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Twitter Scraper


$1.50 / 1,000 tweets

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Twitter Scraper

Twitter Scraper


Developed by

Caleb David

Maintained by Community

Twitter Scraper searches and extracts data from Twitter (with historic data from 2006) - parses and converts the data to structured formats: HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel and XML.

5.0 (1)


$1.50 / 1,000 tweets


Monthly users


Runs succeeded


Last modified

6 months ago

What search terms do you want to scrape?


If you add search terms, the scraper will find and extract tweets that mention those terms. Alternatively, see further down to scrape by Twitter URL.

Do you want to filter by content?


This setting will change how the data is received by the scraper. Setting it to latest yields more results.

Value options:

"top": string"live": string

Default value of this property is "live"

Maximum number of tweets


This value lets you set the maximum number of tweets to retrieve. Twitter has a default limit of around 800 tweets per query. Check the README for workarounds.

Default value of this property is 1000

Maximum number of tweets per query


This value lets you set the maximum number of tweets to retrieve per query.

Default value of this property is 1000

Number of request retries


Number of times to retry when the run fails.

Default value of this property is 6

Add user information


Appends an object to each tweet containing the user information. You can decrease the size of your dataset by turning this off.

Default value of this property is true

Scrape tweet replies


Enable if you want to extract both tweet details and the replies. Disabling it will return only the tweet details, no replies.

Default value of this property is true

Tweets from this date


Scrape tweets starting from this date

Tweets until this date


Scrape tweets until this date

Do you want to scrape by Twitter handle?


You can add the twitter handles of specific profiles you want to scrape. This is a shortcut so that you don't have to add full username URLs like

Do you want to scrape by Twitter URL?


This lets you tell the scraper where to start. You can enter Twitter URLs one by one. You can also link to or upload a text file with a list of URLs


Pricing model

Pay per result 

This Actor is paid per result. You are not charged for the Apify platform usage, but only a fixed price for each dataset of 1,000 items in the Actor outputs.

Price per 1,000 items
