Twitter (X) User Email Scraper | Pay Per Result avatar

Twitter (X) User Email Scraper | Pay Per Result

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Twitter (X) User Email Scraper | Pay Per Result

Twitter (X) User Email Scraper | Pay Per Result


Scrapes emails of Twitter (X) users. Powerful tool for extracting valuable contact information from the Twitter platform.


every time I try to run my set for finding twitter emails, it throws an exception


famed_notebook opened this issue
4 months ago

im running a set of ~6000 twitter users to find emails and it breaks in 5 seconds every time with a NoneType object error

genial_candlestand avatar

Hello! One of your urls links to the Twitter homepage, so the scraper couldn't retrieve the username and would terminate with an error. I've already made fixes to prevent the wrong url from throwing an error, you can try again. Thanks for your issue!

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