TikTok User Information Scraper avatar

TikTok User Information Scraper

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TikTok User Information Scraper

TikTok User Information Scraper

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Pay $6.00 for 1,000 users

TikTok User Information scraper: Extract profile data by username, user ID, or URL. Perfect for market research and influencer analysis. Scrape TikTok profiles easily.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 4 monthly users

  • No reviews yet

  • 1 bookmark

  • Created in Mar 2025

  • Modified 18 hours ago

This scraper provides comprehensive information about TikTok users, including details such as name, nickname, ID, bio, follower/following counts, and engagement metrics like play, share, and comment counts.

As TikTok lacks a robust and free official API, this actor serves as an unofficial API, enabling you to retrieve valuable user data.

The TikTok User Information Data scraper supports the following features:

  • User details - Retrieve all user-related information.

If you want to get specific data from TikTok

You can use the scrapers below. Each scraper is made to help you get different kinds of TikTok data, like hashtags, search results, profiles, or everything at once. You can look at them to see which one you need.

🎹️ Fast TikTok API📹️ TikTok Trend API🔍️ TikTok Search API
🧛️ TikTok User API🧛️ TikTok User Info API#️ TikTok Hashtag API
🛍️ TikTok Shop API👤️ TikTok Followers API⚡️ TikTok Scraper (pay-per-result)
💬 TikTok Comment API🎶 TikTok Music API🎶 TikTok Music Trend API
🐦 Twitter - X.com Scraper

Bugs, fixes, updates and changelog

This scraper is under active development. If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here.

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on TikTok User Info API that should be visited. Required fields are:

usernamesList of TikTok usernames to scrape. Has highest priority.Array["nike", "example_user"]
userIdsList of TikTok user IDs (UIDs) to scrape.Array["6714563164218679553", "1234567890"]
urlsList of TikTok user profile URLs to scrape.Array["https://www.tiktok.com/@nickiminai"]

Compute Unit Consumption

The actor optimized to run blazing fast and scrape many as listings as possible. Therefore, it forefronts all listing detail requests. If actor doesn't block very often it'll scrape 100 listings in 30 seconds with ~0.03-0.07 compute units.

How to Scrape TikTok User Data

1. Scrape User Data using username

2  "usernames": [
3    "breannashiveley"
4  ]

2. Scrape User Data using user's ID

2  "userIds": [
3    "208464585232822272"
4  ]

3. Scrape User Data using URL to profile

2  "urls": [
3    "https://www.tiktok.com/@nickiminai"
4  ]

4. Scrape All

2  "userIds": [
3    "208464585232822272"
4  ],
5  "usernames": [
6    "breannashiveley"
7  ],
8  "urls": [
9    "https://www.tiktok.com/@nickiminai"
10  ]

During the Run

During the run, the actor will output messages letting you know what is going on. Each message always contains a short label specifying which page from the provided list is currently specified. When items are loaded from the page, you should see a message about this event with a loaded item count and total item count for each page.

If you provide incorrect input to the actor, it will immediately stop with failure state and output an explanation of what is wrong.

TikTok User Information API Export

During the run, the actor stores results into a dataset. Each item is a separate item in the dataset.

You can manage the results in any language (Python, PHP, Node JS/NPM). See the FAQ or our API references to learn more about getting results from this TikTok User Info API actor.

User Information In JSON format.

2  "uid": "208464585232822272",
3  "unique_id": "nike",
4  "nickname": "Nike",
5  "bio_url": "https://linkin.bio/nike",
6  "total_favorited": 18443294,
7  "twitter_id": "",
8  "twitter_name": "",
9  "account_type": 3,
10  "ad_virtual": false,
11  "advance_feature_item_order": [
12    20
13  ],
14  "apple_account": 0,
15  "avatar_168x168": {
16    "uri": "tos-useast5-avt-0068-tx/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c",
17    "url_list": [
18      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_168x168.webp?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=iO8Z1uKpRG5jynA%2BAw6ND6SztR8%3D",
19      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_168x168.jpeg?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=H259CrWXtp3plTsl7lZaQoXxAlA%3D"
20    ],
21    "url_prefix": null
22  },
23  "avatar_300x300": {
24    "uri": "tos-useast5-avt-0068-tx/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c",
25    "url_list": [
26      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_300x300.webp?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=iIBpadLQcRPvfauyfLZGDd4miBA%3D",
27      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_300x300.jpeg?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=4jE9MYyxQqrMAoONVnjT8S6tenw%3D"
28    ],
29    "url_prefix": null
30  },
31  "avatar_larger": {
32    "uri": "tos-useast5-avt-0068-tx/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c",
33    "url_list": [
34      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_1080x1080.webp?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=rbAuiQKYSjzHCrJ8DDYuZ2xie%2BM%3D",
35      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_1080x1080.jpeg?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=%2BOXf0mltFENXz9mWAq%2BnYFKi%2FSY%3D"
36    ],
37    "url_prefix": null
38  },
39  "avatar_medium": {
40    "uri": "tos-useast5-avt-0068-tx/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c",
41    "url_list": [
42      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_720x720.webp?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=GPjdachqxaJQ5n%2Fvp0CWvNlQlZw%3D",
43      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_720x720.jpeg?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=PDiBDkKfHRlHfpayHuZuJsd3BTg%3D"
44    ],
45    "url_prefix": null
46  },
47  "avatar_thumb": {
48    "uri": "tos-useast5-avt-0068-tx/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c",
49    "url_list": [
50      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_100x100.webp?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=ERmi0FWi6rbmcIi0mfTVLBVmGRc%3D",
51      "https://p16-sign-va.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/908fe11a62bf22cd36dbea27296d670c~c5_100x100.jpeg?x-expires=1699977600&x-signature=ocQkV7q0ydjHek3b2seZhAjNTdA%3D"
52    ],
53    "url_prefix": null
54  },
55  "aweme_count": 780,
56  "bio_secure_url": "https://www.tiktok.com/link/?aid=1233&lang=en&scene=bio_url&target=https%3A%2F%2Flinkin.bio%2Fnike&owner_suid=MS4wLjABAAAA_3ndMt8d_tECTdpKgCxcx238tOnQZX-20wqN01aMui5zQ7hsqSdff-jC5qYC-Cl_",
57  "biz_account_info": {
58    "added_contact_and_link_list": null,
59    "coupon_list": null,
60    "leads_gen": {
61      "action_name": "",
62      "business_data": "",
63      "has_leads_gen": false,
64      "page_id": 0,
65      "schema_url": ""
66    },
67    "permission_list": [
68      "001001",
69      "001002",
70      "001003",
71      "001004",
72      "001005",
73      "002001",
74      "002002",
75      "002005",
76      "004001",
77      "004006",
78      "004009",
79      "004012",
80      "006001",
81      "007001",
82      "007003",
83      "007004",
84      "007005",
85      "008001",
86      "010001",
87      "010002",
88      "010003",
89      "015001",
90      "015002",
91      "015003",
92      "018003",
93      "020001",
94      "021001",
95      "018001"
96    ]
97  },
98  "can_message_follow_status_list": [
99    0,
100    1,
101    2,
102    4
103  ],
104  "category": "Sports, Fitness & Outdoors",
105  "commerce_user_info": {
106    "ad_revenue_rits": null
107  },
108  "commerce_user_level": 0,
109  "custom_verify": "",
110  "display_qna_on_profile": 1,
111  "enterprise_verify_reason": "Verified account",
112  "favoriting_count": 0,
113  "follow_status": 0,
114  "follower_count": 5020466,
115  "follower_status": 0,
116  "following_count": 180,
117  "forward_count": 0,
118  "ins_id": "nike",
119  "is_block": false,
120  "is_blocked": false,
121  "is_effect_artist": false,
122  "is_star": false,
123  "live_commerce": false,
124  "live_push_notification_status": 2,
125  "message_chat_entry": true,
126  "mplatform_followers_count": 0,
127  "music_tab_info": {
128    "show_artist_pick_videos": false
129  },
130  "original_musician": {
131    "digg_count": 0,
132    "music_count": 0,
133    "music_used_count": 0,
134    "new_release_clip_ids": null
135  },
136  "privacy_setting": {
137    "following_visibility": 2
138  },
139  "profile_tab_type": 0,
140  "recommend_reason_relation": "",
141  "room_id": 0,
142  "sec_uid": "MS4wLjABAAAA_3ndMt8d_tECTdpKgCxcx238tOnQZX-20wqN01aMui5zQ7hsqSdff-jC5qYC-Cl_",
143  "secret": 0,
144  "share_info": {
145    "bool_persist": 1,
146    "now_invitation_card_image_urls": null,
147    "share_desc": "Check out Nike! #TikTok",
148    "share_desc_info": "TikTok: Make Every Second Count",
149    "share_image_url": {
150      "uri": "tos-useast5-p-0068-tx/105776f7806b459cb32f294ebd046503_1699287598",
151      "url_list": [
152        "https://p16-sign.tiktokcdn-us.com/obj/tos-useast5-p-0068-tx/105776f7806b459cb32f294ebd046503_1699287598?x-expires=1699826400&x-signature=20%2FtSclpyuGPlE1pLbsOh3Xc4h8%3D",
153        "https://p19-sign.tiktokcdn-us.com/obj/tos-useast5-p-0068-tx/105776f7806b459cb32f294ebd046503_1699287598?x-expires=1699826400&x-signature=ew%2F%2BslI6sHcrLICt8iUolIVj%2BmU%3D"
154      ],
155      "url_prefix": null
156    },
157    "share_title": "Join TikTok and see what I’ve been up to!",
158    "share_title_myself": "",
159    "share_title_other": "",
160    "share_url": "https://www.tiktok.com/@nike?_r=1&_d=e9cbalc6a27625&sec_uid=MS4wLjABAAAA_3ndMt8d_tECTdpKgCxcx238tOnQZX-20wqN01aMui5zQ7hsqSdff-jC5qYC-Cl_&share_author_id=208464585232822272&sharer_language=en&source=h5_m&u_code=e9cbcf4gk687hf"
161  },
162  "short_id": "0",
163  "show_effect_list": true,
164  "show_favorite_list": false,
165  "signature": "",
166  "signature_language": "un",
167  "story_status": 0,
168  "supporting_ngo": {},
169  "tab_settings": {
170    "private_tab": {
171      "private_tab_style": 1,
172      "show_private_tab": false
173    }
174  },
175  "verification_type": 0,
176  "video_icon": {
177    "uri": "",
178    "url_list": [],
179    "url_prefix": null
180  },
181  "watch_status": false,
182  "with_commerce_enterprise_tab_entry": false,
183  "with_commerce_entry": false,
184  "with_new_goods": false,
185  "youtube_channel_id": "",
186  "youtube_channel_title": ""

Scrape any TikTok data you need with dedicated scrapers

If you want to get specific data from TikTok, you can use the scrapers below. Each scraper is made to help you get different kinds of TikTok data, like hashtags, search results, profiles, or everything at once. You can look at them to see which one you need.

🎹️ Fast TikTok API📹️ TikTok Trend API🔍️ TikTok Search API
🧛️ TikTok User API🧛️ TikTok User Info API#️ TikTok Hashtag API
🛍️ TikTok Shop API👤️ TikTok Followers API⚡️ TikTok Scraper (pay-per-result)
💬 TikTok Comment API🎶 TikTok Music API🎶 TikTok Music Trend API
🐦 Twitter - X.com Scraper