Fiverr Scraper avatar

Fiverr Scraper

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Fiverr Scraper

Fiverr Scraper

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2 hours trial then $20.00/month - No credit card required now

Scrapes Fiverr gigs

This actor scrapes Fiverr gigs. Data points include

  • Gig Title
  • Seller
  • Descriptions
  • Images
  • Prices
  • Ratings
  • Number of Reviews
  • and more!

Input Parameters

Data Output

Two datasets will be created from each run (go to Storage on the sidebar). One looks like fiverr-gigs-1676441778724, the other looks like fiverr-list-1676441778724. The trailing numbers are the unix timestamp the actor started.

  • fiverr-list Info retrieved from the product listing page only.

  • fiverr-gigs Info retrieved from the product detail page

How much does it cost to scrape Fiverr?

I haven't tested it yet but it uses minimal resources so I'd say 10,000 gigs for around $1~$2. I'll update this once I have more accurate data.

Sample Output


2  "title": "I will design a professional website for your business",
3  "gigId": "8554317_2",
4  "seller": "mltb300",
5  "url": "",
6  "price": "Starting at$200",
7  "rating": "5.0",
8  "reviews": "783",
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11  "crawled_at": "2023-02-15T17:38:40.312Z"


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9    "categoryName": "Graphics & Design",
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12    "subCategoryName": "Website Design",
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21    "gigTitle": "design a creative and stunning webpage",
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24    "traffiqed": false,
25    "isSellerBlocked": false,
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32    "username": "websparkles",
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43    "oneLiner": "I love creating stunning responsive websites!",
44    "rating": 4.9,
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61    "description": "I live and breathe Website Design and Development. In my last 11 years in the web design field I have expanded my skills to provide end to end  web solutions. My range of services include Web Design, Responsive websites, PHP and WordPress websites. I also design logos and social media graphics.",
62    "isPro": false,
63    "proSubCategories": [],
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67  "description": {
68    "content": "<p>I will design a creative and unique webpage for you. The best website design gig on Fiverr!</p><p><br></p><p>I can create any page be it homepage for a new website, inner page, designing a landing page, or redesigning an existing webpage.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>What you will get:</strong></p><p><br></p><p><u>Basic $10 gig:</u></p><p><br></p><p>I will deliver a one page topnotch responsive webpage design. The deliverable will be jpeg file and a layered photoshop file (.psd) .</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><u>Standard ($70) and Premium ($120) package</u></p><p><br></p><p>For a beautiful, professional, responsive website, please order one of my packages or contact me so that I can suggest the best and most cost-effective solution as per your requirements. I can design wordpress website as well as on other platforms like Wix, HTML, PHP, Weebly.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>NOTE: </strong></p><p><br></p><ul><li><strong>Please contact me first before ordering any gig.</strong></li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li><strong>Please note that 1 gig is for just one page in photoshop and does not involve coding. The page will be delivered as layered PSD and jpeg.</strong></li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li><strong>For a complete functional responsive website, please order my Standard or Premium package&nbsp;</strong></li></ul><p><br></p><ul><li><strong>As mentioned above I would appreciate if you send me a message for discussing your needs first and especially if you need more than just a psd/jpg.</strong></li></ul><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>I look forward to working with you!</p>",
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1423        "comment": "Poonam is extremely knowledgeable, fast, efficient and her communication was outstanding. I will definitely use her services again if she will work with me.",
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  • Created in Feb 2023

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