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Shein Scraper

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Shein Scraper

Shein Scraper

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2 days trial then $30.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrape product data from Shein with this reliable tool. Extract price, images, description, sizes, category, shipping price and much more. Download your data as HTML table, JSON, CSV, Excel, XML, and RSS feed.

Start URLs


It can be a product URL, category URL, search results URL or any URL that contains a list of products.

Max items


Maximum number of items you want to scrape per run. It will automatically paginate through to each URL, until it reaches the limit.

Default value of this property is 0

Max items per URL


Instead of specifying Max items, you can specify how many items you want to scrape per URL. It will automatically paginate through to each listing URL of products that you provide in Start URLs. Leave this field blank if you want to use Max items instead.

Default value of this property is 0

Shipping to


Select country to get shipping price for. Select 'Do not scrape shipping price' if you don't need it. It will make the actor run faster.

Value options:

"none": string"AF": string"AL": string"DZ": string"AD": string"AO": string"AI": string"AG": string"AR": string"AM": string"AW": string"AU": string"AT": string"AZ": string"BS": string"BH": string"BD": string"BB": string"BY": string"BE": string"BZ": string"BJ": string"BM": string"BT": string"BO": string"BA": string"BW": string"BV": string"BR": string"IO": string"BN": string"BG": string"BF": string"BI": string"KH": string"CM": string"CA": string"CV": string"KY": string"CF": string"TD": string"CL": string"CN": string"CX": string"CO": string"KM": string"CG": string"CK": string"CR": string"HR": string"CU": string"CY": string"DK": string"DJ": string"DM": string"DO": string"TL": string"EC": string"EG": string"SV": string"GQ": string"ER": string"EE": string"ET": string"FO": string"FJ": string"FI": string"FR": string"GF": string"PF": string"TF": string"GA": string"GM": string"GE": string"DE": string"GH": string"GI": string"GL": string"GD": string"GP": string"GU": string"GT": string"GN": string"GW": string"GY": string"HT": string"HN": string"IS": string"IN": string"ID": string"IR": string"IQ": string"IE": string"IL": string"IT": string"JM": string"JP": string"JO": string"KZ": string"KE": string"KI": string"KW": string"KG": string"LA": string"LV": string"LB": string"LS": string"LR": string"LI": string"LT": string"LU": string"MO": string"MK": string"MG": string"MW": string"MY": string"MV": string"ML": string"MT": string"MH": string"MQ": string"MR": string"MU": string"YT": string"MX": string"FM": string"MD": string"MC": string"MN": string"MS": string"ME": string"MA": string"MZ": string"MM": string"NA": string"NR": string"NP": string"NL": string"AN": string"NC": string"NZ": string"NI": string"NE": string"NG": string"NU": string"NF": string"KP": string"NO": string"OM": string"PK": string"PW": string"PS": string"PA": string"PG": string"PY": string"PE": string"PH": string"PN": string"PL": string"PT": string"PR": string"QA": string"RE": string"RU": string"RW": string"LC": string"WS": string"SM": string"ST": string"SA": string"RS": string"SN": string"SC": string"SL": string"SG": string"SK": string"SI": string"SB": string"SO": string"ZA": string"KR": string"ES": string"LK": string"SD": string"SR": string"SZ": string"SE": string"CH": string"SY": string"TW": string"TJ": string"TZ": string"TH": string"TG": string"TK": string"TO": string"TT": string"TN": string"TR": string"TM": string"TC": string"TV": string"UG": string"UA": string"AE": string"GB": string"US": string"UY": string"UZ": string"VU": string"VA": string"VE": string"VN": string"VG": string"VI": string"WF": string"EH": string"YE": string"JU": string"ZM": string"ZW": string

Default value of this property is "none"

Include reviews count and rating


If checked, the scraper will scrape the number of reviews and the average rating for each product.

Default value of this property is false

Include series info


If checked, the scraper will scrape info about the collection for each product.

Default value of this property is false

Search term


Search term to use get the list of results. If you add a term, the start URLs will be ignored.

Default value of this property is ""



Host to use for search requests.

Value options:

"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string"": string

Default value of this property is ""

Max pages


Maximum number of pages of search terms results you want to scrape.

Default value of this property is 1

Sort results by


Sort by option to use for search requests.

Value options:

"default": string"top_rated": string"price_low_to_high": string"price_high_to_low": string"new_arrivals": string

Default value of this property is "default"

Maintained by Community
Actor metrics
  • 41 monthly users
  • 4 stars
  • 98.2% runs succeeded
  • 2.3 days response time
  • Created in Apr 2023
  • Modified about 10 hours ago