Magento E-Commerce Scraper 🚧 avatar
Magento E-Commerce Scraper 🚧
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Magento E-Commerce Scraper 🚧

Magento E-Commerce Scraper 🚧

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Scrape data about product price, description and other information from Magento E-Commerce websites.


Data error


boundless_omelette opened this issue
6 months ago

When scraping a Magento site with grouped products, it does not correctly scrape the (availability) stock_status per SKU in grouped product and only takes the master SKU stock_status. This means that while SKU's can be out of stock within the grouped product, the scraped data shows that it is in stock.

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 16 monthly users
  • 1 star
  • 77.9% runs succeeded
  • 60 days response time
  • Created in May 2023
  • Modified 5 months ago