Property and Agent Analytics Scraper avatar Property and Agent Analytics Scraper

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Gain a competitive edge with our Redfin Scraper—effortlessly extract property listings and agent performance metrics with precision. Save time, eliminate duplicates, and access clean, structured data for smarter real estate decisions. 🚀

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 6 Monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in Dec 2024

  • Modified a month ago


The Scraper is designed to extract comprehensive property data from, one of the leading real estate platforms. This scraper is ideal for real estate professionals, market analysts, and property enthusiasts who need structured data for renting or selling properties across various locations. Additionally, the scraper now supports scraping agent data, providing detailed information about real estate agents in specific regions.


  • Scrape detailed property information from rental and selling listings
  • Extract agent profiles including contact information, transaction history, and service regions
  • Extract metadata such as neighborhood details, pricing, amenities, and availability
  • Customizable with start URLs and concurrency settings
  • Built-in proxy support to ensure smooth and anonymous scraping
  • Support for multiple URL types:
    • Property listings (rental/sale)
    • Agent directory pages (city/region level)
  • Persistent Storage and Deduplication:
    • Use a custom storage name to preserve scraped data indefinitely
    • Easily duplicate and manage datasets with unique storage names

How to Use

  1. Set Up: Ensure you have an Apify account and access to the Apify platform
  2. Provide Start URLs: Enter URLs for either:
    • Property listings (rental/sale)
    • Agent directory pages (see examples below)
  3. Adjust Scraper Settings: Modify settings like maxConcurrency and maxRequestRetries
  4. Configure Proxy Settings: (Optional) Use residential proxies to avoid blocks
  5. Run the Scraper: Execute and monitor through Apify platform
  6. Export Results: Download data in JSON, CSV, or Excel formats

Input Configuration

Here is an example of how to set up the input for the Scraper:

2    "startUrls": [
3        {
4            "url": ""
5        },
6        {
7            "url": ""
8        },
9        {
10            "url": ""
11        }
12    ],
13    "maxItems": 1000,
14    "maxConcurrency": 50,
15    "minConcurrency": 1,
16    "maxRequestRetries": 100,
17    "storeName": "my-custom-storage",
18    "proxy": {
19        "useApifyProxy": true,
20        "apifyProxyGroups": ["RESIDENTIAL"]
21    }

Input Fields Explanation

  • Start URLs (startUrls): List of URLs where the scraper will start collecting data. These can include renting or selling property pages.
  • Max Items (maxItems): Maximum number of listings to scrape during a session. Default is 1000.
  • Max Concurrency (maxConcurrency): Maximum number of parallel requests. Default is 50.
  • Min Concurrency (minConcurrency): Minimum number of parallel requests. Default is 1.
  • Max Request Retries (maxRequestRetries): Number of retries for failed requests. Default is 100.
  • Proxy Configuration (proxy): Specifies proxy servers for anonymous scraping. Default uses Apify’s residential proxies.
  • Store Name (storeName):
    • Define a custom name for the Key-Value Store used for saving listings.
    • Ensures deduplication and long-term data retention by persisting data indefinitely until manual deletion.
    • Facilitates data duplication by assigning unique store names, allowing multiple datasets to coexist without overwriting.
    • If not specified, data will be saved to the default store with standard retention limits.
    • Use alphanumeric characters and hyphens for naming (e.g., my-custom-store).

Why Persistent Storage Matters

The storeName feature enables:

  • Data Deduplication: Automatically prevents duplicate entries, ensuring clean and organized data.
  • Long-Term Retention: Keeps your listings beyond the default retention limits, critical for historical analysis or compliance needs.
  • Flexibility: Save multiple datasets by naming each storage uniquely, enabling you to track data changes over time or handle separate projects simultaneously.

The scraper produces a list of rental listings with each item containing fields such as:

Rental Listing Example:

2    "propertyId": "2317312457", // Unique identifier for the property listing.
3    "url": "", // Direct URL to the listing.
4    "responseCode": 301, // HTTP response code for the request.
5    "redirectUrl": "/CA/Los-Angeles/5900-Center-Dr-90045/home/143665997", // Redirect URL, if applicable.
6    "redirectPath": "/CA/Los-Angeles/5900-Center-Dr-90045/home/143665997", // Path of the redirect URL.
7    "isFMLS": false, // Indicates if the listing belongs to the FMLS database.
8    "hasAvm": false, // Indicates the presence of Automated Valuation Model.
9    "shouldAmplifyPDP": false, // Determines if the PDP (Property Detail Page) should be amplified.
10    "isPremier": false, // Indicates if the property listing is premier.
11    "customerAgentIsPremier": false, // Specifies if the customer agent is premier.
12    "version": 567, // Version of the property data record.
13    "errorMessage": "", // Error message if the request failed.
14    "resultCode": 0, // Numeric result code for the request.
15    "regionType": 1, // Type of the region the property belongs to.
16    "tableId": 290650, // Identifier for the region table.
17    "homeData": {
18        "propertyId": "143665997", // Unique ID for the home listing.
19        "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/Altitude-Apartments/apartment/143665997", // URL path to the listing.
20        "propertyType": 5, // Numerical type of the property (e.g., apartment).
21        "sashes": [
22            {
23                "sashTypeId": 7, // ID for the sash type.
24                "sashTypeName": "New", // Label for the sash type.
25                "sashTypeColor": "#2E7E36", // Color representation of the sash.
26                "timeOnRedfin": "107974775" // Time the property has been listed.
27            }
28        ],
29        "staticMapUrl": "", // Static map image URL.
30        "hasAttFiber": true, // Indicates if ATT fiber internet is available.
31        "addressInfo": {
32            "formattedStreetLine": "5900 Center Dr", // Formatted address line.
33            "city": "Los Angeles", // City of the property.
34            "state": "CA", // State of the property.
35            "zip": "90045" // ZIP code of the property.
36        }
37    },
38    "rentalExtension": {
39        "rentalId": "e97c4e8f-9f6c-4e51-a911-55c631c6018a", // Unique ID for the rental property.
40        "description": "Altitude Apartments is a stunning addition to West LA's Howard Hughes Center...", // Property description.
41        "bedRange": {"min": 0, "max": 2}, // Range of bedrooms.
42        "bathRange": {"min": 1, "max": 2}, // Range of bathrooms.
43        "sqftRange": {"min": 448, "max": 1223}, // Range of square footage.
44        "rentPriceRange": {"min": 2463, "max": 3879}, // Range of rent prices.
45        "numAvailableUnits": 22, // Number of available units.
46        "propertyName": "Altitude Apartments", // Name of the property.
47        "rentalPropertyExternalUrl": "", // External link to property details.
48        "managementCompany": {
49            "name": "Equity Residential", // Name of the management company.
50            "website": "" // Website of the management company.
51        },
52        "leasingOfficeSchedules": [
53            {"day": "Sunday"},
54            {"day": "Monday"},
55            {"day": "Tuesday", "open": "10:00 AM", "close": "6:00 PM"}
56        ], // Schedule of leasing office availability.
57        "promotions": [
58            {
59                "category": "Deal", // Type of promotion.
60                "text": "Up to 1/2 month off select apartment homes..." // Promotional offer text.
61            }
62        ]
63    },
64    "unitAmenities": [
65        "Air Conditioning",
66        "Balcony",
67        "Dishwasher"
68    ], // Amenities available in individual units.
69    "communityAmenities": [
70        "Fitness Center",
71        "Swimming Pool",
72        "Clubhouse"
73    ], // Amenities available for the community.
74    "standardizedAmenities": [
75        "Pet Friendly",
76        "Swimming Pool",
77        "Fitness Center"
78    ], // Standardized amenities list.
79    "petPolicies": [
80        {
81            "policyName": "cats",
82            "petDeposit": 500, // Deposit amount for cats.
83            "petRent": 45 // Monthly rent fee for cats.
84        },
85        {
86            "policyName": "dogs",
87            "petDeposit": 500, // Deposit amount for dogs.
88            "petRent": 55 // Monthly rent fee for dogs.
89        }
90    ],
91    "photos": [
92        {"startPos": 0, "endPos": 6, "version": "2"}
93    ], // Photo information for the listing.
94    "scans": [
95        {"scanUrl": ""}
96    ], // 3D scan links for the property.
97    "streetView": {
98        "streetViewAvailable": true // Indicates if street view is available.
99    }
100    "staticMapUrl": "", // URL for the static map preview.
101    "staticMapUrl2x": "", // High-resolution version of the static map image.
102    "bounds": [ // Array defining the latitude and longitude boundaries for the property area.
103        { "lat": "33.9751637831778", "long": "-118.38920371629" }, 
104        { "lat": "33.9752323742828", "long": "-118.389253575833" }
105    ],
106    "mapLocationDisplayLevel": 1, // Map zoom or display level for the property location.
107    "sectionPreviewText": "Walk Score: 54 | Somewhat Walkable", // Short summary of the walkability score.
108    "fipsCode": "06037", // Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code for the property location.
109    "apn": "4104023016", // Assessor's Parcel Number, a unique identifier for tax purposes.
110    "latLong": { 
111        "latitude": 33.975465, // Latitude coordinate of the property.
112        "longitude": -118.388436 // Longitude coordinate of the property.
113    },
114    "timeZone": "US/Pacific", // Timezone where the property is located.
115    "parcelLid": "02074SUOP792GFHTUR1HA9", // Legal parcel identifier.
116    "polygon": "POLYGON ((-118.38920371629 33.9751637831778, -118.389253575833 33.9752323742828...))", // Geospatial polygon data outlining the property boundaries.
117    "desktopPhone": "3238157470", // Contact phone number for desktop web users.
118    "mobileWebPhone": "3238538942", // Contact phone number for mobile web users.
119    "mobileAppPhone": "3238442284", // Contact phone number for mobile app users.
120    "hasApplication": true, // Boolean indicating if an online application is available for this property.
121    "propertyName": "Altitude Apartments", // Name of the property.
122    "propertyId": "143665997", // Unique ID for identifying the property listing.
123    "formattedStreetLine": "5900 Center Dr", // Formatted property street address.
124    "applicationUrl": "", // Direct URL for submitting an online application.
125    "regionName": "Westchester", // Name of the region or neighborhood where the property is located.
126    "assembledAddress": "5900 Center Dr", // Full assembled address for the property.
127    "walkScoreData": { // Object containing walk, bike, and transit scores.
128        "walkScore": {
129            "value": 54, // Numerical walk score (out of 100).
130            "link": "", // Link to detailed walk score page.
131            "shortDescription": "Somewhat Walkable", // Short description summarizing walk score.
132            "description": "Some errands can be accomplished on foot", // Detailed explanation of the walk score.
133            "color": "#e69500" // Color associated with the walk score.
134        },
135        "bikeScore": {
136            "value": 43, // Numerical bike score.
137            "link": "" // Link to bike score details.
138        },
139        "transitScore": {
140            "value": 42, // Numerical transit score.
141            "link": "" // Link to transit score details.
142        }
143    },
144    "pointOfInterestList": [ // List of points of interest (POI) around the property.
145        {
146            "pointOfInterestId": 5583640, // Unique identifier for the POI.
147            "dataSourceId": 293, // ID of the source providing this data.
148            "name": "Winsome", // Name of the point of interest.
149            "latitude": 33.97686004638672, // Latitude coordinate of the POI.
150            "longitude": -118.39153289794922, // Longitude coordinate of the POI.
151            "popularity": 0.8399999737739563, // Popularity score of the POI (scale unknown).
152            "venueRealityBucket": 1, // Bucket categorization for venue reality data.
153            "provenanceRating": 3, // Source reliability or rating score for this POI.
154            "closedBucket": 2, // Status indicator for whether the venue is open or closed.
155            "address": "6080 Center Dr", // Street address of the POI.
156            "locality": "Los Angeles", // City name.
157            "region": "CA", // State or region name.
158            "postcode": "90045", // ZIP code of the POI.
159            "country": "us", // Country code in ISO 3166-1 format.
160            "phoneNumber": "(310) 266-2990", // Contact phone number of the POI.
161            "website": "", // Website URL of the POI.
162            "priceBucket": 3, // Price range indicator (e.g., 1 = cheap, 3 = moderate).
163            "providesDelivery": false, // Indicates if delivery service is available.
164            "categories": [ // Categories describing the type of POI.
165                {
166                    "categoryId": 13009, // Unique category ID.
167                    "dataSourceId": 293, // ID of the source providing category data.
168                    "label": "Cocktail Bar", // Descriptive label for the category.
169                    "redfinCategory": 1, // Internal Redfin categorization.
170                    "level": 3, // Depth level of the category in hierarchy.
171                    "categoryPriority": 0 // Priority order of the category.
172                },
173                {
174                    "categoryId": 13035,
175                    "dataSourceId": 293,
176                    "label": "Coffee Shop",
177                    "redfinCategory": 2,
178                    "level": 3,
179                    "categoryPriority": 0
180                },
181                {
182                    "categoryId": 13314,
183                    "dataSourceId": 293,
184                    "label": "New American Restaurant",
185                    "redfinCategory": 10,
186                    "level": 3,
187                    "categoryPriority": 0
188                }
189            ],
190            "chains": [], // List of chains or franchises; empty here.
191            "distance": 0.202158746944887 // Distance of POI from the property in miles or km.
192        }
193    ],
194    "transitData": { // Contains details about nearby public transit stops.
195        "stops": [ // List of nearby transit stops.
196            {
197                "latitude": 33.976912, // Latitude coordinate of the stop.
198                "longitude": -118.386348, // Longitude coordinate of the stop.
199                "stopId": "63b103a5650b17669cb30e11c156f3958285f503_380", // Unique stop identifier.
200                "stopName": "Centinela / Green Valley", // Name of the transit stop.
201                "agencies": [ // Public transit agencies servicing the stop.
202                    {
203                        "agencyName": "Metro - Los Angeles", // Agency providing the route.
204                        "agencyUrl": "" // Link to the agency's website.
205                    }
206                ],
207                "routes": [ // List of routes available at this stop.
208                    {
209                        "routeId": "d3ec83c845a51fdb623bf36c470b2a4f39ec3406_380", // Unique route ID.
210                        "routeCategory": "Bus", // Category of the route (e.g., Bus, Train).
211                        "longName": "Metro Local Line", // Full name of the route.
212                        "shortName": "110" // Short name or number of the route.
213                    }
214                ],
215                "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-12-18T02:36:14Z" // Date when data was last updated.
216            },
217            {
218                "latitude": 33.975877,
219                "longitude": -118.392419,
220                "stopId": "19904d53902bbb6a61a29bde7e1b51ed3cad6da1_380",
221                "stopName": "HOWARD HUGHES PKWY/PARK TERRACE DR",
222                "agencies": [
223                    {
224                        "agencyName": "Culver CityBus",
225                        "agencyUrl": ""
226                    }
227                ],
228                "routes": [
229                    {
230                        "routeId": "c34ea4b803af43dfa9735fa7bd3e319f6887296c_380",
231                        "routeCategory": "Bus",
232                        "longName": "Sepulveda Boulevard",
233                        "shortName": "CC 6",
234                        "color": "f17c35", // Route color for display.
235                        "textColor": "000000" // Text color for route labels.
236                    }
237                ],
238                "lastUpdatedDate": "2022-09-10T01:53:48.464Z"
239            }
240        ]
241    },
242    "neighborhoodData": { // Details about the property's neighborhood.
243        "zipcodeChartName": "Westchester", // Name of the ZIP code's primary neighborhood.
244        "zipcodeUrl": "/neighborhood/290650/CA/Los-Angeles/Westchester", // URL for the neighborhood's page.
245        "onBoardUrl": "", // Link to onboard navigator for area data.
246        "regionStats": [], // Placeholder for regional statistics, currently empty.
247        "regionBreadcrumbs": { // Navigation breadcrumbs for the region.
248            "breadcrumbs": [
249                {
250                    "breadcrumbType": "Organization", // Type of breadcrumb (organization level).
251                    "url": "", // URL for the organization homepage.
252                    "name": "Redfin", // Organization name.
253                    "description": "The home page" // Description of the organization page.
254                },
255                {
256                    "breadcrumbType": "State", // Type of breadcrumb (state level).
257                    "url": "", // State-level URL.
258                    "name": "California", // Name of the state.
259                    "shortName": "CA", // Abbreviation for the state.
260                    "description": "A State with apartments for rent" // Description of the state page.
261                },
262                {
263                    "breadcrumbType": "City", // Type of breadcrumb (city level).
264                    "url": "", // City-level URL.
265                    "name": "Los Angeles", // City name.
266                    "description": "A City with apartments for rent" // Description of the city page.
267                },
268                {
269                    "breadcrumbType": "AdministrativeArea", // Type of breadcrumb (neighborhood level).
270                    "url": "", // URL for the neighborhood page.
271                    "name": "Westchester", // Name of the neighborhood.
272                    "description": "A Neighborhood with apartments for rent" // Description of the neighborhood page.
273                }
274            ]
275        }
276    },
277    "addressInfo": { // Basic address information for the property.
278        "isFMLS": false, // Indicates if the listing is from the FMLS database.
279        "street": "5900 Center Dr", // Street address.
280        "city": "Los Angeles", // City name.
281        "state": "CA", // State abbreviation.
282        "zip": "90045", // ZIP code.
283        "countryCode": "US" // Country code in ISO format.
284    },
285    "propertyTypeDisplay": "Multi-Family (5+ Unit)", // Human-readable property type.
286    "hasRegionAggs": true, // Indicates the availability of region aggregations.
287    "pluralString": "multi-family properties", // Plural form for the property type.
288    "hasZipCodeChart": false, // Indicates if there’s a chart for the ZIP code.
289    "walkScoreInfo": { // Walkability, bikeability, and transit score information.
290        "walkScoreData": {
291            "walkScore": { 
292                "value": 54, // Walkability score.
293                "link": "", // URL for the walk score details.
294                "shortDescription": "Somewhat Walkable", // Summary of the walk score.
295                "description": "Some errands can be accomplished on foot", // Detailed description of walkability.
296                "color": "#e69500" // Color representing the score visually.
297            },
298            "bikeScore": {
299                "value": 43, // Bikeability score.
300                "link": "" // URL for bike score details.
301            },
302            "transitScore": {
303                "value": 42, // Public transit accessibility score.
304                "link": "" // URL for transit score details.
305            }
306        }
307    },
308    "primaryRegionInfo": { // Primary regional details for the property.
309        "primaryRegionWithStats": {
310            "regionId": { 
311                "regionType": 1, // Type of region (e.g., city, neighborhood).
312                "tableId": 290650 // Identifier for the region's database table.
313            },
314            "displayName": "Westchester", // Display name for the region.
315            "polygonDataStr": "((...))", // Encoded polygon data representing the region's boundaries.
316            "staticMapUrl": "" // Static map image URL for the region.
317        },
318        "hasOiAggs": false // Indicates if there are other aggregation options available.
319    }

Output Structure (For Selling Items)

The scraper produces a list of selling listings with each item containing fields such as:

Selling Listing Example:

2    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7919-Chase-Ave-90045/home/6617816", // Property listing URL
3    "mlsId": "24-468539", // Multiple Listing Service ID
4    "showMlsId": false, // Indicates whether the MLS ID is displayed
5    "mlsStatus": "Active", // Current status of the listing in MLS
6    "showDatasourceLogo": false, // Whether the datasource logo is displayed
7    "price": {
8        "value": 1650000, // Property price in USD
9        "level": 1 // Price confidence level
10    },
11    "hideSalePrice": false, // Indicates if the sale price is hidden
12    "hoa": {
13        "value": 1, // Homeowners Association fee
14        "level": 1 // Confidence level for HOA fee
15    },
16    "isHoaFrequencyKnown": true, // Whether the frequency of HOA payment is known
17    "sqFt": {
18        "displayLevel": 1, // Display confidence level
19        "value": 1749 // Total square footage
20    },
21    "pricePerSqFt": {
22        "value": 943, // Price per square foot in USD
23        "level": 1 // Confidence level for price per square foot
24    },
25    "lotSize": {
26        "value": 7327, // Lot size in square feet
27        "level": 1 // Confidence level for lot size
28    },
29    "beds": 3, // Number of bedrooms
30    "baths": 2, // Number of bathrooms
31    "fullBaths": 2, // Number of full bathrooms
32    "location": {
33        "value": "Westchester", // Neighborhood or locality
34        "level": 1 // Confidence level for location
35    },
36    "stories": 1, // Number of stories
37    "latLong": {
38        "latitude": 33.9678905, // Latitude of the property
39        "longitude": -118.4124869 // Longitude of the property
40    },
41    "streetLine": {
42        "value": "7919 Chase Ave", // Street address
43        "level": 1 // Confidence level for street address
44    },
45    "unitNumber": {
46        "level": 1 // Confidence level for unit number
47    },
48    "city": "Los Angeles", // City
49    "state": "CA", // State abbreviation
50    "zip": "90045", // ZIP code
51    "postalCode": {
52        "value": "90045", // Postal code
53        "level": 1 // Confidence level for postal code
54    },
55    "countryCode": "US", // Country code of the property location.
56    "showAddressOnMap": true, // Indicates whether the address is shown on the map.
57    "soldDate": 1057129200000, // Date when the property was sold, in UNIX timestamp format.
58    "searchStatus": 1, // Status of the property search (e.g., active or inactive).
59    "propertyType": 6, // Numerical type for the property (e.g., single-family, multi-family).
60    "uiPropertyType": 1, // UI property type identifier for categorization.
61    "listingType": 1, // Listing type identifier (e.g., for sale or rent).
62    "propertyId": 6617816, // Unique identifier for the property.
63    "listingId": 197098337, // Unique identifier for the listing.
64    "dataSourceId": 40, // Identifier for the data source of the listing.
65    "marketId": 3, // Identifier for the market region.
66    "yearBuilt": 1949, // Year the property was built.
67    "dom": {
68        "value": 15, // Days on market for the listing.
69        "level": 1 // Display level for this field.
70    },
71    "timeOnRedfin": {
72        "value": 1254082043, // Time spent on Redfin, in seconds.
73        "level": 1 // Display level for this field.
74    },
75    "originalTimeOnRedfin": {
76        "value": 1254082047, // Original time on Redfin, in seconds.
77        "level": 1 // Display level for this field.
78    },
79    "timeZone": "US/Pacific", // Timezone of the property location.
80    "primaryPhotoDisplayLevel": 1, // Display level for the primary photo.
81    "photos": {
82        "value": "0-33:0", // Range of photos available for the listing.
83        "level": 1 // Display level for this field.
84    },
85    "additionalPhotosInfo": [], // Additional photo metadata, if any.
86    "hasInsight": false, // Indicates if the listing has insights available.
87    "sashes": [], // Special tags or labels for the listing.
88    "keyFacts": [
89        {
90            "description": "7,327 sq ft lot", // Key fact describing the lot size.
91            "rank": 0 // Rank or priority for displaying this fact.
92        },
93        {
94            "description": "$1 HOA", // Key fact describing HOA fees.
95            "rank": 1 // Rank or priority for displaying this fact.
96        },
97        {
98            "description": "Garage", // Key fact describing the property feature.
99            "rank": 2 // Rank or priority for displaying this fact.
100        }
101    ],
102    "isHot": false, // Indicates if the property is a hot listing.
103    "hasVirtualTour": false, // Indicates if a virtual tour is available.
104    "hasVideoTour": false, // Indicates if a video tour is available.
105    "has3DTour": false, // Indicates if a 3D tour is available.
106    "newConstructionCommunityInfo": {}, // Information about new construction communities, if applicable.
107    "isRedfin": false, // Indicates if the listing is from Redfin.
108    "isActiveKeyListing": false, // Indicates if the listing is a key active listing.
109    "isNewConstruction": false, // Indicates if the property is new construction.
110    "listingRemarks": "Located on a quiet residential street in the Kentwood neighborhood of Westchester, this single-story home is in need of renovation and restoration. With a lot of size of over 7,300 square feet, this property is well suited for new construction or for an addition to the existing home. The home features a living room with hardwood floors, a fireplace and a bay window; a dining area connected to the living room; a near original kitchen with a breakfast bar; three bedrooms; two bathrooms; and a large den with a huge fireplace. Two-car detached garage and a big back yard.", // Remarks or description for the listing.
111    "remarksAccessLevel": 1, // Access level for viewing remarks.
112    "businessMarketId": 5, // Identifier for the business market.
113    "isShortlisted": false, // Indicates if the property is shortlisted.
114    "isViewedListing": false, // Indicates if the listing has been viewed.
115    "responseCode": 200, // HTTP response code for the listing.
116    "riftPageType": "ldp", // Page type for the listing.
117    "isFMLS": false, // Indicates if the listing belongs to FMLS (First Multiple Listing Service).
118    "pageExperimentInfo": {
119        "offMarketDPExperimentInfo": {
120            "pageType": 1, // Type of page for the experiment.
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492    },
493    "publicRecordsInfo": {
494        "basicInfo": { // Basic public record details for the property.
495            "beds": 3, // Number of bedrooms in the property.
496            "baths": 2, // Number of bathrooms in the property.
497            "propertyTypeName": "Single Family Residential", // Type of the property.
498            "numStories": 1, // Number of stories in the property.
499            "yearBuilt": 1949, // The year the property was constructed.
500            "yearRenovated": 1952, // The year the property was renovated.
501            "sqFtFinished": 1749, // Finished square footage of the property.
502            "totalSqFt": 1749, // Total square footage of the property.
503            "lotSqFt": 7327, // Lot size in square feet.
504            "apn": "4112009034", // Assessor's Parcel Number (APN).
505            "propertyLastUpdatedDate": 1733408516838, // Timestamp of the last update for this property record.
506            "displayTimeZone": "US/Pacific" // Timezone of the property.
507        },
508        "taxInfo": { // Tax information for the property.
509            "taxableLandValue": 669071, // Taxable value of the land.
510            "taxableImprovementValue": 167258, // Taxable value of improvements on the land.
511            "rollYear": 2023, // Tax roll year for the listed values.
512            "taxesDue": 10333.15 // Taxes due for the specified roll year.
513        },
514        "allTaxInfo": [ // List of tax information over several years.
515            {
516                "taxableLandValue": 669071, // Taxable land value for the year.
517                "taxableImprovementValue": 167258, // Taxable improvement value for the year.
518                "rollYear": 2023, // Tax roll year.
519                "taxesDue": 10333.15 // Taxes due for the year.
520            },
521            ...
522        ],
523        "addressInfo": { // Address details of the property.
524            "isFMLS": false, // Indicates if the property is part of an FMLS (First Multiple Listing Service).
525            "street": "7919 Chase Ave", // Street address.
526            "city": "Los Angeles", // City of the property.
527            "state": "CA", // State of the property.
528            "zip": "90045", // Zip code of the property.
529            "countryCode": "US" // Country code of the property.
530        },
531        "mortgageCalculatorInfo": { // Information for mortgage calculation.
532            "displayLevel": 1, // Level of visibility for this data.
533            "dataSourceId": 40, // Data source identifier.
534            "listingPrice": 1650000, // Current listing price of the property.
535            "downPaymentPercentage": 20, // Percentage of the down payment.
536            "monthlyHoaDues": 1, // Monthly HOA dues.
537            "propertyTaxRate": 1.25, // Property tax rate percentage.
538            "homeInsuranceRate": 0.32, // Home insurance rate percentage.
539            "mortgageInsuranceRate": 0.75, // Mortgage insurance rate percentage.
540            "creditScore": 740, // Credit score for mortgage calculation.
541            "loanType": 1, // Loan type identifier.
542            "mortgageRateInfo": { // Detailed mortgage rate information.
543                "tenYearFixed": 5.825, // 10-year fixed mortgage rate.
544                "fifteenYearFixed": 5.928, // 15-year fixed mortgage rate.
545                "thirtyYearFixed": 6.857 // 30-year fixed mortgage rate.
546            },
547            "bankrateDisclaimers": { // Disclaimers for bank rate data.
548                "thirtyYearFixedDisclaimer": "Average rate for a 30-year fixed loan in 90045 is 6.857%.", // Disclaimer text for the 30-year rate.
549            },
550            "countyId": 321, // County identifier.
551            "stateId": 9, // State identifier.
552            "countyName": "Los Angeles County", // Name of the county.
553            "stateName": "California" // Name of the state.
554        },
555        "latestListingInfo": { // Information about the latest listing for the property.
556            "beds": 3, // Number of bedrooms.
557            "baths": 1.75, // Number of bathrooms.
558            "totalSqFt": 1749, // Total square footage of the property.
559            "lotSqFt": 7327, // Lot size in square feet.
560            "numStories": 1, // Number of stories in the property.
561            "propertyTypeName": "Single Family Residential", // Type of the property.
562            "yearBuilt": 1949 // The year the property was constructed.
563        },
564        "countyUrl": "/county/321/CA/Los-Angeles-County", // URL for the county page.
565        "countyName": "Los Angeles County", // Name of the county.
566        "sectionPreviewText": "Compare listing to public record, refreshed 12/05/2024" // Preview text for the section.
567    },
568    "schoolsAndDistrictsInfo": {
569        "servingThisHomeSchools": [
570            {
571                "servesHome": true, // Indicates if the school serves the listed property.
572                "greatSchoolsRating": 7, // Rating of the school by GreatSchools (scale of 1-10).
573                "parentRating": 4, // Average rating provided by parents.
574                "distanceInMiles": "0.5", // Distance of the school from the property in miles.
575                "gradeRanges": "K-6", // Grades served by the school.
576                "institutionType": "Public", // Type of the institution (e.g., Public, Private).
577                "name": "Cowan Avenue Elementary School", // Name of the school.
578                "schoolUrl": "/school/113111/CA/Los-Angeles/Cowan-Avenue-Elementary-School", // URL for more details about the school.
579                "greatSchoolOverviewUrl": "", // URL to the GreatSchools profile.
580                "id": 113111, // Unique ID for the school.
581                "numberOfStudents": 416, // Number of students enrolled.
582                "fullAddress": "7615 Cowan Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045", // Full address of the school.
583                "numReviews": 37, // Total number of reviews for the school.
584                "studentToTeacherRatio": 20, // Ratio of students to teachers.
585                "websiteUrl": "", // Official website of the school.
586                "schoolReviews": [
587                    {
588                        "schoolId": 41815321, // Unique ID for the review.
589                        "reviewedBy": "Parent", // Reviewer type (e.g., Parent).
590                        "datePosted": "August 2023", // Date when the review was posted.
591                        "review": "Detailed review content...", // Content of the review.
592                        "reviewerRating": 1, // Rating given by the reviewer (scale of 1-5).
593                        "lastUpdatedDate": "September 2024", // Last updated date of the review.
594                        "url": "" // URL to the review on GreatSchools.
595                    }
596                ],
597                "schoolGranularRatings": [
598                    {
599                        "schoolGranularRatingType": "Test Scores", // Type of granular rating.
600                        "schoolGranularRatingValue": "7", // Value of the rating.
601                        "schoolGranularRatingCopyText": "Detailed explanation of the test score rating...", // Explanation of the rating.
602                        "schoolGranularRatingsDescription": "Description of how the rating was derived." // Additional details about the rating.
603                    }
604                ],
605                "schoolDistrict": {
606                    "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District", // Name of the school district.
607                    "address": "333 South Beaudry Avenue", // Address of the district office.
608                    "city": "Los Angeles", // City of the district office.
609                    "stateCode": "CA", // State code of the district office.
610                    "zip": "90017", // ZIP code of the district office.
611                    "latitude": 34.056198, // Latitude of the district office.
612                    "longitude": -118.257172, // Longitude of the district office.
613                    "websiteUrl": "", // Official website of the district.
614                    "greatschoolDistrictOverviewUrl": "" // URL to the district profile on GreatSchools.
615                }
616            }
617        ],
618        "districtsServingThisHome": [
619            {
620                "districtName": "Los Angeles Unified School District", // Name of the district.
621                "districtUrl": "", // URL of the district's official website.
622                "districtId": 9940 // Unique ID for the district.
623            }
624        ],
625        "totalSchoolsServiced": 1, // Total number of schools serving the property.
626        "sectionPreviewText": "Average rating 5 out of 10", // Summary text for the schools section.
627        "shouldHideSection": false // Indicates if the schools section should be hidden.
628    },
629    "homeHighlightsTagsInfo": ["HARDWOOD FLOORS"], // Highlights or special features of the home.
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631        "listingId": 197098337, // Unique identifier for the listing.
632        "openHousesDisplayLevel": 1, // Level of open house visibility.
633        "videoOpenHouses": [], // List of video open house details.
634        "hotnessInfo": {
635            "isHot": false, // Indicates if the property is marked as "hot."
636            "hotnessMessageInfoWithTourLink": {
637                "hotnessMessageAction": "go tour it now" // Suggested action for a "hot" property.
638            }
639        },
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641            "dataSourceId": 40, // ID of the data source.
642            "dataSourceDescription": "Combined LA/Westside MLS (CLAW TheMLS)", // Description of the data source.
643            "dataSourceName": "TheMLS", // Name of the data source.
644            "shouldShowLargerLogo": false // Indicates if a larger logo should be displayed for the source.
645        },
646        "listingAgents": [
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648                "agentInfo": {
649                    "agentName": "Daniel John Cavanaugh", // Name of the listing agent.
650                    "isAgentNameBlank": false, // Indicates if the agent's name is blank.
651                    "isRedfinAgent": false, // Indicates if the agent is a Redfin agent.
652                    "isPartnerAgent": false, // Indicates if the agent is a partner agent.
653                    "isExternalAgent": false // Indicates if the agent is external.
654                },
655                "brokerName": "Cavanaugh Realtors", // Name of the broker.
656                "license": "00576151", // License number of the agent.
657                "licenseLabel": "DRE #", // Label for the license.
658                "breNumber": "00576151", // BRE (Bureau of Real Estate) number.
659                "agentPhoneNumber": {
660                    "phoneNumber": "310-837-7161", // Agent's contact number.
661                    "displayLevel": 1 // Display level of the phone number.
662                },
663                "agentEmailAddress": "", // Email address of the agent.
664                "isOpendoor": false // Indicates if the property is an Opendoor listing.
665            }
666        ],
667        "buyingAgents": [], // List of agents representing buyers.
668        "lastCheckedDate": 1734521484716, // Timestamp when the property was last checked.
669        "lastUpdatedDate": 1734135362000, // Timestamp when the property information was last updated.
670        "remarksDisplayLevel": 1, // Display level for remarks.
671        "marketingRemarks": [
672            {
673                "marketingRemark": "Located on a quiet residential street in the Kentwood neighborhood of Westchester, this single-story home is in need of renovation and restoration. With a lot of size of over 7,300 square feet, this property is well suited for new construction or for an addition to the existing home. The home features a living room with hardwood floors, a fireplace and a bay window; a dining area connected to the living room; a near original kitchen with a breakfast bar; three bedrooms; two bathrooms; and a large den with a huge fireplace. Two-car detached garage and a big back yard.",
674                "displayLevel": 1 // Display level of the marketing remark.
675            }
676        ],
677        "selectedAmenities": [
678            {
679                "header": "HOA Dues", // Label for the amenity.
680                "content": "$1 monthly HOA fee" // Content of the amenity.
681            },
682            {
683                "header": "Style",
684                "content": "Traditional"
685            },
686            {
687                "header": "Community",
688                "content": "Westchester",
689                "displayLevel": 1
690            },
691            {
692                "header": "County",
693                "content": "Los Angeles",
694                "url": "/county/321/CA/Los-Angeles-County"
695            },
696            {
697                "header": "MLS#",
698                "content": "24-468539"
699            },
700            {
701                "header": "Built",
702                "content": "Built in 1949"
703            },
704            {
705                "header": "Lot Size",
706                "content": "7,327 sq ft lot"
707            },
708            {
709                "header": "Property Type",
710                "content": "Single-family"
711            },
712            {
713                "header": "Parking",
714                "content": "1 garage spaces (2 total)"
715            }
716        ],
717        "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7919-Chase-Ave-90045/home/6617816", // Property URL.
718        "timezone": "US/Pacific", // Timezone of the property.
719        "streetAddress": "7919 Chase Ave", // Street address of the property.
720        "fullStreetAddress": "7919 Chase Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045", // Full address of the property.
721        "mlsId": "24-468539", // MLS identifier.
722        "mlsIdDisplayLevel": 1, // Display level for the MLS ID.
723        "mapNearbyHomesUrl": "/city/11203/CA/Los-Angeles/filter/viewport=33.97239661114502:33.96338438885498:-118.40647875180665:-118.41849504819336,no-outline", // URL to map nearby homes.
724        "searchStatus": 1, // Status of the search result.
725        "mlsStatusDisplay": {
726            "displayValue": "Active", // Display value of the MLS status.
727            "definition": "This home is for sale and the sellers are accepting offers.", // Definition of the MLS status.
728            "longerDefinitionToken": "active" // Extended definition token for the MLS status.
729        },
730        "showPriceHomeLink": false, // Indicates if the price home link should be displayed.
731        "showClaimHomeLink": true, // Indicates if the claim home link should be displayed.
732        "alwaysShowAgentAttribution": true, // Indicates if agent attribution is always shown.
733        "showOffMarketWarning": false, // Indicates if the off-market warning should be shown.
734        "propertyAddress": {
735            "streetNumber": "7919", // Street number of the property.
736            "streetName": "Chase", // Street name of the property.
737            "streetType": "Ave", // Street type of the property.
738            "city": "Los Angeles", // City of the property.
739            "stateOrProvinceCode": "CA", // State or province code.
740            "postalCode": "90045", // Postal code of the property.
741            "countryCode": "US" // Country code of the property.
742        }
743    },
744    "openHouseInfo": {
745        "openHouseList": [], // List of open houses scheduled for the property.
746        "openHouseConfirmationIdMap": {}, // Confirmation IDs for open houses.
747        "openHouseCalendarInformationMap": {} // Calendar information for open houses.
748    },
749    "listingTimezone": "US/Pacific", // Timezone for the listing.
750    "numBeds": 3, // Number of bedrooms in the property.
751    "numBaths": 2, // Number of bathrooms in the property.
752    "listingPrice": "1650000_US_DOLLAR", // Listing price of the property in USD.
753    "lastSoldDate": 1057129200000, // Timestamp of the last sold date.
754    "isServiced": true, // Indicates if the listing is actively serviced.
755    "isActivish": true, // Indicates if the listing is active or somewhat active.
756    "isHidden": false, // Indicates if the listing is hidden from the public.
757    "isVisibilityRestricted": false, // Indicates if visibility is restricted for the listing.
758    "soldDateTimeZone": "US/Pacific", // Timezone for the sold date.
759    "priceInfo": {
760        "amount": 1650000, // The price amount in USD.
761        "label": "Price", // Label for the price field.
762        "displayLevel": 1, // Display level of the price information.
763        "dataSourceId": 40 // Data source ID for the price information.
764    },
765    "searchStatusId": 1, // Search status identifier for the listing.
766    "streetAddress": {
767        "streetNumber": "7919", // Street number of the property.
768        "directionalPrefix": "", // Directional prefix for the street (if any).
769        "streetName": "Chase", // Name of the street.
770        "streetType": "Ave", // Type of the street (e.g., Avenue, Street).
771        "directionalSuffix": "", // Directional suffix for the street (if any).
772        "unitType": "", // Type of the unit (if applicable).
773        "unitValue": "", // Value of the unit (if applicable).
774        "addressDisplayLevel": {
775            "displayLevel": 1, // Display level for the address.
776            "displayText": "", // Display text for the address.
777            "dataSourceId": 40 // Data source ID for the address information.
778        },
779        "assembledAddress": "7919 Chase Ave", // Assembled address string.
780        "includeStreetNumber": true, // Indicates if the street number should be included.
781        "includeUnitNumber": true, // Indicates if the unit number should be included.
782        "includeStreetName": true // Indicates if the street name should be included.
783    },
784    "dataSources": [], // List of data sources used for the property information (currently empty).
785    "historicalGraphEnabled": true, // Indicates if a historical graph is enabled for this listing.
786    "sectionPreviewText": "Map and directions", // Preview text for the corresponding section.
787    "random": {
788        "seed": 50714751788423, // Seed value used for random operations.
789        "nextNextGaussian": 0, // Next Gaussian value in random sequence.
790        "haveNextNextGaussian": false // Indicates if the next Gaussian value is available.
791    },
792    "queryId": "0b81ce1a-af85-30e6-8609-5ea52e1ff2c3", // Unique identifier for the current query.
793    "compIdOriginalIndexMap": {
794        "6613656": 4, // Mapping of component ID to its original index.
795        "6616686": 1,
796        "6618004": 3,
797        "6619085": 5,
798        "6619576": 2,
799        "6619998": 6
800    },
801    "displayLevel": 1, // Display level of this information.
802    "predictedValue": 1653057.45, // Predicted value of the property in USD.
803    "noteCount": 0, // Number of notes associated with the property (currently none).
804    "tourCount": 0, // Number of tours scheduled for the property (currently none).
805    "primaryListingId": 197098337, // Identifier for the primary listing of the property.
806    "addressInfo": {
807        "isFMLS": false, // Indicates if the property is listed in FMLS (False in this case).
808        "street": "7919 Chase Ave", // Street address of the property.
809        "city": "Los Angeles", // City where the property is located.
810        "state": "CA", // State abbreviation for the property's location.
811        "zip": "90045", // ZIP code for the property's location.
812        "countryCode": "US" // Country code for the property's location.
813    },
814    "displayTimeZone": "US/Pacific", // Time zone for displaying property-related information.
815    "insightCreationPermission": 3, // Permission level for creating insights (specific value usage is domain-dependent).
816    "showDisclaimer": false, // Indicates whether disclaimers are shown (False in this case).
817    "isBlockedFromTouring": false, // Indicates whether the property is blocked from touring (False in this case).
818    "homes": [
819        {
820            "mlsId": {
821                "label": "MLS#",
822                "value": "24-378225" // Multiple Listing Service ID for the property.
823            },
824            "showMlsId": false, // Indicates whether the MLS ID is displayed.
825            "showDatasourceLogo": false, // Indicates whether the data source logo is displayed.
826            "price": {
827                "value": 1785000, // Price of the property in USD.
828                "level": 1 // Confidence level for the price.
829            },
830            "hideSalePrice": false, // Indicates if the sale price should be hidden.
831            "sqFt": {
832                "value": 1928, // Total area of the property in square feet.
833                "level": 1 // Confidence level for the square footage.
834            },
835            "pricePerSqFt": {
836                "value": 926, // Price per square foot in USD.
837                "level": 1 // Confidence level for the price per square foot.
838            },
839            "beds": 3, // Number of bedrooms in the property.
840            "baths": 2, // Number of bathrooms in the property.
841            "fullBaths": 2, // Number of full bathrooms in the property.
842            "stories": 1, // Number of stories in the property.
843            "streetLine": {
844                "value": "7912 Mcconnell Ave", // Street address of the property.
845                "level": 1 // Confidence level for the street address.
846            },
847            "unitNumber": {
848                "level": 1 // Confidence level for the unit number.
849            },
850            "city": "Los Angeles", // City where the property is located.
851            "state": "CA", // State abbreviation for the property.
852            "zip": "90045", // ZIP code for the property location.
853            "postalCode": {
854                "value": "90045", // Postal code value.
855                "level": 1 // Confidence level for the postal code.
856            },
857            "countryCode": "US", // Country code for the property location.
858            "soldDate": 1721631600000, // Timestamp of the sold date.
859            "searchStatus": 4, // Search status identifier for the property.
860            "propertyType": 6, // Type of the property (e.g., single-family, apartment).
861            "listingType": 1, // Type of the listing (e.g., sale, rent).
862            "propertyId": 6617747, // Unique identifier for the property.
863            "listingId": 186335746, // Unique identifier for the listing.
864            "dataSourceId": 40, // Data source identifier.
865            "marketId": 3, // Identifier for the market.
866            "dom": {
867                "value": 149, // Days on market.
868                "level": 1 // Confidence level for days on market.
869            },
870            "timeOnRedfin": {
871                "value": 12889954880, // Time on Redfin in seconds.
872                "level": 1 // Confidence level for time on Redfin.
873            },
874            "timeZone": "US/Pacific", // Timezone for the property location.
875            "primaryPhotoDisplayLevel": 1, // Display level for the primary photo.
876            "photos": {
877                "value": "0:6", // Range of available photos.
878                "level": 1 // Confidence level for photo information.
879            },
880            "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7912-McConnell-Ave-90045/home/6617747", // URL to the property listing.
881            "sashes": [
882                {
883                    "sashType": 1, // Type of sash (e.g., Sold).
884                    "sashTypeId": 1, // Identifier for the sash type.
885                    "sashTypeName": "Sold", // Name of the sash type.
886                    "sashTypeColor": "#5D8ACB", // Color associated with the sash type.
887                    "isRedfin": false, // Indicates if the sash is a Redfin sash.
888                    "isActiveKeyListing": false, // Indicates if the listing is active key.
889                    "openHouseText": "", // Text for open house information.
890                    "lastSaleDate": "JUL 22, 2024", // Date of the last sale.
891                    "lastSalePrice": "" // Price of the last sale (not provided).
892                },
893                {
894                    "sashType": 31, // Type of sash (e.g., 3D Walkthrough).
895                    "sashTypeId": 31, // Identifier for the sash type.
896                    "sashTypeName": "3D Walkthrough", // Name of the sash type.
897                    "sashTypeColor": "#7556F2", // Color associated with the sash type.
898                    "isRedfin": false, // Indicates if the sash is a Redfin sash.
899                    "isActiveKeyListing": false, // Indicates if the listing is active key.
900                    "openHouseText": "", // Text for open house information.
901                    "lastSaleDate": "", // Date of the last sale (not provided).
902                    "lastSalePrice": "" // Price of the last sale (not provided).
903                }
904            ],
905            "isRedfin": false, // Indicates if the listing is on Redfin.
906            "listingRemarks": "Tucked away in North Kentwood, this traditional three-bedroom, two-bathroom home exudes charm and sophistication. Accented by a majestic magnolia tree and a brick-clad walkway leading up to the front door, the property invites you into a world of timeless elegance. Upon entering, picture windows in the living room flood the space with natural light, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The wood-burning fireplace and original oak wood floors add to the home's traditional charm, offering a cozy retreat on cooler evenings. The formal dining room seamlessly flows into the chef's kitchen, where you'll find dual ovens, a peninsula island with a breakfast counter, and a greenhouse window above."
907        }
908    ],
909    "comparables": [
910        {
911            "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7517-Dunbarton-Ave-90045/home/6616686", // URL to the comparable property listing.
912            "status": {
913                "displayValue": "Sold", // Display value for the property status.
914                "definition": "This listing sold and is now off the market.", // Definition of the property status.
915                "longerDefinitionToken": "sold" // Token for extended status definition.
916            },
917            "priceInfo": {
918                "amount": 1642000, // Sold price of the comparable property in USD.
919                "label": "Sold Price", // Label for the price information.
920                "displayLevel": 1 // Confidence level for the price information.
921            },
922            "hideSalePrice": false, // Indicates if the sale price should be hidden.
923            "propertyId": 6616686, // Unique identifier for the comparable property.
924            "listingId": 193593657, // Unique identifier for the listing.
925            "entireAddressString": "7517 Dunbarton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045", // Full address of the comparable property.
926            "streetAddress": {
927                "streetNumber": "7517", // Street number of the property.
928                "directionalPrefix": "", // Directional prefix for the street (if any).
929                "streetName": "Dunbarton", // Street name of the property.
930                "streetType": "Ave", // Type of the street (e.g., Avenue, Street).
931                "directionalSuffix": "", // Directional suffix for the street (if any).
932                "unitType": "", // Unit type (if any).
933                "unitValue": "", // Unit value (if any).
934                "addressDisplayLevel": {
935                    "displayLevel": 1, // Display level for the address.
936                    "displayText": "", // Additional text for display.
937                    "dataSourceId": 40 // Data source identifier for the address.
938                },
939                "assembledAddress": "7517 Dunbarton Ave", // Assembled address for the property.
940                "includeStreetNumber": true, // Whether the street number should be included in the address.
941                "includeUnitNumber": true, // Whether the unit number should be included in the address.
942                "includeStreetName": true // Whether the street name should be included in the address.
943            },
944            "city": "Los Angeles", // City of the comparable property.
945            "state": "CA", // State of the comparable property.
946            "zip": "90045", // ZIP code for the comparable property.
947            "countryCode": "US", // Country code for the comparable property.
948            "beds": 3, // Number of bedrooms in the comparable property.
949            "baths": 2, // Number of bathrooms in the comparable property.
950            "numFullBaths": 2, // Number of full bathrooms in the comparable property.
951            "sqFt": {
952                "displayLevel": 1, // Display level for the square footage.
953                "value": 1687 // Square footage of the comparable property.
954            },
955            "soldDate": 1729839600000, // Timestamp for the sold date of the comparable property.
956            "hasOpen": false, // Indicates if the property has open house availability.
957            "hasAgc": false, // Additional property availability flag.
958            "isRedfin": false, // Indicates if the property is listed on Redfin.
959            "searchStatus": 4, // Search status identifier for the comparable property.
960            "propertyType": 6, // Type of the comparable property.
961            "listingType": 1, // Type of the listing for the comparable property.
962            "latLong": {
963                "latitude": 33.9723541, // Latitude of the comparable property.
964                "longitude": -118.4105069 // Longitude of the comparable property.
965            },
966            "primaryPhotoDisplayLevel": 1, // Display level for the primary photo.
967            "secondaryPhotoDisplayLevel": 1, // Display level for the secondary photo.
968            "availablePhotos": "0-17:0", // Range of available photos.
969            "dataSourceId": 40, // Data source identifier.
970            "mlsId": "24-444371", // MLS ID for the comparable property.
971            "broker": "", // Name of the broker for the comparable property (if any).
972            "showListingAndSellingBrokers": false, // Indicates if listing and selling brokers are displayed.
973            "shouldShowMlsId": false, // Indicates if the MLS ID should be shown.
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975                {
976                    "sashType": 1, // Type of sash (e.g., Sold).
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978                    "sashTypeName": "Sold", // Name of the sash type.
979                    "sashTypeColor": "#5D8ACB", // Color associated with the sash type.
980                    "isRedfin": false, // Indicates if the sash is a Redfin sash.
981                    "isActiveKeyListing": false, // Indicates if the listing is active key.
982                    "openHouseText": "", // Text for open house information.
983                    "lastSaleDate": "OCT 25, 2024", // Date of the last sale.
984                    "lastSalePrice": "" // Price of the last sale (not provided).
985                }
986            ]
987        }
988    ],
989    "minPrice": 1385000, // Minimum price among the listed properties in USD.
990    "maxPrice": 2360000, // Maximum price among the listed properties in USD.
991    "aveDolSF": 983, // Average dollar per square foot among the listed properties.
992    "showHigher": false, // Indicates whether higher price ranges should be shown.
993    "similarsOriginalIndexMap": {
994        "6612496": 12, // Mapping of similar properties to their index.
995        "6612764": 14,
996        "6613696": 9,
997        "6613952": 8,
998        "6614689": 5,
999        "6615129": 1,
1000        "6616686": 11,
1001        "6617504": 15,
1002        "6617747": 2,
1003        "6617852": 13,
1004        "6618004": 6,
1005        "6618471": 3,
1006        "6619085": 10,
1007        "6632920": 4,
1008        "6633650": 16,
1009        "8101691": 7
1010    },
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1012    "sections": [
1013        {
1014            "name": "New Listings in 90045", // Section title for new property listings.
1015            "links": [
1016                {
1017                    "name": "7100 La Tijera Blvd Unit B102", // Property name or address.
1018                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7100-La-Tijera-Blvd-90045/unit-B102/home/8121344" // URL to the property.
1019                },
1020                {
1021                    "name": "5900 W 74th St",
1022                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/5900-W-74th-St-90045/home/6602377"
1023                },
1024                {
1025                    "name": "8932 Ramsgate Ave",
1026                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/8932-Ramsgate-Ave-90045/home/6637573"
1027                },
1028                {
1029                    "name": "5855 W 76th St",
1030                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/5855-W-76th-St-90045/home/6602707"
1031                },
1032                {
1033                    "name": "7360 Coastal View Dr",
1034                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7360-Coastal-View-Dr-90045/home/21923394"
1035                },
1036                {
1037                    "name": "8112 Airlane Ave",
1038                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/8112-Airlane-Ave-90045/home/6608684"
1039                },
1040                {
1041                    "name": "7833 Naylor Ave",
1042                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/7833-Naylor-Ave-90045/home/6607110"
1043                },
1044                {
1045                    "name": "8043 Altavan Ave",
1046                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/8043-Altavan-Ave-90045/home/6620454"
1047                },
1048                {
1049                    "name": "8072 Kentwood Ave",
1050                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/8072-Kentwood-Ave-90045/home/6613083"
1051                },
1052                {
1053                    "name": "6007 W 75th St",
1054                    "url": "/CA/Los-Angeles/6007-W-75th-St-90045/home/6606255"
1055                },
1056                {
1057                    "name": "All 90045 New Listings",
1058                    "url": "/zipcode/90045/new-listings" // URL for all new listings in the ZIP code.
1059                }
1060            ]
1061        },
1062        {
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1065                {
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1068                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale" // Additional description for the link.
1069                },
1070                {
1071                    "name": "Los Angeles",
1072                    "url": "/city/11203/CA/Los-Angeles",
1073                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale"
1074                },
1075                {
1076                    "name": "Long Beach",
1077                    "url": "/city/10940/CA/Long-Beach",
1078                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale"
1079                }
1080            ]
1081        },
1082        {
1083            "name": "Zip Codes", // Section title for ZIP code-related links.
1084            "links": [
1085                {
1086                    "name": "91011",
1087                    "url": "/zipcode/91011",
1088                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale"
1089                },
1090                {
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1092                    "url": "/zipcode/90049",
1093                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale"
1094                },
1095                {
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1097                    "url": "/zipcode/90210",
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1099                },
1100                {
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1102                    "url": "/zipcode/90024",
1103                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale"
1104                },
1105                {
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1107                    "url": "/zipcode/90025",
1108                    "secondaryName": "homes for sale"
1109                }
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1111        }
1112    ],
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1116        {
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1119        },
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1123        },
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1128    ],
1129    "cityUrl": "/city/11203/CA/Los-Angeles", // URL for the city listing.
1130    "cityName": "Los Angeles", // Name of the city.
1131    "rentalEstimateInfo": {
1132        "displayLevel": 1, // Level of detail for display.
1133        "propertyId": 6617816, // Unique identifier for the property.
1134        "predictedValue": 6278, // Predicted rental value in USD.
1135        "predictedValueLow": 6148, // Lower bound of the predicted rental value.
1136        "predictedValueHigh": 6320, // Upper bound of the predicted rental value.
1137        "shouldShow": true // Indicates whether the rental estimate should be displayed.
1138    },
1139    "displayType": 3, // Type of display for the property.
1140    "propertyTypeId": 6, // Numerical type identifier for the property (e.g., single-family, condo).
1141    "previewText": "$6,148 - $6,320 / mo", // Text preview of the rental estimate.
1142    "localInsightCount": 0, // Number of local insights available.
1143    "experienceType": 5, // Type of experience for the user.
1144    "experienceData": {
1145        "refundMessagingData": {
1146            "__att_names": [...], // Attribute names for refund messaging data.
1147            "__root": {
1148                "agent": {
1149                    "__g_id": "agent-6337", // Global ID for the agent.
1150                    "agentName": "Michael Berlin", // Name of the agent.
1151                    "agentType": 1, // Type of the agent.
1152                    "agentTier": "Base Tier", // Tier of the agent.
1153                    "phoneNumber": "(424) 532-9479", // Contact number for the agent.
1154                    "averageRating": 9.92 // Average rating for the agent.
1155                },
1156                "phoneNumber": "(424) 532-9479", // General contact number.
1157                "phoneNumberUrl": "tel:+14245329479" // Phone URL for quick call.
1158            }
1159        }
1160    },
1161    "recommendedAgent": {
1162        "profileUrl": "/real-estate-agents/michael-berlin", // URL to the agent's profile.
1163        "teamName": "West Los Angeles Team", // Team name the agent belongs to.
1164        "fullName": "Michael Berlin", // Full name of the agent.
1165        "jobTitle": "Redfin Agent", // Job title of the agent.
1166        "averageRating": 9.92, // Average rating for the agent.
1167        "photoUrl": "", // URL to the agent's photo.
1168        "phoneNumber": "310-486-2613", // Agent's phone number.
1169        "totalDealsInPastYear": 8 // Number of deals closed by the agent in the past year.
1170    },
1171    "neighborhoodData": {
1172        "zipcodeChartName": "Westchester", // Name of the chart for the ZIP code.
1173        "zipcodeChartUrl": "/stingray/do/region-chart/2024_12_18/1/290650/MEDIAN_HOUSE_SQ_FT_BY_TIME.png", // URL to the ZIP code chart.
1174        "zipcodeUrl": "/neighborhood/290650/CA/Los-Angeles/Westchester", // URL to the neighborhood's page.
1175        "regionStats": [
1176            {
1177                "name": "Westchester", // Name of the region.
1178                "listPrice": 1729000, // Average listing price in the region.
1179                "listPricePerSqFt": 858, // Average price per square foot in the region.
1180                "saleToList": 1.034959967078127 // Sale-to-list price ratio in the region.
1181            },
1182            {
1183                "name": "Silicon Beach",
1184                "listPrice": 1699000,
1185                "listPricePerSqFt": 935,
1186                "saleToList": 0.9863157183131666
1187            },
1188            {
1189                "name": "Los Angeles",
1190                "listPrice": 1195000,
1191                "listPricePerSqFt": 668,
1192                "saleToList": 0.9943932477176901
1193            }
1194        ]
1195    },
1196    "servicePolicy": 28, // Service policy identifier.
1197    "isServicedByRedfinAgent": true, // Indicates if the property is serviced by a Redfin agent.
1198    "detailsPageContext": 1, // Context for the details page.
1199    "serviceThreshold": 4, // Threshold for service quality.
1200    "serviceRegionId": 2377, // Identifier for the service region.
1201    "hasActivePartnerAgents": true, // Indicates if there are active partner agents for the property.
1202    "percentageOfHomesOffMarket": 0, // Percentage of homes off the market in the region.
1203    "numberOfWeeks": 0, // Number of weeks for certain analysis.
1204    "isAboveThreshold": false, // Indicates if the property is above the defined service threshold.
1205    "leadAgents": [], // List of lead agents associated with the property.
1206    "associateAgents": [], // List of associate agents.
1207    "propertyTypeDisplay": "House", // Descriptive label for the property type.
1208    "hasRegionAggs": true, // Indicates if regional aggregates are available.
1209    "pluralString": "houses", // Plural form of the property type for display purposes.
1210    "hasZipCodeChart": true, // Indicates if a ZIP code chart is available.
1211    "walkScoreInfo": {
1212        "walkScoreData": {
1213            "walkScore": {
1214                "value": 47, // Walk score value indicating the walkability of the area.
1215                "link": "",
1216                "shortDescription": "Car-Dependent", // Short description of the walk score.
1217                "description": "Most errands require a car", // Detailed description of the walkability.
1218                "color": "#e69500" // Color code representing the walkability score.
1219            },
1220            "bikeScore": {
1221                "value": 58, // Bike score value indicating bike-friendliness.
1222                "link": ""
1223            },
1224            "transitScore": {
1225                "value": 42, // Transit score value indicating public transportation accessibility.
1226                "link": ""
1227            }
1228        }
1229    },
1230    "primaryRegionInfo": {
1231        "primaryRegionWithStats": {
1232            "regionId": {
1233                "regionType": 1, // Numerical type identifier for the region.
1234                "tableId": 290650 // Unique identifier for the region's data table.
1235            },
1236            "displayName": "Westchester", // Display name of the primary region.
1237            "polygonDataStr": "(((-118.380705 33.976383,-118.380541 33.976379,-118.380392 33.976385,...", // Encoded polygon string for the region boundary.
1238            "staticMapUrl": ""
1239        },
1240        "hasOiAggs": false // Indicates if other information aggregates are available.
1241    },
1242    "numHomeViews": 0, // Number of views the home has received.
1243    "p90ViewThreshold": 0, // 90th percentile view threshold.
1244    "isPopular": false, // Indicates if the property is popular based on views.
1245    "isFirstTour": false, // Indicates if the property is the user's first tour.
1246    "isEligible": false, // Eligibility status for specific programs or features.
1247    "showPromptForLiveChat": false, // Indicates if a prompt for live chat should be shown.
1248    "isExperimentEligible": false, // Eligibility status for experiments or trials.
1249    "avmUpdateDate": 1734521554825, // Timestamp for the last AVM update.
1250    "saleHistory": [], // Historical sale data for the property.
1251    "propertyTimeSeries": [
1252        1346407, 1355728, 1385276, 1418640, 1417600, 1419163, 1411404, 1404611,
1253        1413708, 1415782, 1428517, 1435150, 1452643, 1461789, 1460648, 1479510,
1254        1501511, 1507012, 1541959, 1549564, 1630069, 1626026, 1612041, 1623536,
1255        1651000, 1667220, 1739680, 1786551, 1850494, 1867919, 1903332, 1896578,
1256        1868468, 1706904, 1700622, 1565203, 1555459, 1777232, 1723620, 1702107,
1257        1748932, 1781276, 1732572, 1693075, 1657040, 1652268, 1633484, 1584974,
1258        1581635, 1770136, 1854617, 1847863, 1813213, 1819739, 1774252, 1753316,
1259        1752997, 1749888, 1738613, 1653057
1260    ], // Historical property price data.
1261    "postalCodeTimeSeries": [], // Historical price data for the postal code.
1262    "cityTimeSeries": [
1263        698215, 701269, 706389, 712090, 714768, 718344, 722976, 730124, 739698,
1264        749189, 760182, 770175, 776860, 782539, 793485, 806036, 821975, 846642,
1265        857873, 872113, 921566, 927927, 933728, 939469, 944698, 952959, 967038,
1266        983057, 999372, 1015378, 1021998, 1019381, 1002812, 934022, 917934,
1267        864149, 874681, 924026, 920954, 931265, 939175, 942062, 935333, 936348,
1268        934193, 940272, 937539, 931945, 925175, 987135, 1000878, 1013649,
1269        974305, 979549, 968462, 962678, 956631, 951915, 942276, 937398
1270    ], // Historical price data for the city.
1271    "countyTimeSeries": [
1272        623718, 626709, 630954, 635424, 638725, 641718, 645614, 650589, 657342,
1273        665691, 674384, 682526, 688768, 694502, 702980, 713239, 724845, 744026,
1274        751392, 764265, 810510, 816412, 821895, 827822, 833395, 840780, 851157,
1275        864929, 875791, 887299, 892449, 889835, 878566, 824679, 810615, 764259,
1276        770471, 815832, 813109, 822641, 830679, 836963, 828980, 830718, 828232,
1277        829679, 829090, 825153, 823196, 872535, 882476, 892925, 865029, 870527,
1278        862196, 856188, 851178, 853126, 846941, 843819
1279    ], // Historical price data for the county.
1280    "statusColor": "#067741", // Hex color code representing the current status.
1281    "segments": [
1282        {
1283            "type": 1,
1284            "text": "FOR SALE - " // Segment indicating the listing is for sale.
1285        },
1286        {
1287            "type": 3,
1288            "text": "ACTIVE", // Segment indicating the active status.
1289            "link": "/definition/active",
1290            "flyoutDefinition": "This home is for sale and the sellers are accepting offers."
1291        }
1292    ],
1293    "mlsStatusId": 54, // MLS status identifier.
1294    "regionName": "Westchester", // Name of the region.
1295    "assembledAddress": "7919 Chase Ave", // Complete address of the property.
1296    "walkScoreData": {
1297        "walkScore": {
1298            "value": 47, // Walk score value indicating walkability.
1299            "link": "",
1300            "shortDescription": "Car-Dependent", // Short description of the walkability.
1301            "description": "Most errands require a car", // Detailed description.
1302            "color": "#e69500" // Hex color code representing the walk score.
1303        },
1304        "bikeScore": {
1305            "value": 58, // Bike score value indicating bike-friendliness.
1306            "link": ""
1307        },
1308        "transitScore": {
1309            "value": 42, // Transit score value indicating public transportation access.
1310            "link": ""
1311        }
1312    },
1313    {
1314        "pointOfInterestList": [
1315            {
1316                "pointOfInterestId": 2533981,
1317                "dataSourceId": 293,
1318                "name": "The Manchester",
1319                "latitude": 33.96009063720703,
1320                "longitude": -118.41925048828125,
1321                "popularity": 0.9399999976158142,
1322                "photos": [
1323                    "",
1324                    ""
1325                ],
1326                "venueRealityBucket": 1,
1327                "provenanceRating": 1,
1328                "closedBucket": 1,
1329                "address": "8522 Lincoln Blvd",
1330                "locality": "Los Angeles",
1331                "region": "CA",
1332                "postcode": "90045",
1333                "country": "us",
1334                "phoneNumber": "(310) 909-3587",
1335                "website": "",
1336                "priceBucket": 2,
1337                "providesDelivery": true,
1338                "categories": [
1339                    {
1340                        "categoryId": 13009,
1341                        "dataSourceId": 293,
1342                        "lab