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Twitter Explorer

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Get account data of multiple users


pulsewave opened this issue
8 months ago

Hey again! Is there any way to pull account data from multiple accounts in 1 api call? I've used the from @account1 OR account2 OR account3 with type People, but sometimes accounts aren't showing there for some reason.

Wondering if there's another way, thanks!

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

8 months ago

Hello. it is possible (1 twitter request per account name). maybe I can add a new parameter for this. . just hold on .



8 months ago

Awesome let me know! I found another workaround in the meantime which is to add all accounts I want to get data in a list, then request the get list members endpoint! Requires some work to manage that list though

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

7 months ago

Great finding! in case you still need the other way, I have added new parameter users for scraping multiple user profiles. let me know if something broken



7 months ago

Awesome! It works well, although the speed time for each run is significantly longer, which would have a big impact in my use case as I have to process lots of users.

My current setup for user lookup takes about 8s { "filters.from": "@DeFi_Paanda", "filters.type": "people", "limit": 1 }

While the new method takes bout 30s even for 1 account only { "limit": 1, "users": [ "@DeFi_Paanda" ] }

Not sure if there is anything you can do about that one though!

Thanks again!

Jupri avatar

cat (Jupri)

7 months ago

hey @pulsewave, yep it use one request per username, compared to your method using only one request which is more efficient The long time delays probably because this actor using proxies.



7 months ago

Ok I'll stick with my current method for large requests then thank you!

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Actor metrics
  • 20 monthly users
  • 3 stars
  • 98.2% runs succeeded
  • 1.9 hours response time
  • Created in May 2023
  • Modified 3 days ago