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S3 Bucket Uploader

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S3 Bucket Uploader

S3 Bucket Uploader

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Upload the items from the default dataset of an actor's run to an S3 bucket in JSON format.

Maintained by Community

Actor Metrics

  • 7 monthly users

  • No reviews yet


  • >99% runs succeeded

  • Created in May 2022

  • Modified a year ago

Bucket name


The name of the bucket.

Bucket region


Select your bucket's region

Value options:

"us-east-2": string"us-east-1": string"us-west-1": string"us-west-2": string"af-south-1": string"ap-east-1": string"ap-southeast-3": string"ap-south-1": string"ap-northeast-3": string"ap-northeast-2": string"ap-southeast-1": string"ap-southeast-2": string"ap-northeast-1": string"ca-central-1": string"cn-north-1": string"cn-northwest-1": string"eu-central-1": string"eu-west-1": string"eu-west-2": string"eu-south-1": string"eu-west-3": string"eu-north-1": string"sa-east-1": string"me-south-1": string"us-gov-east-1": string"us-gov-west-1": string

Default value of this property is "us-east-2"

Access key


The access key found on your AWS account.

Secret access key


The secret access key found on your AWS account.

Actor run ID


The ID of the actor's run.

Path name


The path you'd like each record to live in. Check the README to learn about which variables are available. It is not recommended to use unique variables in the path name.

File name


The name each file should have. You do not need to include the file's extension. Check the README to learn about which variables are available.

Separate items


When set to "false", the entire dataset will be uploaded as a single JSON file. When set to "true", each dataset item will be its own file.

Default value of this property is false