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Dataset Image Downloader & Uploader

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Dataset Image Downloader & Uploader

Dataset Image Downloader & Uploader

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Download image files from image URLs in your datasets and save them to a Zip file, Key-Value store, or directly your AWS S3 bucket.

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image position in array


webiodigital opened this issue
a year ago

I have multiple image arrays within input dataset (dataset is result of cheerio scraper, which scrapes multiple pages and gets links of multiple images from each page). Using "Dataset Image Download & Uploader" I would like to download all the images, while the output name of the image should be "item.id_position-of-image-within-its-array". Is this possible to achieve somehow? I mean to define "position of image within its array"?

By using "${state[url].imageIndex}" I am able to achieve the output image name "item.id_${state[url].imageIndex}", but ${state[url].imageIndex} considers all images being within one array

Example of file name I would like to achieve: 26550_01.jpg, 26550_02.jpg, then 26551_01.jpg, 26551_02.jpg And I am only able to get: 26550_01.jpg, 26550_02.jpg, 26551_03.jpg, 26551_04.jpg

If I am correct I need to define imageIndex within itemIndex. Is that possible?

paja avatar

Hi, thanks for reaching out, we'll look into it and let you know what can be done.

lukaskrivka avatar


Sorry for being so late, I see you already resolved the issue on your own.

Better late than never, I added indexInArrray field to the Filename function.

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  • Modified 23 days ago