Xiaohongshu User Profile Scraper avatar

Xiaohongshu User Profile Scraper

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Xiaohongshu User Profile Scraper

Xiaohongshu User Profile Scraper


Scrape data from user profile page (e.g. https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/56970f036a6a69031d3c6e15).

XiaoHongShu User Profile Scraper

Scrape user profile data from XiaoHongShu.


Input parameters

  • startUrls: The start urls to crawl.


2 "startUrls": [
3  {
4    "url": "https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5c9cb22d00000000110201ed"
5  }
6 ]


Here's an example of scraped data from user profile https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5c9cb22d00000000110201ed.


2    "basicInfo": {
3        "images": "https://sns-avatar-qc.xhscdn.com/avatar/6392d3e20b107a9b856db748.jpg?imageView2/2/w/360/format/webp",
4        "redId": "617284149",
5        "gender": 1,
6        "ipLocation": "意大利",
7        "desc": "“首先是自己” 真诚乃第一要义✨\n  模特 pickkstar@163.com",
8        "imageb": "https://sns-avatar-qc.xhscdn.com/avatar/6392d3e20b107a9b856db748.jpg?imageView2/2/w/540/format/webp",
9        "nickname": "耳朵仔子"
10    },
11    "interactions": [
12        {
13            "type": "follows",
14            "name": "关注",
15            "count": "10+"
16        },
17        {
18            "type": "fans",
19            "name": "粉丝",
20            "count": "50w+"
21        },
22        {
23            "type": "interaction",
24            "name": "获赞与收藏",
25            "count": "200w+"
26        }
27    ],
28    "tags": [
29        {
30            "icon": "http://ci.xiaohongshu.com/icons/user/gender-female-v1.png",
31            "tagType": "info"
32        },
33        {
34            "name": "时尚博主",
35            "tagType": "profession"
36        }
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38    "notes": [
39        {
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47                "cover": {
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49                    "url": "",
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63                },
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66                "displayTitle": "“一些光影记录” ",
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68                    "nickname": "耳朵仔子",
69                    "nickName": "耳朵仔子",
70                    "avatar": "https://sns-avatar-qc.xhscdn.com/avatar/6392d3e20b107a9b856db748.jpg",
71                    "userId": "5c9cb22d00000000110201ed"
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81                "displayTitle": "又长大了一岁诶🎂 ",
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84                    "avatar": "https://sns-avatar-qc.xhscdn.com/avatar/6392d3e20b107a9b856db748.jpg",
85                    "userId": "5c9cb22d00000000110201ed",
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100                        {
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109                },
110                "noteId": "65587f23000000000f0242f4"
111            },
112            "index": 1,
113            "exposed": false
114        },
115    ]
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