentCard": false,
216      "customerAgentIsPremier": false,
217      "customerAgentStatus": 1,
218      "isLikelyUnderContractOrRecentlySold": false
219    },
220    "mediaBrowserInfo": {
221      "scans": [],
222      "videos": [],
223      "isHot": false,
224      "previousListingPhotosCount": 0
225    },
226    "openHouseInfo": {
227      "openHouseList": [],
228      "openHouseConfirmationIdMap": {},
229      "openHouseCalendarInformationMap": {}
230    },
231    "photoTags": {
232      "listingId": 187064014,
233      "tagsByPhotoId": {},
234      "includedFilterTags": {}
235    }
236  },
237  "bannerData": [],
238  "sellsideThreshold": {
239    "__root": {
240      "__g_id": "1417745292",
241      "mustConfirmPartnerService": false,
242      "redfinNowEligibility": {
243        "__g_id": "890378136",
244        "eligible": false
245      },
246      "propertyZip": "90046",
247      "hasConcierge": true,
248      "sellsideThreshold": 5,
249      "businessMarketPhone": "+13107766327",
250      "propertyId": 7115515,
251      "hasOnePercentListingFee": false,
252      "isOutOfService": false
253    }
254  },
255  "amenities": {
256		"superGroups": [
257			{
258				"types": [
259					22
260				],
261				"amenityGroups": [
262					{
263						"groupTitle": "Parking Information",
264						"referenceName": "ParkingInformation",
265						"amenityEntries": [
266							{
267								"referenceName": "PARKING_TYPES",
268								"accessLevel": 1,
269								"displayLevel": 1,
270								"amenityValues": [
271									"On Street"
272								]
273							}
274						]
275					}
276				],
277				"titleString": "Parking"
278			},
279			{
280				"types": [
281					33,
282					21
283				],
284				"amenityGroups": [
285					{
286						"groupTitle": "Virtual Tour",
287						"referenceName": "VirtualTour",
288						"amenityEntries": [
289							{
290								"referenceName": "VIRTUAL_TOUR_URLUNBRANDED",
291								"accessLevel": 1,
292								"displayLevel": 1,
293								"amenityValues": [
294									"<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener'>Virtual Tour Unbranded (External Link)</a>"
295								]
296							}
297						]
298					},
299					{
300						"groupTitle": "Bedroom Information",
301						"referenceName": "BedroomInformation",
302						"amenityEntries": [
303							{
304								"amenityName": "# of Bedrooms On 1st Upper Level",
305								"referenceName": "UPPER_LEVEL1_BEDROOMS",
306								"accessLevel": 1,
307								"displayLevel": 1,
308								"amenityValues": [
309									"2"
310								]
311							},
312							{
313								"amenityName": "# of Bedrooms On 2nd Upper Level",
314								"referenceName": "UPPER_LEVEL2_BEDROOMS",
315								"accessLevel": 1,
316								"displayLevel": 1,
317								"amenityValues": [
318									"2"
319								]
320							}
321						]
322					},
323					{
324						"groupTitle": "Bathroom Information",
325						"referenceName": "BathroomInformation",
326						"amenityEntries": [
327							{
328								"amenityName": "# of Bathrooms (Full) On 1st Upper Level",
329								"referenceName": "UPPER_LEVEL1_FULL_BATHS",
330								"accessLevel": 1,
331								"displayLevel": 1,
332								"amenityValues": [
333									"2"
334								]
335							},
336							{
337								"amenityName": "# of Bathrooms (Half) On Main Level",
338								"referenceName": "MAIN_LEVEL_HALF_BATHS",
339								"accessLevel": 1,
340								"displayLevel": 1,
341								"amenityValues": [
342									"1"
343								]
344							},
345							{
346								"amenityName": "# of Bathrooms (Full) On All Upper Levels",
347								"referenceName": "UPPER_LEVELS_TOTAL_FULL_BATHS",
348								"accessLevel": 1,
349								"displayLevel": 1,
350								"amenityValues": [
351									"2"
352								]
353							},
354							{
355								"amenityName": "# of Bathrooms (Half)",
356								"referenceName": "BATHROOMS_HALF",
357								"accessLevel": 1,
358								"displayLevel": 1,
359								"amenityValues": [
360									"1"
361								]
362							},
363							{
364								"amenityName": "# of Bathrooms (Full)",
365								"referenceName": "BATHROOMS_FULL",
366								"accessLevel": 1,
367								"displayLevel": 1,
368								"amenityValues": [
369									"2"
370								]
371							}
372						]
373					},
374					{
375						"groupTitle": "Interior Information",
376						"referenceName": "InteriorInformation",
377						"amenityEntries": [
378							{
379								"amenityName": "Appliances",
380								"referenceName": "APPLIANCES",
381								"accessLevel": 1,
382								"displayLevel": 1,
383								"amenityValues": [
384									"Dishwasher",
385									"Disposal",
386									"Dryer",
387									"Oven/Range - Gas",
388									"Refrigerator",
389									"Washer"
390								]
391							},
392							{
393								"amenityName": "Living Area Sq.Ft. Source",
394								"referenceName": "LIVING_AREA_SOURCE",
395								"accessLevel": 1,
396								"displayLevel": 1,
397								"amenityValues": [
398									"Assessor"
399								]
400							}
401						]
402					},
403					{
404						"groupTitle": "Room Information",
405						"referenceName": "RoomInformation",
406						"amenityEntries": [
407							{
408								"referenceName": "ROOM_LIST",
409								"accessLevel": 1,
410								"displayLevel": 1,
411								"amenityValues": [
412									"Living Room",
413									"Dining Room",
414									"Master Bedroom",
415									"Bedroom 2",
416									"Bedroom 3",
417									"Bedroom 4",
418									"Kitchen",
419									"Sun/Florida Room",
420									"Laundry",
421									"Master Bathroom",
422									"Half Bath"
423								]
424							},
425							{
426								"amenityName": "Laundry Type",
427								"referenceName": "LAUNDRY_TYPE",
428								"accessLevel": 1,
429								"displayLevel": 1,
430								"amenityValues": [
431									"Main Floor"
432								]
433							}
434						]
435					},
436					{
437						"groupTitle": "Basement Information",
438						"referenceName": "BasementInformation",
439						"amenityEntries": [
440							{
441								"amenityName": "Basement",
442								"referenceName": "BASEMENT_YN",
443								"accessLevel": 1,
444								"displayLevel": 1,
445								"amenityValues": [
446									"Yes"
447								]
448							},
449							{
450								"referenceName": "BASEMENT",
451								"accessLevel": 1,
452								"displayLevel": 1,
453								"amenityValues": [
454									"Unfinished"
455								]
456							}
457						]
458					}
459				],
460				"titleString": "Interior"
461			},
462			{
463				"types": [
464					20
465				],
466				"amenityGroups": [
467					{
468						"groupTitle": "Property Information",
469						"referenceName": "PropertyInformation",
470						"amenityEntries": [
471							{
472								"referenceName": "FEDERAL_FLOOD_ZONE_YN",
473								"accessLevel": 1,
474								"displayLevel": 1,
475								"amenityValues": [
476									"Not Federal Flood Zone"
477								]
478							},
479							{
480								"amenityName": "Total Below Grade Sq. Ft.",
481								"referenceName": "BELOW_GRADE_AREA_TOTAL",
482								"accessLevel": 1,
483								"displayLevel": 1,
484								"amenityValues": [
485									"520"
486								]
487							},
488							{
489								"amenityName": "Accessibility Features",
490								"referenceName": "ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES",
491								"accessLevel": 1,
492								"displayLevel": 1,
493								"amenityValues": [
494									"Level Entry - Main"
495								]
496							},
497							{
498								"amenityName": "Improvement Assessed Value",
499								"referenceName": "IMPROVEMENT_ASSESSMENT_AMOUNT",
500								"accessLevel": 1,
501								"displayLevel": 1,
502								"amenityValues": [
503									"$93,100"
504								]
505							},
506							{
507								"amenityName": "Ownership Interest",
508								"referenceName": "OWNERSHIP_INTEREST",
509								"accessLevel": 1,
510								"displayLevel": 1,
511								"amenityValues": [
512									"Fee Simple"
513								]
514							},
515							{
516								"amenityName": "Property Condition",
517								"referenceName": "PROPERTY_CONDITION",
518								"accessLevel": 1,
519								"displayLevel": 1,
520								"amenityValues": [
521									"Very Good"
522								]
523							},
524							{
525								"amenityName": "Year Built Source",
526								"referenceName": "YEAR_BUILT_SOURCE",
527								"accessLevel": 1,
528								"displayLevel": 1,
529								"amenityValues": [
530									"Assessor"
531								]
532							}
533						]
534					},
535					{
536						"groupTitle": "Building Information",
537						"referenceName": "BuildingInformation",
538						"amenityEntries": [
539							{
540								"amenityName": "Construction Materials",
541								"referenceName": "CONSTRUCTION_MATERIALS",
542								"accessLevel": 1,
543								"displayLevel": 1,
544								"amenityValues": [
545									"Brick"
546								]
547							},
548							{
549								"amenityName": "Foundation Details",
550								"referenceName": "FOUNDATION_DETAILS",
551								"accessLevel": 1,
552								"displayLevel": 1,
553								"amenityValues": [
554									"Stone"
555								]
556							},
557							{
558								"amenityName": "Other Structures",
559								"referenceName": "OTHER_STRUCTURES",
560								"accessLevel": 1,
561								"displayLevel": 1,
562								"amenityValues": [
563									"Above Grade",
564									"Below Grade"
565								]
566							},
567							{
568								"amenityName": "Roof",
569								"referenceName": "ROOF",
570								"accessLevel": 1,
571								"displayLevel": 1,
572								"amenityValues": [
573									"Rubber"
574								]
575							},
576							{
577								"amenityName": "Structure Type",
578								"referenceName": "STRUCTURE_DESIGN_TYPE",
579								"accessLevel": 1,
580								"displayLevel": 1,
581								"amenityValues": [
582									"Semi-Detached"
583								]
584							}
585						]
586					},
587					{
588						"groupTitle": "Lot Information",
589						"referenceName": "LotInformation",
590						"amenityEntries": [
591							{
592								"amenityName": "Tidal Water",
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935  "belowTheFold": {
936    "schoolsInfo": {
937      "elementarySchools": [
938        {
939          "servesHome": true,
940          "greatSchoolsRating": 6,
941          "parentRating": 4,
942          "distanceInMiles": "0.1",
943          "gradeRanges": "K-5",
944          "institutionType": "Public",
945          "name": "Gardner Street Elementary School",
946          "schoolUrl": "/school/186026/CA/Los-Angeles/Gardner-Street-Elementary-School",
947          "searchUrl": "/school/186026/CA/Los-Angeles/Gardner-Street-Elementary-School",
948          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
949          "id": 186026,
950          "numberOfStudents": 408,
951          "fullAddress": "7450 Hawthorn Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046",
952          "numReviews": 61,
953          "studentToTeacherRatio": 25,
954          "websiteUrl": "",
955          "schoolReviews": [
956            {
957              "schoolId": 39556114,
958              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
959              "datePosted": "August 2022",
960              "review": "Principal and staff are ignorant. My child learned nothing",
961              "reviewerRating": 1,
962              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
963              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
964              "maponicsId": 5570031,
965              "url": ""
966            }
967          ],
968          "schoolGranularRatings": [
969            {
970              "schoolId": 285686,
971              "dataSourceId": 64,
972              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Test Scores",
973              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "8",
974              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "State test results at this school are above the state average, so students are likely performing at or above grade level.\n\nBecause state averages can be low, some students at this school may still not be performing at grade level.\n",
975              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Test Score Rating examines how students at this school performed on standardized tests compared with other schools in the state. The Test Rating was created using 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education."
976            }
977          ],
978          "schoolDistrict": {
979            "id": 9940,
980            "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District",
981            "address": "333 South Beaudry Avenue",
982            "city": "Los Angeles",
983            "stateCode": "CA",
984            "zip": "90017",
985            "latitude": 34.056198,
986            "longitude": -118.257172,
987            "websiteUrl": "",
988            "greatschoolDistrictOverviewUrl": ""
989          },
990          "greatschoolParentReviewsUrl": "",
991          "elementary": true,
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993          "high": false,
994          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
995          "hasMultipleCatchmentAreas": false
996        }
997      ],
998      "middleSchools": [
999        {
1000          "servesHome": true,
1001          "greatSchoolsRating": 4,
1002          "parentRating": 4,
1003          "distanceInMiles": "1.3",
1004          "gradeRanges": "6-8",
1005          "institutionType": "Public",
1006          "name": "Hubert Howe Bancroft Middle School",
1007          "schoolUrl": "/school/187028/CA/Los-Angeles/Hubert-Howe-Bancroft-Middle-School",
1008          "searchUrl": "/school/187028/CA/Los-Angeles/Hubert-Howe-Bancroft-Middle-School",
1009          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
1010          "id": 187028,
1011          "numberOfStudents": 742,
1012          "fullAddress": "929 N Las Palmas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038",
1013          "numReviews": 26,
1014          "studentToTeacherRatio": 22,
1015          "websiteUrl": "",
1016          "schoolReviews": [
1017            {
1018              "schoolId": 39554971,
1019              "reviewedBy": "Student",
1020              "datePosted": "June 2023",
1021              "review": "I have no clue what the others are saying or what the results in this webpage are but it is very inaccurate. This is an amazing school, especially for STEM. The kids here are actually ABOVE average in terms of intelligence. As someone who attended the school 6-8th, I can have a say that the staff are friendly and teach in ways supportive to education. I am already college ready.",
1022              "reviewerRating": 5,
1023              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1024              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1025              "maponicsId": 5986997,
1026              "url": ""
1027            },
1028            {
1029              "schoolId": 39554970,
1030              "reviewedBy": "Other",
1031              "datePosted": "June 2022",
1032              "review": "HORRIBLE! The kids there are so disrespectful and rude. They are not excepting of anyone, all they do is make the teachers cry and jump on desks and you can’t even learn anything. and people will put sticky notes on ur back and slam u into lockers! DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS HERE!",
1033              "reviewerRating": 1,
1034              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1035              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1036              "maponicsId": 5478109,
1037              "url": ""
1038            },
1039            {
1040              "schoolId": 39554969,
1041              "reviewedBy": "Student",
1042              "datePosted": "December 2019",
1043              "review": "I love this school. Because I also saw some of my old friends. And I make new friends here. They have SPED. I recommended you coming here and trying out this school.",
1044              "reviewerRating": 5,
1045              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1046              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1047              "maponicsId": 4334242,
1048              "url": ""
1049            },
1050            {
1051              "schoolId": 39554968,
1052              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1053              "datePosted": "October 2019",
1054              "review": "This school has really helped my daughter with her skills and the STEAM program, has allowed challenging curriculum. They do a great job integrating art and design. Her writing skills improved too!",
1055              "reviewerRating": 5,
1056              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1057              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1058              "maponicsId": 4260919,
1059              "url": ""
1060            },
1061            {
1062              "schoolId": 39554967,
1063              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1064              "datePosted": "October 2019",
1065              "review": "Bancroft instilled a love of engineering and design in our son, like nothing else. It gave him a passion to pursue and inspired him to aim for the stars. He will be graduating high school with a 4.0, and without a doubt, it all started at Bancroft. Thank you for inspiring him to reach for the stars.",
1066              "reviewerRating": 5,
1067              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1068              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1069              "maponicsId": 4260845,
1070              "url": ""
1071            },
1072            {
1073              "schoolId": 39554966,
1074              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1075              "datePosted": "October 2019",
1076              "review": "Excellent School. Great support. Everyone, from the Principal to teachers to after-school coordinators are very caring and supportive.",
1077              "reviewerRating": 5,
1078              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1079              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1080              "maponicsId": 4260145,
1081              "url": ""
1082            },
1083            {
1084              "schoolId": 39554965,
1085              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1086              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1087              "review": "For me was great school because the teachers are very good and the staff are very polite and my daughter is satisfied with the teachers and classes.",
1088              "reviewerRating": 5,
1089              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1090              "institutionGreatschoolId": 601918,
1091              "maponicsId": 4003756,
1092              "url": ""
1093            }
1094          ],
1095          "schoolGranularRatings": [
1096            {
1097              "schoolId": 287893,
1098              "dataSourceId": 64,
1099              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Test Scores",
1100              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "3",
1101              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "State test results at this school are below the state average, so students are likely performing below grade level.",
1102              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Test Score Rating examines how students at this school performed on standardized tests compared with other schools in the state. The Test Rating was created using 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education."
1103            },
1104            {
1105              "schoolId": 287891,
1106              "dataSourceId": 64,
1107              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Equity",
1108              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "3",
1109              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Underserved students at this school may be falling behind other students in the state, and this school may have achievement gaps between different student groups.",
1110              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "Using the state’s Department of Education data, the Equity Overview Rating compares this school to other schools in the state by looking at how well this school serves the needs of disadvantaged students relative to all students using state proficiency tests, student growth or academic progress data, and college readiness data. The Equity Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, using 2022 4-year high school graduation rate data from California Department of Education, using 2022 Percent of students who meet UC/CSU entrance requirements data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1111            },
1112            {
1113              "schoolId": 287894,
1114              "dataSourceId": 64,
1115              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Academic Progress",
1116              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "6",
1117              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Students at this school are making average academic progress from one grade to the next compared to similar students in the state.",
1118              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Academic Progress Rating is a growth proxy rating based on a model using unmatched cohorts, or school-level data instead of student-level data. The Academic Progress Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1119            }
1120          ],
1121          "schoolDistrict": {
1122            "id": 9940,
1123            "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District",
1124            "address": "333 South Beaudry Avenue",
1125            "city": "Los Angeles",
1126            "stateCode": "CA",
1127            "zip": "90017",
1128            "latitude": 34.056198,
1129            "longitude": -118.257172,
1130            "websiteUrl": "",
1131            "greatschoolDistrictOverviewUrl": ""
1132          },
1133          "greatschoolParentReviewsUrl": "",
1134          "elementary": false,
1135          "middle": true,
1136          "high": false,
1137          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1138          "hasMultipleCatchmentAreas": false
1139        }
1140      ],
1141      "highSchools": [
1142        {
1143          "servesHome": true,
1144          "greatSchoolsRating": 6,
1145          "parentRating": 4,
1146          "distanceInMiles": "0.8",
1147          "gradeRanges": "9-12",
1148          "institutionType": "Public",
1149          "name": "Hollywood Senior High School",
1150          "schoolUrl": "/school/92138/CA/Los-Angeles/Hollywood-Senior-High-School",
1151          "searchUrl": "/school/92138/CA/Los-Angeles/Hollywood-Senior-High-School",
1152          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
1153          "id": 92138,
1154          "numberOfStudents": 1481,
1155          "fullAddress": "1521 N Highland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028",
1156          "numReviews": 24,
1157          "studentToTeacherRatio": 26,
1158          "websiteUrl": "",
1159          "schoolReviews": [
1160            {
1161              "schoolId": 39556369,
1162              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1163              "datePosted": "April 2019",
1164              "review": "I regret sending my child here. The administration particularly is slowly eliminating anything positive like sports programs. Read the article in the LA Times about having all coaches reapplying for their positions, successful and not. A disgrace.",
1165              "reviewerRating": 2,
1166              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1167              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1168              "maponicsId": 3986499,
1169              "url": ""
1170            },
1171            {
1172              "schoolId": 39556368,
1173              "reviewedBy": "Student",
1174              "datePosted": "July 2018",
1175              "review": "I did not like my experience here academically. The students are highly unmotivated to learn and disrespectful. The only great thing about this school is the musical theatre program. Many dedicated, passionate and hardworking students participate in the musical production. There is still some drama involved in it though, and the Performing Arts Magnet is full of students who don't care about the performing arts. There are some, but they are far and few. The School for Advanced Studies is a bit better academically, but still the students are disrespectful and chatty. I DO NOT recommend this school.",
1176              "reviewerRating": 2,
1177              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1178              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1179              "maponicsId": 3504296,
1180              "url": ""
1181            },
1182            {
1183              "schoolId": 8515694,
1184              "reviewedBy": "Student",
1185              "datePosted": "August 2014",
1186              "review": "Hollywood High is amazing! I am in the School for Advanced Studies at Hollywood and my teachers are all great, they care and treat you like a human. As well as having an amazing SAS program Hollywood also has an OUTSTANDING Performing Arts Magnet. I was blown away the first time I saw students from PAM performing because they truly are amazing and their instructors and choreographers are genius's. I've said all these amazing things about my school, but I haven't even said anything about the counselors yet! Everyone is great, but by far the most amazing person is Mrs. Brown. Not only is she the SAS counselor, but also the College counselor, the 9/10th grade counselor and someone who will respond to you and doesn't just disregard your concerns. I've met plenty of counselors who you have to hunt down to get a concern in and then still worry if it's actually going to be taken care of, but I can promise you that won't be the case at Hollywood. We have Extraordinary SAS, Outstanding PAM, Amazing administration and to too it all off; there is so much school spirit, enthusiasm and every student I have seen at Hollywood is an individual. Can you find a better high school?",
1187              "reviewerRating": 5,
1188              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1189              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1190              "maponicsId": 1518926,
1191              "url": ""
1192            },
1193            {
1194              "schoolId": 8515693,
1195              "reviewedBy": "Student",
1196              "datePosted": "April 2014",
1197              "review": "I am now a 10th grader here and i am loving it. I had to transfer from my last school (terrible). Anyways, this school has by far the best PAM program which are for the preforming arts which i attend. This program attaches to the best dances, music, acting, and singing courses. For dance ask for Mrs.Goldschein for acting Mrs.Bridges for singing Mr.Sexton for Music Mrs. Hall all teachers are loving and caring. Myself I'm an Opera Singer in training and by most this school is diverse and loving much to look forward to.",
1198              "reviewerRating": 5,
1199              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1200              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1201              "maponicsId": 1472027,
1202              "url": ""
1203            },
1204            {
1205              "schoolId": 14510590,
1206              "reviewedBy": "Teacher",
1207              "datePosted": "September 2013",
1208              "review": "Hollywood High School Performing Arts Magnet is one of the best magnets in the city, with its amazing staff of talented teachers and directors, and its rigorous academic classes. Our school can proudly claim many Ph.d's from Stanford and other highly regarded universities, and teachers with professional experience in top ranked industries. The school is cozy and intimate with a small student to teacher ratio which insures a great deal of individual attention and care for the individual. This is a school with a long and astounding legacy - Judy Garland and Carol Burnett walked its halls, along with great luminaries in law and politics, such as Warren Christopher. Today we are still preparing future great leaders of the world, for many of our students go on to prestigious universities such as Berkeley, New York University and U.C.L.A. Hollywood is a school where one can truly receive a great education.",
1209              "reviewerRating": 5,
1210              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1211              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1212              "maponicsId": 1380048,
1213              "url": ""
1214            },
1215            {
1216              "schoolId": 5353951,
1217              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1218              "datePosted": "August 2013",
1219              "review": "I admire very much the Magnet Program and especially the arts part. Those teachers involved in Performing Arts are excellent, they put heart and soul in it. I have a big admiration for their hard work which reflects in the shows the students perform. Good job.",
1220              "reviewerRating": 5,
1221              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1222              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1223              "maponicsId": 1367285,
1224              "url": ""
1225            },
1226            {
1227              "schoolId": 5353950,
1228              "reviewedBy": "Student",
1229              "datePosted": "August 2013",
1230              "review": "This school is small and boring and full of lies from staff and doesnt give you the oppurtunity you want.",
1231              "reviewerRating": 3,
1232              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1233              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602148,
1234              "maponicsId": 1357336,
1235              "url": ""
1236            }
1237          ],
1238          "schoolGranularRatings": [
1239            {
1240              "schoolId": 360954,
1241              "dataSourceId": 64,
1242              "schoolGranularRatingType": "College Readiness",
1243              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "7",
1244              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "This school is above the state average in key measures of college and career readiness, such as graduation rates, college entrance exams, and advanced courses.\n\nEven at schools with strong college and career readiness, there may be students who are not getting the opportunities they need to succeed.\n",
1245              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The College Readiness Rating uses this high school's graduation rates, college entrance exam participation and performance, or AP, IB, or Dual Enrollment participation to determine how well schools are preparing students for success in college and beyond. The College Readiness Rating was created using the following data from the 2018 Civil Rights Data Collection: percentage of students enrolled in IB, AP or Dual Enrollment classes in grades 9-12, using 2019 SAT percent college ready data from California Department of Education, using 2019 Average ACT score data from California Department of Education, using 2019 ACT percent college ready data from California Department of Education, using 2022 4-year high school graduation rate data from California Department of Education, using 2022 Percent of students who meet UC/CSU entrance requirements data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1246            },
1247            {
1248              "schoolId": 303709,
1249              "dataSourceId": 64,
1250              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Equity",
1251              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "6",
1252              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps between different student groups.",
1253              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "Using the state’s Department of Education data, the Equity Overview Rating compares this school to other schools in the state by looking at how well this school serves the needs of disadvantaged students relative to all students using state proficiency tests, student growth or academic progress data, and college readiness data. The Equity Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, using 2022 4-year high school graduation rate data from California Department of Education, using 2022 Percent of students who meet UC/CSU entrance requirements data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1254            },
1255            {
1256              "schoolId": 303708,
1257              "dataSourceId": 64,
1258              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Test Scores",
1259              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "4",
1260              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "State test results at this school are below the state average, so students are likely performing below grade level.",
1261              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Test Score Rating examines how students at this school performed on standardized tests compared with other schools in the state. The Test Rating was created using 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education."
1262            },
1263            {
1264              "schoolId": 303706,
1265              "dataSourceId": 64,
1266              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Academic Progress",
1267              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "7",
1268              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Students at this school are making more academic progress from one grade to the next compared to similar students in the state.",
1269              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Academic Progress Rating is a growth proxy rating based on a model using unmatched cohorts, or school-level data instead of student-level data. The Academic Progress Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1270            }
1271          ],
1272          "schoolDistrict": {
1273            "id": 9940,
1274            "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District",
1275            "address": "333 South Beaudry Avenue",
1276            "city": "Los Angeles",
1277            "stateCode": "CA",
1278            "zip": "90017",
1279            "latitude": 34.056198,
1280            "longitude": -118.257172,
1281            "websiteUrl": "",
1282            "greatschoolDistrictOverviewUrl": ""
1283          },
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1288          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
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1290        },
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1296          "parentRating": 4,
1297          "distanceInMiles": "0.1",
1298          "gradeRanges": "K-5",
1299          "institutionType": "Public",
1300          "name": "Gardner Street Elementary School",
1301          "schoolUrl": "/school/186026/CA/Los-Angeles/Gardner-Street-Elementary-School",
1302          "searchUrl": "/school/186026/CA/Los-Angeles/Gardner-Street-Elementary-School",
1303          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
1304          "id": 186026,
1305          "numberOfStudents": 408,
1306          "fullAddress": "7450 Hawthorn Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046",
1307          "numReviews": 61,
1308          "studentToTeacherRatio": 25,
1309          "websiteUrl": "",
1310          "schoolReviews": [
1311            {
1312              "schoolId": 39556114,
1313              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1314              "datePosted": "August 2022",
1315              "review": "Principal and staff are ignorant. My child learned nothing",
1316              "reviewerRating": 1,
1317              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1318              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1319              "maponicsId": 5570031,
1320              "url": ""
1321            },
1322            {
1323              "schoolId": 39556113,
1324              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1325              "datePosted": "August 2022",
1326              "review": "Amazing school! My son went to Gardner street school from pre-K to 5th grade and was the best; great teachers, very involved and committed. Great sense of community.",
1327              "reviewerRating": 5,
1328              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1329              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1330              "maponicsId": 5547784,
1331              "url": ""
1332            },
1333            {
1334              "schoolId": 39556112,
1335              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1336              "datePosted": "February 2020",
1337              "review": "My husband and I assumed that we will have to go Private for our son's Elementary education, because of the urban myth of \"there are no good public schools in Hollywood\". As we were touring all the private schools in the area, we decided to stop by the Open House at our zoned public school, Gardner - just to see for ourselves how much worse it would be. We were shocked to find that we loved everything about Gardner! The way it looks and feels (happy! Filled with art, music and laughter), and mostly its progressive mindset. We were so shaken up that we went back two more times to confirm that our initial impression was not skewed in some way... Our son is now a thriving 2nd grader at Gardner, and we truly do love this school.Gardner Street Elementary is a neighborhood gem with an engaged principal, excellent teachers and helpful staff, and a small but very active parent body that makes things happen. Many students live outside the school zone but they and their parents like Gardner so much that they've chosen to permit in.What makes Gardner so special are its diverse staff and students, family-like atmosphere, and the many \"extras\". Thanks to annual fundraisers coupled with lots of fun events for kids and families throughout the school year, \"non-essential\" classes that are not paid for by LAUSD and not offered in many public schools - such as Visual Art, Music, PE, Yoga, Organic Edible Garden, and (new!) Science Lab - are part of the everyday curriculum and available to every child at Gardner. There are many really great afterschool programs to choose from, and occasional workshops for parents/caregivers. Campus beautification is ongoing.Besides all the fun, there is serious learning going on as well. Learning to truly *understand* and not just memorize to ace tests. So much learning goes on at school that - as supported by countless studies and best-performing schools in Finland - there are no homework requirements for the younger kids.Most importantly, my child has developed love for reading and learning, he is excited about going to school every day, and he feels safe there.",
1338              "reviewerRating": 5,
1339              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1340              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1341              "maponicsId": 4418512,
1342              "url": ""
1343            },
1344            {
1345              "schoolId": 39556111,
1346              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1347              "datePosted": "September 2019",
1348              "review": "We just love Gardner and couldn't have had a better experience. The emphasis on strong values is just amazing and all the kids are so kind! We've found the teachers and admins to be really open to differently-abled kids and their needs. We feel very lucky to have found Gardner!",
1349              "reviewerRating": 5,
1350              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1351              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1352              "maponicsId": 4226639,
1353              "url": ""
1354            },
1355            {
1356              "schoolId": 39556110,
1357              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1358              "datePosted": "September 2019",
1359              "review": "Originally, we were planning on going to private school then we checked out Gardner and it has turned out awesome.",
1360              "reviewerRating": 5,
1361              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1362              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1363              "maponicsId": 4225875,
1364              "url": ""
1365            },
1366            {
1367              "schoolId": 39556109,
1368              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1369              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1370              "review": "We chose to go to Gardner as a transfer family. When we walked in it felt different than other schools. It was clean, people were friendly and it felt HAPPY! There were happy children around everywhere. It was bright and colorful and pleasant to be in. We have had good teachers, met wonderful parents, and became very involved. The school has a great group of parents running the parent group that raises money all year for the programs that LAUSD doesn't provide. PE, Music, Art, Yoga and Edible Gardening are all only provided because the parents raise the money. And it's not a crazy amount. They aren't hounding you for money. It's usually through fun events like carnivals or dances. They encourage a monthly donation of as little as 5-10 dollars a month and it's totally doable and worth it for what the kids get in the end. Parents don't realize that other public schools don't offer those programs. But Gardner students are thriving thanks to them. We believe in public schools. And LAUSD has a pretty rough reputation, but this is one of those schools that's a diamond in the rough. It is diverse both racially and economically. It's has three main languages spoken among students. It has loving and respectful teachers and administration. Parents that are involved and creating an enriching environment for kids and helping to create a healthier education for them. It's a great size and very inclusive and we are THRILLED to be a part of it.",
1371              "reviewerRating": 5,
1372              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1373              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1374              "maponicsId": 4061327,
1375              "url": ""
1376            },
1377            {
1378              "schoolId": 39556108,
1379              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1380              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1381              "review": "I’m running from this school since we day one. Schools are what you make of it but no ..... unless you pay them for alllll the donations and your attending each bake sale they have an entitled , nasty , belittling attitude. There is no diversity at least with African American or mixed race . They will accent your child but they definitely have the attitude of go else where why are you here.",
1382              "reviewerRating": 1,
1383              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1384              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1385              "maponicsId": 4056201,
1386              "url": ""
1387            }
1388          ],
1389          "schoolGranularRatings": [
1390            {
1391              "schoolId": 285686,
1392              "dataSourceId": 64,
1393              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Test Scores",
1394              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "8",
1395              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "State test results at this school are above the state average, so students are likely performing at or above grade level.\n\nBecause state averages can be low, some students at this school may still not be performing at grade level.\n",
1396              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Test Score Rating examines how students at this school performed on standardized tests compared with other schools in the state. The Test Rating was created using 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education."
1397            },
1398            {
1399              "schoolId": 285685,
1400              "dataSourceId": 64,
1401              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Equity",
1402              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "5",
1403              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps between different student groups.",
1404              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "Using the state’s Department of Education data, the Equity Overview Rating compares this school to other schools in the state by looking at how well this school serves the needs of disadvantaged students relative to all students using state proficiency tests, student growth or academic progress data, and college readiness data. The Equity Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, using 2022 4-year high school graduation rate data from California Department of Education, using 2022 Percent of students who meet UC/CSU entrance requirements data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1405            },
1406            {
1407              "schoolId": 285687,
1408              "dataSourceId": 64,
1409              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Academic Progress",
1410              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "6",
1411              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Students at this school are making average academic progress from one grade to the next compared to similar students in the state.",
1412              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Academic Progress Rating is a growth proxy rating based on a model using unmatched cohorts, or school-level data instead of student-level data. The Academic Progress Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1413            }
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1417            "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District",
1418            "address": "333 South Beaudry Avenue",
1419            "city": "Los Angeles",
1420            "stateCode": "CA",
1421            "zip": "90017",
1422            "latitude": 34.056198,
1423            "longitude": -118.257172,
1424            "websiteUrl": "",
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1431          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1432          "hasMultipleCatchmentAreas": false
1433        }
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1436      "sectionPreviewText": "Average rating 5.3 out of 10",
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1654          "schoolReviews": [
1655            {
1656              "schoolId": 39556114,
1657              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1658              "datePosted": "August 2022",
1659              "review": "Principal and staff are ignorant. My child learned nothing",
1660              "reviewerRating": 1,
1661              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1662              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1663              "maponicsId": 5570031,
1664              "url": ""
1665            },
1666            {
1667              "schoolId": 39556113,
1668              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1669              "datePosted": "August 2022",
1670              "review": "Amazing school! My son went to Gardner street school from pre-K to 5th grade and was the best; great teachers, very involved and committed. Great sense of community.",
1671              "reviewerRating": 5,
1672              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1673              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1674              "maponicsId": 5547784,
1675              "url": ""
1676            },
1677            {
1678              "schoolId": 39556112,
1679              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1680              "datePosted": "February 2020",
1681              "review": "My husband and I assumed that we will have to go Private for our son's Elementary education, because of the urban myth of \"there are no good public schools in Hollywood\". As we were touring all the private schools in the area, we decided to stop by the Open House at our zoned public school, Gardner - just to see for ourselves how much worse it would be. We were shocked to find that we loved everything about Gardner! The way it looks and feels (happy! Filled with art, music and laughter), and mostly its progressive mindset. We were so shaken up that we went back two more times to confirm that our initial impression was not skewed in some way... Our son is now a thriving 2nd grader at Gardner, and we truly do love this school.Gardner Street Elementary is a neighborhood gem with an engaged principal, excellent teachers and helpful staff, and a small but very active parent body that makes things happen. Many students live outside the school zone but they and their parents like Gardner so much that they've chosen to permit in.What makes Gardner so special are its diverse staff and students, family-like atmosphere, and the many \"extras\". Thanks to annual fundraisers coupled with lots of fun events for kids and families throughout the school year, \"non-essential\" classes that are not paid for by LAUSD and not offered in many public schools - such as Visual Art, Music, PE, Yoga, Organic Edible Garden, and (new!) Science Lab - are part of the everyday curriculum and available to every child at Gardner. There are many really great afterschool programs to choose from, and occasional workshops for parents/caregivers. Campus beautification is ongoing.Besides all the fun, there is serious learning going on as well. Learning to truly *understand* and not just memorize to ace tests. So much learning goes on at school that - as supported by countless studies and best-performing schools in Finland - there are no homework requirements for the younger kids.Most importantly, my child has developed love for reading and learning, he is excited about going to school every day, and he feels safe there.",
1682              "reviewerRating": 5,
1683              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1684              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1685              "maponicsId": 4418512,
1686              "url": ""
1687            },
1688            {
1689              "schoolId": 39556111,
1690              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1691              "datePosted": "September 2019",
1692              "review": "We just love Gardner and couldn't have had a better experience. The emphasis on strong values is just amazing and all the kids are so kind! We've found the teachers and admins to be really open to differently-abled kids and their needs. We feel very lucky to have found Gardner!",
1693              "reviewerRating": 5,
1694              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1695              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1696              "maponicsId": 4226639,
1697              "url": ""
1698            },
1699            {
1700              "schoolId": 39556110,
1701              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1702              "datePosted": "September 2019",
1703              "review": "Originally, we were planning on going to private school then we checked out Gardner and it has turned out awesome.",
1704              "reviewerRating": 5,
1705              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1706              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1707              "maponicsId": 4225875,
1708              "url": ""
1709            },
1710            {
1711              "schoolId": 39556109,
1712              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1713              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1714              "review": "We chose to go to Gardner as a transfer family. When we walked in it felt different than other schools. It was clean, people were friendly and it felt HAPPY! There were happy children around everywhere. It was bright and colorful and pleasant to be in. We have had good teachers, met wonderful parents, and became very involved. The school has a great group of parents running the parent group that raises money all year for the programs that LAUSD doesn't provide. PE, Music, Art, Yoga and Edible Gardening are all only provided because the parents raise the money. And it's not a crazy amount. They aren't hounding you for money. It's usually through fun events like carnivals or dances. They encourage a monthly donation of as little as 5-10 dollars a month and it's totally doable and worth it for what the kids get in the end. Parents don't realize that other public schools don't offer those programs. But Gardner students are thriving thanks to them. We believe in public schools. And LAUSD has a pretty rough reputation, but this is one of those schools that's a diamond in the rough. It is diverse both racially and economically. It's has three main languages spoken among students. It has loving and respectful teachers and administration. Parents that are involved and creating an enriching environment for kids and helping to create a healthier education for them. It's a great size and very inclusive and we are THRILLED to be a part of it.",
1715              "reviewerRating": 5,
1716              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1717              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1718              "maponicsId": 4061327,
1719              "url": ""
1720            },
1721            {
1722              "schoolId": 39556108,
1723              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1724              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1725              "review": "I’m running from this school since we day one. Schools are what you make of it but no ..... unless you pay them for alllll the donations and your attending each bake sale they have an entitled , nasty , belittling attitude. There is no diversity at least with African American or mixed race . They will accent your child but they definitely have the attitude of go else where why are you here.",
1726              "reviewerRating": 1,
1727              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1728              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1729              "maponicsId": 4056201,
1730              "url": ""
1731            }
1732          ],
1733          "schoolGranularRatings": [
1734            {
1735              "schoolId": 285686,
1736              "dataSourceId": 64,
1737              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Test Scores",
1738              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "8",
1739              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "State test results at this school are above the state average, so students are likely performing at or above grade level.\n\nBecause state averages can be low, some students at this school may still not be performing at grade level.\n",
1740              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Test Score Rating examines how students at this school performed on standardized tests compared with other schools in the state. The Test Rating was created using 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education."
1741            },
1742            {
1743              "schoolId": 285685,
1744              "dataSourceId": 64,
1745              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Equity",
1746              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "5",
1747              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps between different student groups.",
1748              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "Using the state’s Department of Education data, the Equity Overview Rating compares this school to other schools in the state by looking at how well this school serves the needs of disadvantaged students relative to all students using state proficiency tests, student growth or academic progress data, and college readiness data. The Equity Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, using 2022 4-year high school graduation rate data from California Department of Education, using 2022 Percent of students who meet UC/CSU entrance requirements data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1749            },
1750            {
1751              "schoolId": 285687,
1752              "dataSourceId": 64,
1753              "schoolGranularRatingType": "Academic Progress",
1754              "schoolGranularRatingValue": "6",
1755              "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Students at this school are making average academic progress from one grade to the next compared to similar students in the state.",
1756              "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "The Academic Progress Rating is a growth proxy rating based on a model using unmatched cohorts, or school-level data instead of student-level data. The Academic Progress Rating was created using 2019 and 2022 California Science Test data from California Department of Education, using 2019 and 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) data from California Department of Education, and using 2019 demographic data from California Department of Education."
1757            }
1758          ],
1759          "schoolDistrict": {
1760            "id": 9940,
1761            "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District",
1762            "address": "333 South Beaudry Avenue",
1763            "city": "Los Angeles",
1764            "stateCode": "CA",
1765            "zip": "90017",
1766            "latitude": 34.056198,
1767            "longitude": -118.257172,
1768            "websiteUrl": "",
1769            "greatschoolDistrictOverviewUrl": ""
1770          },
1771          "greatschoolParentReviewsUrl": "",
1772          "elementary": true,
1773          "middle": false,
1774          "high": false,
1775          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1776          "hasMultipleCatchmentAreas": false
1777        }
1778      ],
1779      "middleSchools": [
1780        {
1781          "servesHome": false,
1782          "parentRating": 0,
1783          "distanceInMiles": "0.6",
1784          "gradeRanges": "7-12",
1785          "institutionType": "Private",
1786          "name": "Aviva High School",
1787          "schoolUrl": "/school/73143/CA/Los-Angeles/Aviva-High-School",
1788          "searchUrl": "/school/73143/CA/Los-Angeles/Aviva-High-School",
1789          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
1790          "id": 73143,
1791          "numberOfStudents": 48,
1792          "fullAddress": "7120 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046",
1793          "numReviews": 0,
1794          "schoolReviews": [],
1795          "schoolGranularRatings": [],
1796          "greatschoolParentReviewsUrl": "",
1797          "elementary": false,
1798          "middle": true,
1799          "high": true,
1800          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1801          "hasMultipleCatchmentAreas": false
1802        }
1803      ],
1804      "highSchools": [
1805        {
1806          "servesHome": false,
1807          "parentRating": 0,
1808          "distanceInMiles": "0.6",
1809          "gradeRanges": "7-12",
1810          "institutionType": "Private",
1811          "name": "Aviva High School",
1812          "schoolUrl": "/school/73143/CA/Los-Angeles/Aviva-High-School",
1813          "searchUrl": "/school/73143/CA/Los-Angeles/Aviva-High-School",
1814          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
1815          "id": 73143,
1816          "numberOfStudents": 48,
1817          "fullAddress": "7120 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046",
1818          "numReviews": 0,
1819          "schoolReviews": [],
1820          "schoolGranularRatings": [],
1821          "greatschoolParentReviewsUrl": "",
1822          "elementary": false,
1823          "middle": true,
1824          "high": true,
1825          "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1826          "hasMultipleCatchmentAreas": false
1827        }
1828      ],
1829      "servingThisHomeSchools": [
1830        {
1831          "servesHome": true,
1832          "greatSchoolsRating": 6,
1833          "parentRating": 4,
1834          "distanceInMiles": "0.1",
1835          "gradeRanges": "K-5",
1836          "institutionType": "Public",
1837          "name": "Gardner Street Elementary School",
1838          "schoolUrl": "/school/186026/CA/Los-Angeles/Gardner-Street-Elementary-School",
1839          "searchUrl": "/school/186026/CA/Los-Angeles/Gardner-Street-Elementary-School",
1840          "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "",
1841          "id": 186026,
1842          "numberOfStudents": 408,
1843          "fullAddress": "7450 Hawthorn Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046",
1844          "numReviews": 61,
1845          "studentToTeacherRatio": 25,
1846          "websiteUrl": "",
1847          "schoolReviews": [
1848            {
1849              "schoolId": 39556114,
1850              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1851              "datePosted": "August 2022",
1852              "review": "Principal and staff are ignorant. My child learned nothing",
1853              "reviewerRating": 1,
1854              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1855              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1856              "maponicsId": 5570031,
1857              "url": ""
1858            },
1859            {
1860              "schoolId": 39556113,
1861              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1862              "datePosted": "August 2022",
1863              "review": "Amazing school! My son went to Gardner street school from pre-K to 5th grade and was the best; great teachers, very involved and committed. Great sense of community.",
1864              "reviewerRating": 5,
1865              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1866              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1867              "maponicsId": 5547784,
1868              "url": ""
1869            },
1870            {
1871              "schoolId": 39556112,
1872              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1873              "datePosted": "February 2020",
1874              "review": "My husband and I assumed that we will have to go Private for our son's Elementary education, because of the urban myth of \"there are no good public schools in Hollywood\". As we were touring all the private schools in the area, we decided to stop by the Open House at our zoned public school, Gardner - just to see for ourselves how much worse it would be. We were shocked to find that we loved everything about Gardner! The way it looks and feels (happy! Filled with art, music and laughter), and mostly its progressive mindset. We were so shaken up that we went back two more times to confirm that our initial impression was not skewed in some way... Our son is now a thriving 2nd grader at Gardner, and we truly do love this school.Gardner Street Elementary is a neighborhood gem with an engaged principal, excellent teachers and helpful staff, and a small but very active parent body that makes things happen. Many students live outside the school zone but they and their parents like Gardner so much that they've chosen to permit in.What makes Gardner so special are its diverse staff and students, family-like atmosphere, and the many \"extras\". Thanks to annual fundraisers coupled with lots of fun events for kids and families throughout the school year, \"non-essential\" classes that are not paid for by LAUSD and not offered in many public schools - such as Visual Art, Music, PE, Yoga, Organic Edible Garden, and (new!) Science Lab - are part of the everyday curriculum and available to every child at Gardner. There are many really great afterschool programs to choose from, and occasional workshops for parents/caregivers. Campus beautification is ongoing.Besides all the fun, there is serious learning going on as well. Learning to truly *understand* and not just memorize to ace tests. So much learning goes on at school that - as supported by countless studies and best-performing schools in Finland - there are no homework requirements for the younger kids.Most importantly, my child has developed love for reading and learning, he is excited about going to school every day, and he feels safe there.",
1875              "reviewerRating": 5,
1876              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1877              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1878              "maponicsId": 4418512,
1879              "url": ""
1880            },
1881            {
1882              "schoolId": 39556111,
1883              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1884              "datePosted": "September 2019",
1885              "review": "We just love Gardner and couldn't have had a better experience. The emphasis on strong values is just amazing and all the kids are so kind! We've found the teachers and admins to be really open to differently-abled kids and their needs. We feel very lucky to have found Gardner!",
1886              "reviewerRating": 5,
1887              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1888              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1889              "maponicsId": 4226639,
1890              "url": ""
1891            },
1892            {
1893              "schoolId": 39556110,
1894              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1895              "datePosted": "September 2019",
1896              "review": "Originally, we were planning on going to private school then we checked out Gardner and it has turned out awesome.",
1897              "reviewerRating": 5,
1898              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1899              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1900              "maponicsId": 4225875,
1901              "url": ""
1902            },
1903            {
1904              "schoolId": 39556109,
1905              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1906              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1907              "review": "We chose to go to Gardner as a transfer family. When we walked in it felt different than other schools. It was clean, people were friendly and it felt HAPPY! There were happy children around everywhere. It was bright and colorful and pleasant to be in. We have had good teachers, met wonderful parents, and became very involved. The school has a great group of parents running the parent group that raises money all year for the programs that LAUSD doesn't provide. PE, Music, Art, Yoga and Edible Gardening are all only provided because the parents raise the money. And it's not a crazy amount. They aren't hounding you for money. It's usually through fun events like carnivals or dances. They encourage a monthly donation of as little as 5-10 dollars a month and it's totally doable and worth it for what the kids get in the end. Parents don't realize that other public schools don't offer those programs. But Gardner students are thriving thanks to them. We believe in public schools. And LAUSD has a pretty rough reputation, but this is one of those schools that's a diamond in the rough. It is diverse both racially and economically. It's has three main languages spoken among students. It has loving and respectful teachers and administration. Parents that are involved and creating an enriching environment for kids and helping to create a healthier education for them. It's a great size and very inclusive and we are THRILLED to be a part of it.",
1908              "reviewerRating": 5,
1909              "lastUpdatedDate": "October 2023",
1910              "institutionGreatschoolId": 602098,
1911              "maponicsId": 4061327,
1912              "url": ""
1913            },
1914            {
1915              "schoolId": 39556108,
1916              "reviewedBy": "Parent",
1917              "datePosted": "May 2019",
1918              "review": "I’m running from this school since we day one. Schools are what you make of it but no ..... unless you pay them for alllll the donations and your attending each bake sale
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