Google Sheets Import & Export avatar

Google Sheets Import & Export

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Google Sheets Import & Export

Google Sheets Import & Export

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Import data from datasets or JSON files to Google Sheets. Programmatically process data in Sheets. Easier and faster than the official Google Sheets API and perfect for importing data from scraping.



What should the actor do

Value options:

"append": string"replace": string"modify": string"read": string"load backup": string

Default value of this property is "append"

Spreadsheet id


Id of the spreadsheet from where the old data will be loaded

Public spreadsheet (read-only)


If checked, you don't need to authorize. You have to publish your spreadsheet and it works only in read mode

Default value of this property is false

Dataset ID


Dataset or crawler execution id where the new data will be loaded from

Raw data


Raw data JSON array. Can be array of arrays for direct row import or arrays of objects.

Limit items


Number of items to take from the dataset. The default is 250000.

Default value of this property is 250000

Offset items


Number of items to skip from the dataset. Default is 0.

Default value of this property is 0

Deduplicate by field


Items will be deduplicated by a value of this field. Cannot be used together with 'Deduplicate by equality' or 'Transform function'.

Deduplicate by equality


Items will be deduplicated if they are the same. Cannot be used together with 'Deduplicate by field' or 'Transform function'.

Transform function


Custom function that will take new items and old items arrays as parameters and produces final array that will be imported. Cannot be used together with 'Deduplicate by equality' or 'Deduplicate by field'



Range of the spreadsheet in A1 notation where the actor should operate. Default is the first sheet.

Columns order


Array of keys. First sorts the columns by provided keys. The rest is sorted alphabetically.

Keep column order from sheet


If true, keeps the order of columns as they are in the sheet. If there is no sheet data yet, this does nothing.

Google OAuth tokens store


Key-value store where your Google OAuth tokens will be stored so you don't have to authorize every time again. By default it is google-oauth-tokens

Default value of this property is "google-oauth-tokens"

Create backup


Old rows from your spreadsheet will be saved to the default key-value store before importing new rows.

Backup store id


Id of the key-value store where the backup you want to load is located. Can pnly be used if mode is 'load-backup'

Google Developer Console credentials


If you want to use this actor locally or with your own version, you have to provide your own crednetials. Check actor readme for more information.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 71 monthly users

  • 30 stars

  • 86% runs succeeded

  • 2.5 days response time

  • Created in Jan 2019

  • Modified 4 days ago